

Emeline Courcier – Sous les Cendres du Mekong


Emeline Courcier – Sous les Cendres du Mekong

by Emeline Courcier

« Sous les cendres du Mekong is a film that questions the coexistence of opposed traditions and cultures, life and death, and the confrontation between history and individual stories. Against the backdrop of the health crisis and anti-Asian racism, family ties are revealed through conversations questioning my place as a Viet Kieu daughter and my lineage. Through our beliefs in reincarnation, I project myself onto a familiar yet foreign figure: my mother’s cousin, who drowned in the Mekong, creating a link between past and present, war and peace, words and silence. It is through traumatic memory and psychological heritage that the after-effects of a war from which my family escaped reach me, taking precedence in my dreams and my mind.»




with Philippe Jarrigeon, Milo Keller

As part of a course led by Philippe Jarrigeon, 2nd-year Bachelor of Photography students at ECAL/Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne were asked to work in the world of D'heygere jewelry and accessories. Between luxury and the ordinary, reality and representation, the students proposed new ways of interpreting the provocative, minimalist pieces.