
ECAL encourages creative activities which, although not originally identified as R&D, can lead to original research problems in the fields of visual and applied arts.

R&D department maintains narrow links with regional and national bodies. He is a member of the Réseau de Compétences Design et Arts Visuels de la HES-SO (RCDAV), the Swiss Design Network (SDN) and the Swiss Art Research Network (SARN).

Among its missions, ECAL leads activities of research and development (R&D) at various levels:

  • design and experimentation of original and innovative artistic contents in the fields of visual communication, product design and visual arts
  • project methodology
  • history and theory of visual arts and applied arts.

See all research projects

N. J. Paik, TV Buddha (1974), réinterprétation numérique. Premiers tests pour le projet de transposition numérique (Re)Viewing Paik (2021) © ECAL/Patrick Keller
Robert Cahen, Invitation au voyage (Still), 1973, vidéo (couleur/son), prod. : O.R.T.F.



R&D activities aim at:
  • deepening theoretical and practical knowledge in the disciplines taught at the ECAL
  • widening the teaching, particularly at Master level, to new topics, artistic practices and techniques
  • stimulating interdisciplinary experiences and practices
  • developing collaborations and exchanges with academic, professional and institutional circles on a regional, national and international scale.
Augmented Photography Symposium organized at ELAC Gallery
Concert Mario de Vega
Fabrice Aeberhard, Christian Kaegi et Thilo Alex Brunner



La recherche théorique

It is a research that mainly concentrates on the theoretical aspects of art and design in the particular fields of history, aesthetics and methodology.

La recherche-projet ou recherche appliquée

It is a research that consists in doing a creative project that satisfies an explicit and rigorous theoretical and methodological framework: question of research, working hypotheses and validation system of the results.

La recherche-création

It is a research that supports a creative process in product design, visual communication or visual arts. It is a research that contributes to the culture of the discipline.