Today, one of the greatest challenges for designers is to adapt to the ever more specific and demanding needs of contemporary audiences. The Creative Leadership courses aims to train the participants to the development of innovative and responsible projects that meet the current challenges of a changing society. It offers the possibility to explore new practices in within the creative industries and to share ideas with experts in a variety of sectors.
The CAS in Creative Leadership is delivered through a series of independent modules that cover key areas such as entrepreneurship, sustainable design, foresight, communication and leadership. Aimed at industrial designers, graphic designers, photographers, and interaction designers who seek to develop or perfect their professional projects, the course offers management and leadership tools adapted to the contemporary evolution of design professions and practices.
The short, digital, and highly interactive format of this course allows for a top-quality, flexible, and hybrid training, tailored to the needs of professionals and supported by a wide network of experts. All modules can be taken separately.
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
CAS (5 modules) : CHF 5 500.-, Alumni EXECAL CHF 4 500.-
Individual module : CHF 1 200.-, Alumni EXECAL CHF 1 000.-
5 modules x 5 weeks, on Friday afternoon 2pm-6pm
Hybrid teaching (live streaming and on site at ECAL)
Additional information
Daphna Glaubert
Marius Aeberli
Romain Casella
Clément Jaton
Isabelle Moisy-Cobti
Augustin Scott de Martinville
Lohyd Terrier
Yorgo Tloupas
Pascal Wicht
Una Aichinger
Jessica-Christin Hametner
Luisa Kahlfeldt
Katharina Koberdamm
Nicolas Lantheman
Samuel Perret
Tom Savigar
Bas van de Poel
Cécile Vulliemin
Alexis Williams
Graphic design : Valentin Kaiser
Videos : Achille Masson, Jamy Herrmann