
Located on the shores of Leman Lake between Vevey and Montreux, close to all the cultural and natural poles of Switzerland, La Becque | Résidence d'artistes hosts artists from all cultural and artistic backgrounds. The exceptional living environment, conducive to reflection and creation, allows the realization of their artistic project, whether it is in a stage of research or production.
La Becque's vast garden houses eight artists' apartments, four additional studios, a model workshop available to its residents, a library, a conference and event space, rooms to facilitate short-term stays, and numerous common spaces - not to mention unparalleled access to Leman Lake itself.
La Becque pays particular attention to artistic projects that explore themes related to nature, the environment and technology, notions of our contemporaneity that are increasingly inescapable and inseparable. These themes have a particular urgency and feed into all disciplines of the art field - and artists are among the most capable of finding alternatives, both in our relationship with technology and with nature.
La Becque, ECAL/Calypso Mahieu
La Becque, ECAL/Calypso Mahieu


ECAL Residence

As part of their partnership, the ECAL/Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne and La Becque | Artist Residency have set up the "ECAL Residencies at La Becque". These residencies offer the opportunity to an international guest artist to carry out a personal project at La Becque while teaching at ECAL for a semester.
Mitch Paone, ECAL Resident at La Becque from February to July 2019.
Mario de Vega, Résident ECAL à La Becque d'octobre 2019 à février 2020. Audio performance (Studio Cinema) curated by Thibault Walter Professor, ECAL: The Invisible Other. Chapter 1. Vibrancy. When the Divinity Manifests. For visual obstructions, time-based media, light and signal refractions.
Mitch Paone and Meg Donohoe, ECAL Residents at La Becque from February to July 2019.
ECAL Conference with Mitch Paone, ECAL Resident at La Becque from February to July 2019.


2023-2024 Laureates

2022-2023 Laureates

previous laureates

EXECAL Residence

As part of their partnership, the ECAL/Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne and La Becque | Artist Residency have set up the "EXECAL Residencies at La Becque". They offer the opportunity to ECAL alumni to benefit from a month's residency in July and September of each year, with the aim of developing a project related to their practice.
The EXECAL Residence at La Becque programme aims to encourage the development of projects and the excellence of young artists in art and design. During the summer of 2024, the EXECAL Residency at La Becque will offer two former ECAL students the opportunity to spend four weeks each developing a project in an exceptional creative environment, including accommodation, travel expenses and a grant.
The jury is composed of Catherine Othenin-Girard (Cultural Commission of Leenaards Foundation), Luc Meier (Director, La Becque) and Alexis Georgacopoulos (Director, ECAL).
Surgeons and Gluttons, duo show with Philipp Ortelli, Palazzina Basel, 2020 (installation view).
Matheline Marmy, EXECAL Resident at La Becque 2020, Feeders. Photo: Matheline Marmy.
Julien Mercier, EXECAL Resident at La Becque, summer 2020. Performance: Paper Synths, Julien Mercier with Raphaël Théolade, SET, London, 2019. Photo: David Williams.
Thomas Grogan, EXECAL Resident at La Becque, summer 2019. "Piqûre-Lunaire": a prospective fiction exploring the role of emerging viticultural techniques which initiate a new positioning of the human species as part of this threatened ecosystem.
Mélanie Courtinat, Gun (credit Mélanie Courtinat).
Iskander Guetta, Flmika (credit Iskander Guetta).


2024 laureates

previous laureates


The call for applications is open to all ECAL alumni, from all disciplines, as long as they have graduated since at least three years at the beginning of their residency at La Becque.
The EXECAL Residence programme includes
  • Compensation for travel costs of CHF 800.00 (including return travel to and from Switzerland);
  • A lump sum grant of CHF 1500.00 for the duration of the residency (4 weeks);
  • Accommodation and workspace;
  • Access to the spaces and infrastructures of La Becque;
  • Advice and mentorship from the team of La Becque;
  • Possible participation in events within the framework of ECAL and La Becque programmes;
  • Promotion of the projects resulting from the residency on the communication platforms of ECAL and La Becque.

Hence, the EXECAL Residency Programme at La Becque offers selected residents the opportunity to live and work on the unique site of La Becque for one of the above-mentioned periods. Residents are allocated a flat (live-work space) for the duration of their stay. Each flat is approximately 80m2 in size and has a fully equipped kitchen, a washing machine, a dryer, a separate bedroom and a large, flexible main space of approximately 40m2. Each flat has a terrace facing Lake Geneva and free access to the wild garden of La Becque. A model workshop, a library and a conference and event space are also available.

Responsibilities of selected EXECAL Residents:
  • Possible administrative procedures permitting the stay (visa, etc.);
  • Obtaining the various insurances required (health, accident, travel, etc.);
  • Agreement and respect of the rules related to the spaces of La Becque and the framework given by the EXECAL Residence programme in La Becque;
  • Planning and production of content, related to the residency project, including documentation of the project for communication purposes and end-of-residency report;
  • Involvement in any eventual activities organised within the framework of La Becque and the EXECAL Residence in La Becque.
  • Availability of at least half a day during the residency period dedicated to the documentation of a testimony on the residency project and its development. 
The following documents are required for the evaluation of applications, please send them as a single PDF file (in English or French)
  • Concept note on the residence project:
    A brief concept note (approx. 500 words) on the project, whether it is at a research or production stage, that you would like to carry out at La Becque as part of the EXECAL residence and why this project would benefit from being developed specifically at La Becque. Please note that La Becque "(...) pays particular attention to artistic projects exploring themes related to nature, the environment and technology, notions of our contemporaneity that are increasingly unavoidable and inseparable. With particular urgency, these themes feed into all disciplines of the art field - and artists are among the most capable of identifying alternatives, both in our relationship with technology and in our relationship with nature."
  • Biography:
    A short professional biography (approx. 300 words).
  • Text on your practice:
    Describe the concepts behind your projects in a text that helps the jury understand the themes and intentions behind your practice (approx. 300 words).
  • Selection of 5 recent projects:
    A selection of five images/videos/recordings/etc. from your recent work with a description. The videos/recordings must be uploaded to Youtube or Vimeo. Please include any links and passwords to access them.
  • Copy of your ECAL diploma:
    A copy of your diploma certificate (BA, MA or MAS) from ECAL. Please note that all candidates must have graduated from ECAL and have finished their studies at least 3 years before the start of the residency programme at La Becque in summer 2024 (i.e. candidates must have graduated in 2021 at the latest. Students graduating in 2022 and 2023 are not eligible to apply).
The candidate must
  • Submit their application until 10 March 2024 at 23:59 CET through the following form: link to the form
  • Assemble all documents in a single PDF file not exceeding 10 MB.
  • Name the file as follows:
    EXECAL Residence at La Becque 2024_SurnameFirstname.pdf

Successful candidates will be informed by email by mid-April 2024. Unsuccessful candidates will also be informed.

Frequently asked questions
What is the Artists Residency | La Becque?

Located on the shores of Leman Lake between Vevey and Montreux, close to all of Switzerland's cultural and natural attractions, La Becque | Artist Residency welcomes creators from all cultural and artistic backgrounds to its site. They benefit from an exceptional creative environment, conducive to in-depth research and to the realisation of the artistic project for which they have been selected, whether it is a research or production phase. The large wild garden of La Becque houses eight artists' flats, four additional studios, a model workshop available to all residents, a library, a conference and event space, rooms to facilitate short-term stays, and numerous common areas - not to mention unparalleled access to Leman Lake itself.

La Becque Website

What is the EXECAL Residence programme at La Becque?

The EXECAL Residence at La Becque is the result of a partnership between ECAL/Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne and La Becque and aims to encourage the development of projects and the excellence of young people in art and design. During the summer, the EXECAL Residency at La Becque will offer former ECAL students the opportunity to participate in a four-week residence to develop all or part of a project while benefiting from the unique facilities of the artists' residency, including accommodation, travel expenses and a grant.

How can I participate in the EXECAL Residence programme at La Becque?

By submitting your application. The 2024 EXECAL Residence at La Becque programmes are subject to an open call for applications until 3 March 2024.

Who can apply for the EXECAL Residence at La Becque?

The call for applications is open to all ECAL alumni, from all disciplines, as long as they have graduated at least three years before the start of the EXECAL Residence period at La Becque in summer 2024.

Candidates must have graduated in 2021 at the latest. Students graduating in 2022 and 2023 are not eligible to apply.

The EXECAL Residence at La Becque programme is aimed at both emerging artists and established practitioners. However, applicants must have professional status in their field and have ambitions to develop their practice.


Are there any other residency programmes within La Becque?

Yes, La Becque has its own Principal Residency Program as well as other residency programmes in partnership (with Pro Helvetia for example). The application criteria and rules and the application form for the EXECAL Residency Programme are only valid for this one.

How long is an EXECAL Residence?

The EXECAL Residence Programme offers three residencies, each lasting 4 weeks. Different residency durations are not possible in principle. At the time of application, candidates must choose the residency periods that suit them to participate in the EXECAL Residence Programme at La Becque:

- 1st to 26th July 2024
- 2nd to 27th September 2024

Can I postpone my residence?

No. For organisational reasons, ECAL and La Becque cannot offer to postpone the EXECAL Residences that have been allocated.

Can duos, groups or collectives apply for a residency?

Yes, but it is important to remember that EXECAL Residences are awarded for a specific project. Whatever the applicant's constitution (individual or collective), the resources made available remain the same (see "what the EXECAL Residency programme includes"). Collective applications must therefore take into consideration the sharing of these resources.

What is expected from a resident?

Residents will be contractually bound to respect the code of conduct of La Becque and the framework of the EXECAL Residence. They are encouraged to interact with other residents, as well as with the contacts relevant to their project that ECAL and La Becque will provide. La Becque team will conduct simple interviews with the residents at regular intervals to ensure the progress of their project. Residents will also be required to document their project and provide a residency report upon completion. Before starting their residency, residents will organise their travel and any visas required for their stay, in consultation with ECAL and La Becque. They should also ensure that they have valid health and accident insurance covering their stay in Switzerland.

Can I bring my family with me?

Yes, partners and/or children are allowed to live with the residents during their stay. However, we remind you that the resources available to residents are the same whether they come alone or accompanied. La Becque does not offer any specific accompaniment or activities for the children of the residents.

What language(s) is/are spoken at La Becque?

The languages generally spoken at La Becque are English and French. A good command of English is essential to communicate well with the La Becque team and with other residents during the stay. French is a plus as it will enable residents to understand and explore their immediate environment, but it is not a requirement.

What does a residence cost me?

All costs outside of those covered by the EXECAL Residence in La Becque are at the resident's expense. Please note that the EXECAL Residence offers accommodation and working space in La Becque for 4 weeks, travel expenses up to CHF 800.00 and a grant of CHF 1,500.00, helping the resident to cover daily expenses, transport and possible production costs.

How is my application reviewed?

Applications are first examined to ensure that they meet the application criteria and rules. Applications that meet these requirements are then examined by a jury composed of three members from ECAL, La Becque and the EXECAL association. It should be noted that the decisions of the jury cannot be contested. Any appeal against ECAL or La Becque is excluded. Successful candidates will be informed by email by the end of March 2024. Non-selected candidates will also be informed.