




2006 2022
Fogo Island Plastic Free Kites


Fogo Island Plastic Free Kites

with Camille Blin, Maxwell Ashford, Anthony Guex, Anniina Koivu

Fogo, nicknamed ‘a rock in the ocean’ is a small island situated off Newfoundland, Canada. As a part of a larger on-going semester project, 2nd Year Master Product Design students of ECAL, completed a short, fun, few day workshop, utilising one of the most abundant resources on the island - wind. Working in collaboration with the ShoreFast Foundation - an organisation working in numerous avenues to create a sustainable economy on the island, students developed plastic free kites. Fogo Island has the intention of becoming completely plastic free in the coming years and as their tourist numbers increase memorabilia of this special place are in higher demand. The developed kites are therefore to be made on the island and intended for the Fogo Island Workshop gift shop. Using Birch Wood, Ripstop Organic Cotton and hemp fibre string the students created a range of designs, taking reference from the unique features of the island.




with Angelo Benedetto, Guy Meldem, Sébastian Strappazzon

Workshop with Strappazzon With the aim of broadening the horizons of graphic design students beyond the media traditionally explored during their training, Sebastian Stappazzon, co-founder of AVNIER – one of today's hottest streetwear brands launched in collaboration with French rapper OrelSan – runs a week-long workshop at ECAL. From the proposals imagined by the students, a capsule collection was born, produced in a limited edition. The entire collection will be presented and on sale at an exclusive event on 15 December 2023 at La Rasude in Lausanne.




with Gaël Hugo, Yehwan Song

The students worked on creating a typographic 3D environment in a web browser. Using the words extracted from a dialogue, a sequence is illustrated in a synchronised way on two screens.




with Area Of Work

This workshop is an introduction to 3D creation software that allows you to create images with photographic qualities that are not photographs.

Workshop Jan Vorisek


Workshop Jan Vorisek

by Caroline Bischoff, Louis Fontaine, Giada Gollin, Olivia Handschin, Amina Loumachi, Clara Luna, Axel Mattart, Achille Meier, Charlie Schär, Jamie Soria, Nayla Younes, Mayalène de Roquemaurel

Self explanatory

Workshop Emmanuelle Lainé


Workshop Emmanuelle Lainé

by Charlie Jannes, Romain Rochat, Céleste Meylan, Baptiste Schaerer, Romane Roy, Mariana Isler, Noemi Leneman, Anna Kawahara, Tom Grbic, Julie Wuhrmann


Interactive gestures


Interactive gestures

with Yehwan Song

“During the workshop we’ve invented a new web-interaction with the hand and body gesture. The unique gestures found in our daily habits have been combined with mobile touch screen, gyro sensor, web camera and microphones and created new narration in the websites on the screen. As we use specific gestures to express certain feelings, we need to create more sophisticated and diverse user web-interaction. This workshop was the first step of inventing and exploring diverse user interaction and sophisticated web-narration.” Yehwan Song

Break It Fix It


Break It Fix It

with Daniël Maarleveld

Break it Fix it is the workshop's result conducted under the direction of Daniel Maarleveld. Based on the music Technologic - Daft Punk, each group have reappropriated a phrase to enhance it graphically. The result is a series of posters, a video clip compiling the different typographic systems, and a series of interactive posters based on the same rules.

The Pandora Box


The Pandora Box

with Alba Zari

This workshop offers participants a unique opportunity to delve into narratives through the lens of imagery and memory. Initially, they will engage with an archive of images, selecting a story from the past to dissect visually. This analytical phase sets the stage for a more personal exploration as participants transition to the next stage, where they will replace a character in the archive with themselves through self-portraiture. Central to the workshop is an interrogation of the medium of photography and the concept of the archive. Through guided discussions, participants will come to understand photography not just as a means of capturing moments but also as a form of witness to history. They will explore their roles as both collectors and editors of images, reflecting on the nuances of image production and consumption. Utilizing personal archives as a springboard for creativity and reflection, participants will gain insight into the complexities of visual storytelling. By examining images analytically and conceptually, they will develop a deeper understanding of their role in shaping narratives. Ultimately, the workshop aims to empower participants to create their own stories, fostering a deeper connection to both the past and their own identities through the powerful tool of photography.

Abundance & Scarcity


Abundance & Scarcity

with Nadine Sterk

When we live in a society with so much abundance yet at the same time so much scarcity, how do we discern the resources around us? How can we look to our surroundings to learn about where things come from, or how we might apply them in our own lives? More importantly, how can we live more harmoniously with nature by respecting it and taking only what we need? Within the workshop held by Nadine Sterk from Atelier NL the BA Industrial Design students were asked to create tableware around the theme ‘Abundance & Scarcity' from vernacular earth collected together in the Sauvabelin woods in Lausanne. Students and crew had no hesitation in getting their hands (and clothes) dirty to knead, turn, form, glaze, and fire ceramic tableware that tells a story.

Workshop Heidi News


Workshop Heidi News

with Benoit Rossel, Arthur Lecoeur

Heïdi News asked the Ecal film department to create ten films based on a series of articles on the theme of food. The students had to make very short films of two to three minutes that could be broadcast on the newspaper's website and social networks.

Beyond The Screen


Beyond The Screen

with Angelo Benedetto

Beyond the screen - is a series of interactive machines developed by students in their first year of Bachelor Media & Interaction Design. These systems are inspired by the relationship between instructions and execution within a computer system. These machines create text through a modular typographic system.




with Andreas Gysin

Workshop with Andreas Gysin The students worked on the concept of randomness to generate a series of patterns and drawings.

Moody Orchestra


Moody Orchestra

with Lucas Zanotto

Moody Orchestra is an interactive orchestra of seamless mood-loops. The students learned the software Cinema4D in order to create a visual and musical loop. This week of work led by @lucas_zanotto resulted on colorful and satisfying visuals.

Ecal×Mini Rethinking the Wheel


Ecal×Mini Rethinking the Wheel

with Christophe Guberan

"Rethinking the Wheel" – a series of projets on steering wheels. Will we be controlling our cars through voice recognition in future? With a soft toy? How about a pizza box? The digital transformation and electrification of cars has opened up a world of possibilities at the wheel. MINI’s design team and ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne have collaborated closely on a sophisticated design study to develop unexpected ideas for the future of steering wheels. Under the direction of ECAL tutors Camille Blin and Christophe Guberan, Master students in Product Design have addressed the topic and come up with spectacular designs, developing, improving and ultimately achieving their vision in ongoing consultation with Christian Bauer, Head of Interior Design at MINI. The result: nine innovative and surprising designs that question existing shapes and materials – and, as such, the way in which we might interact with our cars in the future – with a lot of creativity.

The Loop


The Loop

with Dirk Koy

During a week, our first-year Bachelor students in Media & Interaction Design attended a workshop led by Dirk Doy focusing on “Loops”. It assisted by Sébastien Matos The workshop was divided into two distinct parts, each utilizing a unique technique: typography and image.

Raster Walker


Raster Walker

with Gaël Hugo

Content produced during a one week workshop led by Gaël Hugo, around experimenting with image rasterisation and particle systems.

Macula Workshop avec David Douard


Macula Workshop avec David Douard

with David Douard

Questionner l’économie des images et l’idée d’authorship à travers un exercice de manipulations d’images digitales vers un objet physique. Remettre en question le rapport d’une génération artistique « Google » qui se servait volontiers dans un gouffre d’image internet pour les manipuler à foison. Aujourd’hui ce rapport est contesté par de nouvelles technologies servant et à donner une valeur et une authenticité au détournement ( NFT ) David Douard propose ainsi un workshop de sérigraphie sur 3 jours comme un moment de jouissance productive où les enjeux seraient l’appropriation par la superposition. C’est une réflexion sur l’image à capturer et sur la potentialité subjective d’une image à travers le rapport au texte, la poésie ou le langage.

What’s The Prompt?


What’s The Prompt?

with Cyril Diagne

During a week workshop given by Cyril Diagne, second year students explored the integration of machine learning tools in their creative process. By limiting the coding step in favour of using the concept of Prompt they experimented with Diffusion Models such as GPT3, Clip or DALL-E to create texts, images and videos. Comparing the way our brain seems to make our dreams and the way some AI models work, Elina Crespi used some Diffusion Model to represent her dreams.

ECAL×Cheryl Donegan


ECAL×Cheryl Donegan

Nostalagia Is a Different Kind of Pain(t) ECAL x Cheryl Donegan On the occasion of  artgenève  from 3 to 6 March at Palexpo, ECAL presents projects by Bachelor Fine Arts students produced during a workshop with American artist  Cheryl Donegan Initiated in the context of a collaboration with the Art & Vie Foundation, whose mission revolves around textiles, this workshop aimed at crossing everyday objects, subverting craft processes and reproductive gestures. Produced by students from the first to the third year, the selection of works presented reflects the transdisciplinary approach of the programme, where tapestry meets painting in dialogue with more performative pieces or digitally printed and cut aluminium sculptures. Students Patricia Araujo Roxanne Christinet Alexis Colin Oriane Emery Salomé Engel Maria Esteves Albertine Grbic Clément Grimm Laura Hagmann Mathilde Hansen Mariana Isler Charlie Jannes Anna Kawahara Nolan Lucidi Ella Minton Romane Roy Lou-Anna Ulloa del Rio Flavio Visalli Florentina Walser Opening hours Thursday 3 March: 12 - 7pm Friday 4 March: 12 - 8pm Saturday 5 March: 12 - 8pm Sunday 6 March: 12 - 7pm Palexpo Rte François-Peyrot 30 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex https://palexpo.ch/

Metaphotography - VR Workshop


Metaphotography - VR Workshop

with Robin Bervini, Milo Keller

During this five days workshop mentored by Milo Keller and Robin Bervini, the students worked in groups to create sublime environments inspired from reference photographs. The goal was to bring the viewer to a strange location to be observed from a static landmark. The students learned the basics of environment creation with the Unreal Engine 4 and they faced the technical complications in order to have their projects running on the standalone headset Meta Quest 2.

Filmmaking workshop


Filmmaking workshop

with Danielle Lessovitz

A 2-weeks filmmaking workshop led by the American director and scriptwriter Danielle Lessovitz with the students of the Master in Film - major direction and scriptwriting.

Master Cinema - Major in Sound


Master Cinema - Major in Sound

with Felix Blume

Sound creation workshop for the Master Cinema students - Major in Sound - directed by Felix Blume, sound artist and sound engineer.

Sound performance


Sound performance

Creation by Ensemble Vide, with the Master Cinema students, in coproduction with Ensemble Contrechamps, Geneva.

Workshop Rousseau mandate


Workshop Rousseau mandate

Study trip of the Master in Film students in Val de Travers, on the footsteps of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, to work on the first stages of the Mandate proposed by the MLR - Maison Rousseau et Littérature, Geneva.




with Samy La Crapule

It is around the theme “Avatars” that we spent this week of workshop with Samy La Crapule. The idea was to learn around the software Daz Studio in order to create a virtual CGI avatar. The results presented here are the result of a week’s work for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students. You can find more details about each project on our Instagram @ecal_mid.

Materialized Photography Workshop


Materialized Photography Workshop

with Mazaccio & Drowilal, MAP

During this one week workshop, the students were challenged every morning with a sculptural challenge and in the afternoon they continued developing their semester projects with the guidance of artist duo Mazaccio & Drowilal.




with Mario Von Rickenbach

Webtoys coded by 1st year Bachelor students in Media & Interaction Design as part of a week-long workshop given by Mario von Rickenbach.

Automated Photography Worshop


Automated Photography Worshop

with Marco De Mutiis

In this one week intensive workshop, digital curator Marco de Mutiis tasked the students with creating a photographic project through a process of gameification, or with otherwise automated processes.

Book making workshop


Book making workshop

with Nicolas Polli

Junkyard Diving


Junkyard Diving

with Philippe Malouin

"Form follows function" is an expression attributed to the modernist architect Louis Sullivan. It is a statement that is quite relevant to industrial design. On the other hand, form can sometimes also determine function in a process of reverse exploration. During the workshop with Philippe Malouin, students were encouraged to look for new functions inspired by forms found in a metal recycling center. In this process, random discoveries and associations were made to generate a new and surprising vocabulary of forms.

Alternative Measuring Tools


Alternative Measuring Tools

with Manuel Krebs (NORM)

Measuring, it seems, is one of the dominant concerns of modern society. We measure ourselves, our weight, our height, our temperature, from head to toe, from collar size to shoe size. We measure what is around us, from tiny to incredibly large. We measure time (from seconds to lifetimes), we measure the familiar (length, weight, volume) and the unusual (sound, radiation, voltage), we have measurement systems for everyday life and for experts. For this workshop, the students of the Bachelor Industrial Design have developed alternative measuring devices.

Workshop Stefanie Moshammer


Workshop Stefanie Moshammer

with Stéfanie Moshammer

« For this workshop there are no rules but I want you to tell me a story. I prefer to see a few images with a good concept, rather than too many images without any idea. » S.M With this invitation, the students worked on the territory of the city of Renens in search of places, people and traces of a history that is not simply a series of beautiful images.

Workshop Paolo Wood


Workshop Paolo Wood

with Paolo Wood

It has been established that photography is a language. With all its limitations and peculiarities, but a language anyway. Photography is often a relatively poor language that constantly repeats the same nouns and verbs. In the documentary tradition, the range of subjects treated is quite limited and recurrent, and for this reason, in order to make photographs, one must learn and master this language: its vocabulary, its grammar and its history.




with Mårten Lange

Failure is necessary and is part of the artistic development that is articulated by risk taking, luck, ambition, fear and freedom. The aim of the workshop was to successfully photograph, edit and sequence a series of images on the topic of failure. The final results are presented in various forms: editions, simple prints or more complex hangings and videos.

The Indecisive Moment


The Indecisive Moment

with Jaya Pelupessy

At a time when the distribution of images is lightning-fast and virtually infinite, and the distinction between the original and the copy often seems irrelevant, what is left? In this workshop the students were asked to partake in an experiment dissecting and illuminating various aspects of the image and reinterpreting its meaning. Using different reproduction techniques and methods of appropriation, students reflected on the origin and status of the image.

Workshop Cheryl Donegan


Workshop Cheryl Donegan

Workshop Attila Faravelli


Workshop Attila Faravelli

Workshop with Lydia Lunch


Workshop with Lydia Lunch

Ultra Low Resolution


Ultra Low Resolution

with Andreas Gysin

Projects created in the first year Bachelor Media & Interaction during a workshop given by Andreas Gysin.




with Nejc Prah

In October 2021, the Master Type Design welcomed Nejc Prah for a one-week workshop. Being in a masters program is a special time, both personally and professionally. To keep a memory of it, the students were invited to create a Yearbook. First years and second years were assigned into pairs and asked to make a contribution about their partner. Drawings, collages, letterings, doodles, patterns, 3D-modelling, … Experimentations and explorations were encouraged. It resulted into a colourful and joyous publication, displaying a diversity of characters and approaches. After a collaborative effort for the production on the last day, each student got a copy, as a memory.

Exquisite Corpse VR Experience


Exquisite Corpse VR Experience

with Milo Keller

On the occasion of the Biennale dell’immagine Chiasso, the 2nd year students of the Master Photography programme presented, from 17 to 19 September 2021, “Exquisite Corpse” - a series of Virtual Reality (VR) projects at the Palestra CPC. Art Direction: Milo Keller Assistants: Florian Amoser Robin Bervini Students: Emma Bedos Alexey Chernikov Mahalia “Taje” Giotto Clemens Fischer Nikolai Frerichs Hikaru Hori Augustin Lignier Sophie Schreurs Alisa Strub Yang Su

Terre Vaudoise


Terre Vaudoise

with Augustin Scott de Martinville

The objective of this project is to facilitate access to quality products from local agriculture. Terre Vaudoise is launching a new concept of Self-service 7/7. The 1st year students presented an innovative concept for the exterior and interior.

Excerpts from Master Type Design theses


Excerpts from Master Type Design theses

with Anniina Koivu, Roland Früh, Wayne Daly

Excerpts from Master Product Design theses


Excerpts from Master Product Design theses

with Anniina Koivu

AUTHOR: Adam Huxley-Khng TITLE: ON in the absence of OFF On and off – at the flick of a switch, or the touch of a button. We are able to switch between the states of being of an object without thought, rarely questioning what makes an object ‘on’. Is it the presence of electric power? A sense of agency, or animism? What if on-ness is a state of being reflected by the cultural, rather than technological, capacity of an object – the embodiment of a moment of possibility? ----- AUTHOR: Alessandro Simone TITLE: What is next? SUBTITLE: The evolution of mountaineering and human limits This research examines the mountain landscape in the context of the evolution of mountaineering. Starting from the activity’s origin, the research investigates the shifts in technology, mindset, and limits that enabled the transformation of a destination for challenging expeditions into a place for second homes and weekend enthusiasts. How were humans able to overcome their limits, and what were the motivations for this drive? Products and objects played an essential role in guiding the story of mountaineering from the old ages to nowadays, making the user and his/her experience safer, but subsequently opening this terrain to mass tourism. This research retraces historical events and technical innovations to better understand mountaineering’s evolution, imagining a possible approach to this form of high-altitude tourism for the future. ----- AUTHOR: Alexander Schul TITLE: Visual language of sustainable design Different “sustainable” design proposals have been made in the past decades: from (literally) green looking objects, to normal looking ones, to objects whose visual language speaks to sustainability in their own individual way. In this research, I analyse a few examples in regards to the way the visual language of sustainable products has been approached in the past, what sustainable design looks like today, as well as what it will look like in the near future. The essay is led by the question “How does a sustainable approach to an object influence its visual language?” ----- AUTHOR: Charlotta Åman TITLE: Waste matters SUBTITLE: Valorising secondary products for a resourceful future Throughout history, humans have been expert in utilising every element of a given re­source. The heritage of husbandry has been car­ried from generation to generation – until today. Now, we are more disconnected than ever from original assets. In present manufacturing processes, secondary matter from production is often considered as waste rather than as a resource – an unfortunate conclusion as we are running out of raw materials and landfills grow. What does it entail to fully utilise a resource by valorising its secondary products, and how does it relate to the practice of a designer? The loose connections in manufacturing chains provide an opportunity to re-think: by considering the source, the scale and the system, design can be used as a tool for transition. ----- AUTHOR: Grace, Ka Yin Cheung TITLE: Japanese miniature culture: netsuke and gachapon SUBTITLE: Why are we so fascinated with small things? Miniatures are smaller than a normal objects, and include small replicas or models. Miniatures are present in different cultures all over the world and throughout time. The miniaturisation of mundane objects is recurrent, and has been an integral part of the memory of a culture. Among the different international miniature cultures, Japan has one of the most distinctive and apparent spirits of miniaturisation. To understand why people are so fascinated with miniatures, this research looks for the answers by delving into the miniature culture of netsuke and gachapon in Japan. ----- AUTHOR: Hsin Hung Chou TITLE: Unpack flat-pack SUBTITLE: The value of ready-to-assemble furniture This research studies flat-packing from its origins in the mid-19th century to its contemporary form as one of the prevailing typologies of the global furniture industry. Guiding questions have been: If the objective is to design and produce products from a logistical and sustainable point of view, is there any other solution to knock-down furniture? Does furniture lose its aesthetic and value in the process of being flat-packed? If the future is flat, could we make it better? ----- AUTHOR: Jimin Jeon TITLE: Soft, small and far, far away SUBTITLE: Our understanding of software Fire is the first profound tool in human history that cannot be grasped with the naked hand. Fire was considered a mysterious or religious thing – a gift from God, or punishment. But it was also an essential tool for human evolution. Today, we have found another tool surrounded by mystery and misunderstandings: software. It doesn’t smell, make noise, or come in any fixed form. It just occasionally flickers through a screen. This new tool takes us to another world, beyond physical limitations, that no caveman could have imagined. But, first, we need to understand the nature of software in relation to hardware – that is, the tools we are already familiar with. ----- AUTHOR: Jisan Chung TITLE: Assemblage in design Assemblage is mainly considered an artistic technique. However, by reviewing works of various designers, we can see that the same technique has been used in the field of design, too. This study aims to examine the characteristics and the meaning of “assemblage design” and its potential. Assemblage can trigger innovate manufacturing processes and create its very own aesthetic. ----- AUTHOR: Jonas Villiger TITLE: About repairability SUBTITLE: Rules, incentives and approaches to keeping things in circulation We want our products to be durable. And, if they break or become outdated, they should be repairable and upgradeable, too. It can be a very satisfying feeling to make something work again, or to make it work even better than it did before. Unfortunately, the industry does not make this easy for consumers. Not being able to intervene when something goes wrong with an object, consumers end up simply buying new things. However, giving a device an extended lifespan keeps us from wasting valuable resources. Starting from recent legislation and public movements that call for the right to repair, this research questions the role of designers within these changing circumstances. ----- AUTHOR: Julian Ribler TITLE: The Factory SUBTITLE: An investigation into modern design principles The Modernist movement promoted the appreciation of the advancements of industry. Modernism went on to integrate industrial advancement as part of the fundamentals of the movement as a whole. The principle of applying an engineer’s perspective was thought to inform the practice of designers and architects. Exploring modern factory environments and investigating the advancements in manufacturing technology today can help us revise these principles and examine the changing factory context. ----- AUTHOR: Kwan Ming Sum TITLE: Stagnation and innovation in the wheelchair industry A wheelchair is an essential tool for people with mobility issues to perform everyday tasks and achieve social participation. Unfortunately, modern manual wheelchairs hardly satisfy the emerging need of a well-resolved wheelchair design. A fundamental shift in understanding of today’s needs and innovation in this field are urgently required. Given the growth of the aging population, a rethink of wheelchair design is critical. Through conducting several interviews with different stakeholders, including wheelchair users, producers, and designers, this research aims to investigate the underlying reasons behind the stagnation in the wheelchair industry, and looks at how that might change. ----- AUTHOR: Maxwell Ashford TITLE: Fractions SUBTITLE: Cost-effective recycling A fraction is the result of any recycling process. It refers to the amount of materials from an object that can be recycled cost effectively, and is used broadly across the recycling industry. Objects are by standard practises designed independently from any end-of-life system and inevitably, the result is that objects cannot be effectively recycled. Historically, there has been little incentive for producers, and thus designers, to deal with the death or disposal of objects. But this is due to change, as incoming legislation from the EU will force producers to use recycled materials and create more recyclable objects. In turn, this demand will affect designers. So how can we work to create more sustainable goods? ----- AUTHOR: Nadav Goldenberg TITLE: Empire State of Play SUBTITLE: Playground design in the urban environment How did the design of playgrounds evolve throughout history? And how does the urban environment play a part in their evolution? To answer these questions, I look at New York City. Here, we see a dense urban space for play development, with a long history of constant shifts in play ideals, safety regulations and the pioneering of playground design. ----- AUTHOR: Oscar Kwong TITLE: Comfort and the curve The curve exists in all ranges of expression, from the flamboyant to the modest. In the past decade there have been multiple studies that have set out to confirm our instinctual desires for the curvaceous shape, proving in every measurable scenario that humans prefer the round compared to the rectilinear. This intuitive response to the curve has been hard-wired as part of our evolutionary bias. The relationship that connects comfort and the curve will be the premise of this essay: from the buildings of Sanaa that employs the familiar curve, as a reminder of our connection with nature; to trace the postures supported by the comfy lounge and its intimate bond with the human body; to the conforming contours of everyday objects. ----- AUTHOR: Silvio Rebholz TITLE: TV studio sets SUBTITLE: A space for reality and fiction TV studio sets are spatial constructions in which TV formats such as news, talk shows or game shows are produced. On these sets, hosts interact with guests, newsreaders broadcast informa­tion and hosts entertain – always with the intention of reproducing the scene on screens. Focusing on the designs of TV studio sets, it is striking how unusually shaped they are. Elaborately sweeping curves of sofas; LEDs highlighting the edges of a desk. Remarkably, these and other exceptional elements aren’t isolated cases, but repeat across shows, broadcast genres and national borders. Their similarities suggest that it’s about more than free formal expression. What are the parameters for consideration in a “good” TV studio set? How did this unique style develop? ----- AUTHOR: Thomas Manil TITLE: The typology of coins This research project explores the history, production and formal language of coins. They are part of our lives and accompany our daily gestures. We give them, we receive them, we pocket them, or we place them carefully in a wallet. We have the impression that we know them very well, and yet, we have a hard time describing them with precision. It is an integral part of the country’s identity and embodies the link between art, design and technology. In a society that is gradually seeking to dematerialise money, the coin deserves special attention. ----- AUTHOR: Till Ronacher TITLE: The robotic arm Industrial robots have been involved in the manufacturing of products since the 1960s. But over the last decades, industrial robots have been moving out of the factories into new contexts such as architecture and design. Now, in some experimental contexts, digital fabrication is explored with the help of industrial robots. In such laboratories, the cooperation between humans and industrial robots is being investigated and applied in a design context, within which new forms and transformative design processes emerge. In this thesis, I examine some of these developments with regards to the possibilities of their integration into the design process. ----- AUTHOR: Trolle Rudebeck TITLE: A writing and drawing instrument In the age of typing, scrolling and audio-recording, cursive writing might seem endangered, particularly among younger generations. As handwriting has become more and more obsolete, it has come to be considered as a poetic or romantic act rather than a fundamental tool. Looking back to ancient civilizations and their instruments for drawing and writing, the pen’s stick-like shape has remained surprisingly constant. By looking to the past, could we predict the future of the pen?

Excerpts from Master Photography theses


Excerpts from Master Photography theses

with Anniina Koivu

AUTHOR: Sara Bastai TITLE: How to build a collective memory in the digital realm? SUBTITLE: Depicting humankind through methods of preservation It seems, sometimes, like today’s main focus of interest lies in how future societies will perceive us. The traces we might leave behind can significantly impact the history and interpretation of our current present. Can we rely on digital preservation? What should we document for the future? How can we represent and preserve society in the 21st century without being reduced to mere computational information processing? This master thesis is a speculative reflection on our current and past methods of preservation of social history. ------ AUTHOR: Maeva Bosko TITLE: Dream worlds SUBTITLE: What happens when we’re asleep? Since my early childhood, I have dreamt a lot. Sweet, pleasant or strange dreams, nightmares, sometimes even lucid dreams. Night is when I escape to these virtual worlds. But what are these worlds? Why are they so different from my ordinary waking world? I’ve even gotten to the point, on various occasions, when I preferred these dream states to my everyday reality. This is a research project into the world of dreams as an attempt to decode the unconsciousness in relation to the virtual universe and reality we experience at night. ------ AUTHOR: Natalie Maximova TITLE: Walking the landscape, in video games With a focus on landscape representation in video games called “walking simulators”, this thesis attempts to uncover questions related to a complex and ambiguous notion of landscape, from its original conception to today. During my research, I applied the interpretive approach of “reading” and decoding landscapes that have been used by geographers, as well as sociologists, artists and historians. Video game landscapes could be thought of as a system consisting of natural, man-made and cultural forces which can be identified and studied. The landscape in this case plays as a medium that combines, holds and channels these forces. If video game environments exist as part of our culture, what kind of connections do these virtual spaces form? This thesis tries to uncover processes behind the construction of the “natural” in video game environments. ------ AUTHOR: Joanna Wierzbicka TITLE: Why should our bodies end at the skin? SUBTITLE: Rethinking bodily matter beyond a humanist imagination This thesis follows the turn to matter within the fields of body studies, posthuman feminist theory, and new materialism in order to rethink the definition of what a body is and, more importantly, what a body can do. The main research objective is to find out how through questioning the definition of a body and the use of metaphorical thinking in this process, we can establish a more ethical living ground among other bodies. ------ AUTHOR: Olivia Wünsche TITLE: Myths shape reality After having lived a deeply transformative psychedelic experience, all previously held beliefs and perceptions which conditioned my relationship to the surrounding reality, suddenly broke free from the prison of mental programming and limited awareness. Different aspects of this internal change manifested through an almost visceral connection to the Earth. I started to direct my attention towards subjects revolving around environmental and humanitarian crisis, simultaneously wanting to find the cause that has led to our current state of separateness, in which we distance ourselves from others and from nature. I understood quite rapidly that socio-political problem-solving is undoubtedly urgent and indispensable, however it remains shallow and incomplete by treating symptoms without curing the cause. ------ AUTHOR: Zhang Manqin TITLE: A diamond-shaped egg This master thesis is based on different tools that can be used to explore the power of memory. Closely related to the author’s “I’m not a loner” photo installation, this research project combines fictional writing with the documentary approach of a diary.

VR Workshop


VR Workshop

with Milo Keller, Robin Bervini

Virtual Reality introduction workshop tutored by Milo Keller with the technical assistance of Florian Amoser and Robin Bervini. During this 5 days introduction, students learned to use Unreal Engine 4 to prototype and test their scenes in real-time. Working in pairs, each of them started to develop a level of a global VR experience that will be presented at the Biennale dell'immagine 2021 in Chiasso.

Earth is Already Crying


Earth is Already Crying

with Anouk Kruithof

"Earth is already crying" workshop d'une semaine avec l'artiste Anouk Kruithof.

Circle Studies


Circle Studies

with Zach Lieberman

A week-long remote workshop taught by Zach Lieberman around daily sketching. The students all started with the same circle and found different ways to push and manipulate it. Workshop taught by Zach Lieberman, assisted by Sébastien Matos.

Workshop Gabriele Garavaglia


Workshop Gabriele Garavaglia

with Gabriele Garavaglia
