

I as an Island


I as an Island

with Chris Kabel

Like Robinson Crusoe scavenged the wrecked ship for materials to build his home, First Year Master Product Design students, guided by Chris Kabel, were invited to delve into the flotsam of their creative minds for this open workshop. The workshop began with collecting, organizing, and analyzing creative flotsam and jetsam to create a self-portrait as a designer. Unrealized projects, obsessions and fascinations, irritations, vague dreams, (bad) jokes, and ideas too weird to talk about—all these resided within a designer's mind. Beginnings already existed: inspiring photos on phones, inviting materials, first ideas hastily scribbled down, quick sketches on paper, half-baked assemblages, or flimsy maquettes. These fragments and particles were analyzed to discover the kind of designer each participant was, extracting a direction for development during the week. This process of analysis, ideation, and translation, including the ‘end result,’ became visible as an island, shaped and populated by each individual's design process. It featured fragile beginnings, iterations, and the choices made along the way, culminating in a final conclusion shaped by material samples, shape research, 3D sketches, the development of a mechanism, a campaign, a film scenario, or whatever else was distilled from the initial flotsam.




with Elric Petit, Stephane Halmai-Voisard

The 2CV Méhari Club Cassis has developed an electric version of the iconic Citroën released in 1968 : the EDEN. From its inception, this car was designed for summer sports and leisure activity. Our current renewed interest in outdoor activities together with electric technology makes this car particularly attractive. With this in mind, the 2nd-year BA students in Industrial Design, under the direction of Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard, Head of Programme, and designer Elric Petit, showcase a series of accessories for tomorrow’s electric Méhari.