Vampire week
with Jean-Vincent Simonet
During one week, the students developed techniques that transform perception and the relationship with the corpus of images: erasure, displacement, loss of the sensation of reality.
with Jean-Vincent Simonet
During one week, the students developed techniques that transform perception and the relationship with the corpus of images: erasure, displacement, loss of the sensation of reality.
with RVB Books/Matthieu Charon & Rémi Faucheux
Using pre-produced images, the students created one or more book models. How do you transform a series of photographs into a book? The Photographic Editions course introduces students to the selection of images, their order, format, graphics, ink, paper and binding. It addresses the specificities of the book as a medium and as a market.
with Laurence Bonvin
During the first semester of the third year, this course enables students to take up a project they have already started, which could be continued in the second semester for the diploma. Students are encouraged to take risks in form, technique, production or subject matter.
with Nicolas Poillot
By conceptualizing and producing the visual content for a magazine, themed - RESISTANCE - the students approached the notion of applied photography in a practical, creative and professional way in close collaboration with an Art Director.
with Natacha Lesueur
Over the course of a semester, the students develop a project that examines the challenges of auteur photography and develops their personal expression. The project may be continued as a diploma project in the second semester.
with Milo Keller, Florence Tétier, Nicolas Coulomb, Calypso Mahieu
The exhibition Under Your Smell offers a hypnotic and immersive experience in Jean Paul Gaultier's headquarters by imagining new definitions of beauty and body expression. Under the direction of Florence Tétier and Nicolas Coulomb, 3rd year Bachelor Photography students brought to life the brand's iconic perfumes through an immersive photographic experience. In the first season, with the complicity of Claude Emmanuelle Gajan Maull, the young photographers have fluidified the iconic bottles with their gendered silhouettes — Le Mâle, Le Classique, Le Beau and La Belle — in a fresh LGBTQIA+ perspective. With this upcoming season, the project evolves around the Scandal fragrance, with the creation of still lives in which the liquid, dry and organic contrasting textures evoke the essence of the perfume, its bottle design and its complexities. Through staging, the perfumes become the backdrop for stories of transgression and fantastical projections. In addition to monumental fabric prints, giant image-cushions welcome the public to lay down and celebrate gender fluidity and the ever changing definitions of beauty and self expression.
with Stéfanie Moshammer
« For this workshop there are no rules but I want you to tell me a story. I prefer to see a few images with a good concept, rather than too many images without any idea. » S.M With this invitation, the students worked on the territory of the city of Renens in search of places, people and traces of a history that is not simply a series of beautiful images.
with Jaya Pelupessy
At a time when the distribution of images is lightning-fast and virtually infinite, and the distinction between the original and the copy often seems irrelevant, what is left? In this workshop the students were asked to partake in an experiment dissecting and illuminating various aspects of the image and reinterpreting its meaning. Using different reproduction techniques and methods of appropriation, students reflected on the origin and status of the image.
by Antoine Martin
Swiss iconography presents the mountains under two ambivalent aspects: on the one hand, a hostile and dangerous environment, and on the other hand, an environment tamed and dominated by humankind. The interesting aspect of this project is that it transposes certain characteristic images from this iconography and leads viewers to question the boundary between stereotypes and the reality in which they live. It also questions the use of mountains as an «artefact» conveyed by commercial clichés. Viewers are led to get involved physically with the image by immersing themselves in the relief of this alpine imaginary, forced to observe the paradox of its symbolic and monumental reduction through commercial imagery.
From November 10 to 12 2022, Jean Paul Gaultier opens the doors of its Paris headquarters to the general public. During Paris Photo, the House is partnering with ECAL to present the photography exhibition Under Your Smell. Students from Bachelor Photography will show their interpretation of Gaultier's perfumes.
From 5 February (opening on 4 February at 6 pm) to 24 April 2022 at the Musée des beaux-arts in Le Locle, ECAL presents the exhibition "Smells Like Queer Spirit" created in collaboration with Jean Paul Gaultier by third-year Bachelor Photography students, under the direction of Florence Tétier and Nicolas Coulomb (Novembre). Namsa Leuba and Erwan Frotin, two graduates of the Bachelor Photography programme at ECAL, will also be honoured with two monographic exhibitions.
The exhibition Under Your Smell offers a hypnotic and immersive experience in Jean Paul Gaultier's headquarters by imagining new definitions of beauty and body expression. Under the direction of Florence Tétier and Nicolas Coulomb, 3rd year Bachelor Photography students brought to life the brand's iconic perfumes through an immersive photographic experience.