Leo, a young inexperienced actor, finds himself one night into the clutches of Astrid, an all-powerful film director and devourer of men.
Diploma project (2014) by Charlotte de Rufz
Fiction / 17min
Leo, a young inexperienced actor, finds himself one night into the clutches of Astrid, an all-powerful film director and devourer of men. Together in this upper class woman’s home, they engage in a courtship, both sensual and distant, unequal and versatile, in which they try to lead the other into the place of their fantasy.
Constructed as a love duel, Parades features a director and a young actor who meet, for one evening, in the apartment of the latter. Games of seduction, moral confrontation, verbal jousting, complex desires punctuate this "Kammerspiel" in an incisive and frontal way. And this, until the dizziness of the confusion of the kinds, capturing in hollow a poignant melancholy.
Frédéric Mermoud / Director