Pratique photographique
with Sebastian Vargas
with Sebastian Vargas
with Sebastian Vargas
Inspired by the second space race led by SpaceX and Blue Origin, COMSMOS is a fictive social network that lets people on earth communicate with astronauts far from home. Initial project made during a UI/UX course with Alain Bellet. Video produced during a workshop led by Sebastian Vargas.
with Sebastian Vargas
Electrical Insight is a computer program that makes borderline judgments about the content of images. Its algorithms were once trained to recognize images coherently and precisely, but it is now asked to make the strangest distinctions. And you are asked to do the same. Initial project made during a one-week workshop with Dries Depoorter. Video produced during a workshop led by Sebastian Vargas.
"Make believe" Projet ayant pour but de pouvoir expérimenter les étapes de préparation, de création et de production d’un film. Le travail est divisé en 3 parties: la création de l’objet, le pitch et la production du film. Le film doit promouvoir un objet imaginaire, purement fictionel créé par les étudiants eux-même, ainsi qu'un univers visuel et sonore qui le mette en contexte.
with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo
Postgram is my personal automated online bot dedicated to the practice of “fair hacking”. Using an @post.gram instagram account, each time a photo is published, the bot uses geolocalisation data to seek someone living close by, using a public directory. Once someone has been found, he/she is automatically added as a new contact in my phone and is sent a printed postcard of the image. New contacts are notified of the postcard with a suggestion to meet and film the encounter. Postgram counterposes public data and image making, using a process of “fair hacking” of public services.
with Patrick Keller
Sebastien Vargas’ semester project for the 2nd year 3D course with Patrick Keller.