

Priscillia Saada – Calypso


Priscillia Saada – Calypso

by Priscillia Saada

“Water is an indiscriminate mass, offering infinite possibilities, it contains all promises of growth, together with all menaces of absorption/reduction. I question myself in this short movie about the fundamental aspects of water through the sea. The sea which can be purifying, and calm, yet hostile, and rough. It is a source of mystery of which scientists persist to explore the depths. In this way these two worlds are linked and cohabit, in a universe of fantasy which I try to depict by staging silent photographic scenes in a clinical, almost suffocating atmosphere. The major challenge was the use of the video medium. This work allowed me to become aware of the importance of factors such as narration or sound, associated with the photographic vision in creating animated images.“