Empowerment Summit at ECAL, 03.10.2019, IKEA Auditorium, ECAL

Empowerment Summit at ECAL
IKEA Auditorium, ECAL

Empowerment Summit à l'ECAL –  Business risks & opportunity in a data-driven economy

Empowerment Summit à l'ECAL – Business risks & opportunity in a data-driven economy

3 October 2019 – 09:00–18:00
Auditorium IKEA, ECAL, Renens

Register and programme: www.empowerment.foundation/empowerment-summit-2019

Welcome to the Empowerment Summit 2019. If you are here, you already understood how much the data-economy is game-changing. Today is a good day to take the next step. Thanks to our world-renowned experts you’ll get your head around all the necessary notions to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence while avoiding its traps. Generate revenue using data, respect privacy, avoid scandals… and gain competitive advantage. Enjoy this inspiring day!

5, avenue du Temple
CH-1020 Renens


Visual: ECAL/Amaury Hamon


Dates and schedules


IKEA Auditorium, ECAL