Those who are no longer here (Direction)

Pablo Guscetti – Those who are no longer here (Direction)

Two women who have nothing in common must hide in a mountain refuge to escape a zombie attack.

Diploma project (2024) by Pablo Guscetti

Fiction / 30 min


Nena, 30, is from the Leventina Valley, where she grew up. Giulia, also in her thirties and a city dweller, visits her grandmother's native village in Leventina for the first time for her postdoctoral research on witch trials and peasant folklore in the 15th century. Reluctantly, Nena guides Giulia in her research. Animosity quickly arises between them, and tension builds as they climb the mountain. However, when suddenly attacked by a zombie and forced to hide in a mountain refuge, they discover they must question their very existence. They will never be the same again.



Photos of the shoot
Photos of the shoot
Photos of the shoot
Photos of the shoot
Photos of the shoot
