Annual costs (in Swiss francs CHF)
Domiciled in Vaud (cf. point 1) 1'000.-
Domiciled in a canton having ratified the Convention C-FE (cf. points 1&2) 20'300.-
Domiciled in another canton (cf. points 1&3) 20'300.-
Domiciled abroad (cf. points 1&4) 20'300.-
* If a reduction is granted 8'120.-
Registration fee (for all) 150.-
Contribution to study fee (for all including MSAD students) 550.-
** Supplementary accident insurance (for all) 25.-

** Complementary accident insurance for students


This insurance extends to school accidents occurring on the ECAL site or during trips organized by the ECAL.


IMPORTANT : as this is a supplement to your own health/accident insurance, you must not terminate it.


The costs of treatment are insured in addition to your health insurance (shared room during a hospital stay). Therefore, claims must be reported to your insurer first.


Deductible from your health/accident insurer : without coverage by Vaudoise Insurance.

Domiciled in Vaud 1'725.-
Domiciled in a canton having ratified the Convention C-FE 21'025.-
Domiciled in another canton 21'025.-
Domiciled abroad 21'025.-
* If a reduction is granted 8'845.-
1. Personal data form for the determination of domicile

This form and its appendixes must be sent by mail or e-mail in parallel with the online application until 17 February 2025 at the latest (postmark date prevails).

This form must be completed by all candidates except those enrolled in the Maturité spécialisée arts et design (MSAD).

2. Cantons that have ratified the Intercantonal Agreement (C-FE)

In all cases, the candidate must submit to the Canton of domicile of one of their parents, a request of authorization to follow ECAL’s Foundation Year. 

Cantons which are offering an equivalent foundation year (no reduction possible).

Cantons which are not offering an equivalent foundation year.

* When the amount of CHF 20'300.- represents an obstacle to following the Foundation Year, and as long as the canton of domicile has not delivered an authorization to follow the training, the candidate can solicit from ECAL’s Direction a request of reduction to the amount.

3. Other cantons

In all cases it is recommended to see with your canton what are the subsidy possibilities.

Cantons which are not offering an equivalent foundation year.

* When the amount of CHF 20'300.- represents an obstacle to following the Foundation Year, and as long as the canton of domicile does not offer any subsidy possibilities, the candidate can solicit from ECAL’s Direction a request of reduction to the amount.

Cantons which are offering an equivalent foundation year (no reduction possible).

4. Domiciled abroad (country not offering an equivalent foundation year)

* When the amount of CHF 20'300.- represents an obstacle to following the Foundation Year, the candidate can solicit from ECAL’s Direction a request of reduction to the amount.

* Request of reduction

The tuition fee reduction request form (only available in French) and its appendixes are to be sent by post to ECAL by 17 February 2025 the latest (postmark date prevails).

Instruction relating to the Foundation Year's reduction for candidates who are not residing in canton de Vaud.

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