Mirielle Alina


Workshop - Simon Lehner


Workshop - Simon Lehner

with Simon Lehner, Milo Keller, Clément Lambelet

For this workshop, ECAL invited Simon Lehner, a Vienna-based visual artist whose interdisciplinary practice spans photography, 3D rendering, AI-generated imagery, lens-based paintings, and sculptures. Social media algorithms manipulate memory and emotions by trapping users in echo chambers of repetitive imagery and ideas. These visual cycles exploit memory processes, triggering emotional responses—such as fear, envy, or desire—that reinforce behavioral patterns. Corporations leverage photographic images to target insecurities, activating primal instincts to drive consumption and engagement. Before the workshop, students were invited to reflect on their personal echo chambers—encountered on their social media feeds. They were asked to think about the following: •    What trends or niches were suggested to you? •    Which emotions played a role in these trends? •    What emotional responses did they trigger in you? By analyzing these patterns, students gained insight into how photographic images and algorithms influence memory, emotions, and behavior. This critical awareness serveed as a foundation for exploring the broader societal implications of visual media.

Materialized Photography - Automn 2024


Materialized Photography - Automn 2024

with Alix Marie

This course led by Alix Marie explored the creation and invention of visual languages for lens-based photographic objects and focused on the transformation of images into materialised forms. Students explored the practices of contemporary artists such as Katja Novitskova, Thomas Ruff, Seth Price and others and learnt how technologies such as CGI and photogrammetry have influenced artistic expression. The students explored the interplay between digital and physical spaces and developed unique approaches to creating photographic objects. The course focused on understanding historical and contemporary trends, analysing artists' case studies and creating materialised works, including single images, 3D objects, installations and immersive media such as AR and VR. Through research and practice, students conceptualised and materialised projects and presented their work as physical installations or objects. They developed the ability to articulate the meaning behind their creations, critique and collaborate with colleagues to expand their artistic practice.




with Katy Hundertmark

This module assists the students to develop into a finalized work a project that further expands their interests and research. The module gives the opportunity to take some of the ideas, skills and themes explores in the first semester and make into a brand new work that can take any possible form: a book, an installation, an online project, a performance.

self-Initiated Project - Spring 2024 - MAP1


self-Initiated Project - Spring 2024 - MAP1

with Bruno Ceschel

This module assists the students to develop into a finalized work a project that further expands their interests and research. The module gives the opportunity to take some of the ideas, skills and themes explores in the first semester and make into a brand new work that can take any possible form: a book, an installation, an online project, a performance.

Applied Photography - Spring 2024


Applied Photography - Spring 2024

with David Luraschi

This course focused on location photography. Students were asked to step outside the studio into the real world and amplify what they discover. Each student did develop one or several bodies of work around the theme of water. The water was their studio. Taking account of what has been done in different mediums in the past (cinema, literature, theater, fashion) - students were encouraged to build a visual dynamic with a strong point of view. A big part of the course was motivated by the idea of finding elements (people, places, things) and turning them into a story. A central emphasis was on collaborating with people: models, actors, dancers, strangers and building their story with them. Casting and creating a growing dialog with their models, finding a common interest and expanding a playful territory to photograph was a recurring exercise.

Frontiere di Sabbia - DRONE WORKSHOP


Frontiere di Sabbia - DRONE WORKSHOP

with Milo Keller, Clément Lambelet

"Frontiere di Sabbia" is an exhibition of the students of the Master of Photography at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, in collaboration with the Biennale dell’Immagine di Chiasso.The collection of projects you will see has been created with drones: aircraft originally developed for warfare that have been transformed into civilian and popular forms. In just a few years, these devices have undergone a dizzying technological evolution and achieved considerable commercial success. Used for a variety of purposes - recreational and professional, political and subversive - these “unmanned aerial vehi- cles” can be easily purchased and controlled remotely, like in a video game. The opportunities offered by civilian drones combine with multiple negative con- sequences: the confusion between reality and simu- lation, privacy violations, and the use for illegal and violent actions. From a photographic perspective, drones offer infinite viewpoints for exceptional, vertical, and total vision. Equipped with all-round sensors, they fly autonomou- sly on programmed routes and are able to monitor the territory and its inhabitants. The “Frontiere di Sabbia” exhibition, presented in the Ex Saceba building, a ce- ment factory located a few kilometers from the bor- der, recalls the past of these places where materials were produced to build houses, bridges, and highways, but also walls and barriers. By diverting from prede- termined and automated paths, a new generation of image creators questions us about our perception of our limits: human, political, and technological.

Applied Photography - Spring 2023


Applied Photography - Spring 2023

with Cactus Digitale

The Applied Photography course will look into the concept of photorealism in all its means. Cactus Magazine has always worked on new visual languages through all sorts of techniques; classic photography, graphic design, video, CGI, VR, Sound design. The only feature that has always guided this research was to seek for a photorealistic result that could ensure a sophisticated and luxurious feeling to the final outcome. In the past 4 years Cactus Magazine has been exploring the CGI technique and always tried to emulate the classic photographic style applied in the 3D realm. This had been done by the means of lights, textures, modeling and also camera techniques. After doing a lot of CGI work we got interested in merging the IRL world in a seamless way with the CGI world. Using XR techniques or VFX. But always looking to have a perfect photorealistic result. With the emergence of Ai powered software for image generating, creating HD images of almost everything seems to be everyone’s finger tip. Nowadays people consume more CGI imagery than IRL imagery, just think of Instagram filters.

Materialized Photography - Spring 2023


Materialized Photography - Spring 2023

with Rachel de Joode

This course, taught by Rachel de Joode explores sculptural photography. Through a combination of material experimentation, research, and collaboration, students explore the visual and physical dimensions of photography, sculpture, and installation. The course focuses on ways of seeing and thinking differently about materials, surroundings, and oneself. The curriculum includes a mix of reading and discussion as well as focused individual critique, all taught through the lens of the instructor’s practice.

self-Initiated Project - Spring 2023 - MAP1


self-Initiated Project - Spring 2023 - MAP1

with Bruno Ceschel

This module assists the students to develop into a finalized work a project that further expands their interests and research. The module gives the opportunity to take some of the ideas, skills and themes explores in the first semester and make into a brand new work that can take any possible form: a book, an installation, an online project, a performance.




with Area Of Work

This workshop is an introduction to 3D creation software that allows you to create images with photographic qualities that are not photographs.

Photobook - Fall 2022


Photobook - Fall 2022

with Bruno Ceschel

The photobook module introduces students to the history of photobooks and artists’ books and leads them to consider different strategies and approaches to contemporary book-making. In the first term students individually conceptualised a publication that have been designed, printed and distributed.