

Arthur Lehmann – Au promeneur


Arthur Lehmann – Au promeneur

by Arthur Lehmann

« Au promeneur is the result of several questions on landscape. How is it represented today? How, when walking and experiencing the landscape, can we convey an intros- pective feeling to the reader, in the manner of romantic literature? How do we build our inner and intimate landscapes? I then went to places full of family memories, sometimes with my three brothers, sometimes alone. Away from man-made landscapes, I tried to understand what moved me in these places. At the same time, I delved into my archives in order to build my own mental landscape.»




with Matthieu Gafsou

The aim of the Centre intercantonal d’information sur les croyances (CIC) is to map the religious diversity of our regions and to explain in a neutral way how the cantonal communities function. The director, Brigitte Knobel, contacted the ECAL to create a visual cartography of the communities. Second-year students were asked to photograph the project. They worked throughout the year on an assigned religious community, selected beforehand according to geographical and diversity criteria.

Collaboration with Thierry Mugler


Collaboration with Thierry Mugler

with Philippe Jarrigeon

Mugler’s heritage reinterpreted through the eyes of eighteen students of the 2nd year photography Bachelor course at the ECAL. A collaborative project led by the professor and acclaimed photographer Philippe Jarrigeon based on photographic and video works on 18 archive creations.