Pratiques et technologies photographiques
with Jonas Marguet
with Jonas Marguet
with Jonas Marguet, Milo Keller
From Lavaux to the Chablais region of Vaud, the world of wine was reinterpreted for a semester by students in their 2nd year of the Bachelor of Photography programme at ECAL/Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne, in collaboration with the Confrérie des Vignerons. Under the guidance of Jonas Marguet, photographer and teacher, the students used clues gathered in the field from the winegrowers. Selected and presented as part of the Festival Images Vevey, Elisa Ribeiro's 'Nuisibles' series sheds light on an unexpected aspect of winegrowing. She paints a gallery of portraits of insects that ravage vines, using a scanning electron microscope. By reappropriating a scientific tool for artistic purposes, she reveals the extraordinary, invisible to the naked eye. This work questions the very foundations of the photographic image, the process of taking the picture being carried out here by means of a beam of electrons. These tiny pests appear like giant monsters, presented in large light boxes that evoke the illumination of microscopic observation. Musée de la Confrérie des Vignerons Rue du Château 2 1800 Vevey www.confreriedesvignerons.ch www.images.ch