Can They Dance ?

Can They Dance ?

CAN THEY DANCE? is the result of a week-long workshop centered around the concept of Large Action Models (LAM). By repurposing existing platforms, the students leveraged the reasoning capabilities of these artificial intelligence models (LLM).

Workshop (2024) with Cyril Diagne

Martial Grin
Thomas Gaudin, Livia Schmid, Emilie Maier, Valère Zen-Ruffinen, Baptiste Godart, Olivia Capol, Quentin Kohler, Mathias Liniger, Elena Biasi, Charlotte Waridel, Aryana Noorani
Web, Machine learning (ML, AI)


My Open Gallery lets us reveal our own lives in exchange for money. With each transaction sent by the community, the system will choose an image from our film based on its intimate nature, determined by an AI. The image is then automatically posted on a dedicated Telegram channel.

project realised by Baptiste Godart and Valère Zen-Ruffinen


VibeUp is an application that detects when we receive a negative notification. This project sends us a notification about it, but in a positive and sarcastic way.

project realised by Olivia Capol and Charlotte Waridel



MEGALLÔ is an application which, by means of a personalized call, notifies all the user's contacts when he or she arrives at the ECAL.

project realised by Thomas Gaudin and Mathias Liniger