with Chris Kabel, Elric Petit, Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard
Bachelor Industrial Design diploma's projects, 2019
with Chris Kabel, Elric Petit, Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard
Bachelor Industrial Design diploma's projects, 2019
with Michel Charlot
Platform10 is the transformation of a railway and industrial site to a new district entirely dedicated to to culture. The space, some 22,000 square meters, hosts three recognized cultural institutions: the Cantonal Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of the Elysée and the Museum of design and contemporary applied arts, to a few steps from the station, in the centre of Lausanne . In order to complete this major transformation, Platform 10 launched a competition (by invitation) , in which the 2nd year students took part to design coherent propositions of outdoor (urban) furniture for this new public space.
with Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard
With the starting point of Il quadrato, Il cerchio, et Il triangolo by the designer and artist Bruno Munari, the students were asked to think about a family of three objects around a square, a circle and a triangle.
From April 27 to May 26, ECAL presents Unpacking Tschichold’s Library at gallery l'elac. An exhibition in the form of a library presenting the books mentinoned in Jan Tschichold's seminal publication The New Typography (1928). Opening on Wednesday, April 26.
Selection of exhibitions with ECAL graduates at Milan Design Week.