




1979 2022
Léonard Vazquez Vila – Do not Seek this Word


Léonard Vazquez Vila – Do not Seek this Word

by Léonard Vazquez Vila

In order to translate the madness of the procedures, to explain our ability to recognise and expand, we must repeat the explanation that can only succeed. From the same two heads to the same intelligence, the very ability to fear only spells as it goes without examples. The imposition of self to self, where only small changes in learning and repeating must be understood in their true sense: the derisive power to unveil things. The properties of the madman, the freedom of renouncing difference, the guts and the coincidence of the tools of language do their work. Beyond the transparencies of the mind, the discourse of the circle arises. The desire to communicate with others and to read everything like an arbitrary thinking being.

Flavio Visalli – Forde Mustang


Flavio Visalli – Forde Mustang

by Flavio Visalli

"And if a double-decker bus crashes into us To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die." I was looking at these hills of wheat that reminded me of distant landscapes. Those that the wind outlines during stormy nights. The black anvil is freed from its weight and becomes sensitive to blows. I was thinking about your message, it reminded me of the howling sound of a V12. Carbon fibre, oak and acrylic paint

Roxane Christinet – Truthfully, I Don’t Know What it Means to Feel Self-confident


Roxane Christinet – Truthfully, I Don’t Know What it Means to Feel Self-confident

by Roxane Christinet

Dissect a plant or a body. Breathable material. Evidence of different liquids.

Hlynur Snær Andrason – Chance Garden


Hlynur Snær Andrason – Chance Garden

by Hlynur Snær Andrason

A small garden is displayed in a hard case. Last autumn, three containers of fertile soil were dug in various construction sites around Lausanne. This summer, the sites had changed. One container was lost, one was destroyed and another contained various plants. Inside there was a small cross section of the most common plants in the area, like a snapshot of the local area. These are plants that would normally classify as weeds – flowers you would find in the parking lot of botanical gardens. Yet these plants had found the conditions they needed within the container. They were brought inside, replanted and preserved using the same forces humans first learned to tame: shelter, light and nutrition. What would you catch in your garden?

Salomé Engel – La première course


Salomé Engel – La première course

by Salomé Engel

" ‘Don’t waste time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.’ Coco Chanel I would only add: 3, 2, 1, go!"

Soren Gunzinger – A Cool View Over the Empire


Soren Gunzinger – A Cool View Over the Empire

by Soren Gunzinger

This installation consists of two videos. The first is an animation set within the project that Adolf Loos thought up for Josephine Baker, about a spider spy who finds herself to be a critic. The second lights up a blind with a short dialogue. The work addresses issues of quotations and voyeurism, as well as comic effects and twists.

Emily Orlet – Frontières


Emily Orlet – Frontières

by Emily Orlet

The background of my series is borders and the space created by them, which builds up a relation of proximity or distance. At the same time, I work with usual, everyday materials.

Oriane Emery – Midnight Conversations


Oriane Emery – Midnight Conversations

by Oriane Emery

"I am interested in the physical and mental projections that our minds generate in the space we all share. I create narratives within which I can anchor myself. My paintings represent dreamlike worlds, narratives of emancipation. Organic and in constant gestation, above all, they aim to create ecosystems. My practice is multifaceted. I seek to extract myself from the frame, to underline its limits. Linked to the public, my work explores our relationship with space, both architectural and political. Through performance, I create a climate of tension with the viewers. I seek to soothe as much as to disturb… I don’t have the answer."

Maria Esteves – The Fast Moo & The Big Razzle Dazzle


Maria Esteves – The Fast Moo & The Big Razzle Dazzle

by Maria Esteves

"♫ Walk with me through my fanfare It’ll ease your mind Set you fine ♫"

Léna Gelsomino – Castle Luggage


Léna Gelsomino – Castle Luggage

by Léna Gelsomino

Plexiglas, transparent vinyl, rusty chains 1.5m x 2m Castle Luggage presents a jewellery assemblage crafted for imaginary castles. Just as I apply makeup or create props for my performances, my castles contain tales of wonder and horror which leads them to become the narrators of their own story. Tailor-made, these adornments create an interplay and a dialogue between myths and the subject who tells them. This long ornament slides over a transparent scenic installation, from which emerge the drawings of these castles and dreamlike islands, thus revealing this autonomous place of expression, which calls upon our own memory, experience and imagination.

Chloé Geinoz – Metropol


Chloé Geinoz – Metropol

by Chloé Geinoz

"Also known as Devil’s apple or Devil’s turnip, it was said that anyone who pulled a mandrake out of the ground would go mad when they heard its cry. To prevent this, a dog was tied to the plant and then scared off so that it would dig up the plant as it ran away. When a mandrake is pulled out of the ground, it should be placed in a fountain immediately for a day and a night, so that every evil and contrary humour may be expelled from it." Hildegard von Bingen

Alexis Colin – I wanted to design a desert


Alexis Colin – I wanted to design a desert

by Alexis Colin

"I was working as an interior designer in New York; one morning John Allen called me and said: - I want you to design the desert!"

Line Petitguyot – Stalactite


Line Petitguyot – Stalactite

by Line Petitguyot

My dissertation focuses on reflections about the personification of various elements of nature. The death of my father and the violence I suffered have permeated my work process. These events have been integrated into the development of my work. My graduation project is linked to this emotional heritage. It is reflected in its form by the individuality of the various elements that constitute the installation. The sculptural identity is accompanied by a text dedicated to each body. The stalagmites relate to the beginning as well as the end of a cycle. The movement on the PVC plates obtained by the scraper symbolises this cyclical transition, and the different strata that are visible through the transparency of the material offer a reading like a core sample.

Iacopo Spini – Untitled


Iacopo Spini – Untitled

by Iacopo Spini


Virginie Sistek – Bienpeureuse


Virginie Sistek – Bienpeureuse

by Virginie Sistek

Mention Très bien Prix Visarte Vaud + Prix Ernest Manganel A____A |・ㅅ・| |っ c|  HI HI HELLO HI |   |  EACH MISUNDERSTANDING |   |  IS AN OPEN DOOR TO |   |  DISRUPTIVE REALITIES |   | |   |  enjoy U ̄ ̄U

Evelyn Vonesch – Sub Rosa


Evelyn Vonesch – Sub Rosa

by Evelyn Vonesch

Behind the shots, behind the frames, behind the scenes, Behind the protective walls and behind the screens, There, sub rosa, well sheltered, Hides the long, smooth thread That comes out of life. A cloud-like fibrous substance that feeds the cotton seeds, That keeps them alive, traps them but never soothes them, In its sun-drenched homeland. A thread of inclination and attachment, Connecting all and pointing to all. It never flaunts its beginning or its end. Real dramas are not played out in the limelight. When the curtain falls, look behind the scenes.

Terat Thanaworrawatniti – Gong Tek


Terat Thanaworrawatniti – Gong Tek

by Terat Thanaworrawatniti

Gong Tek refers to a Sino-Thai funeral where burning paper model replicas is a ritual used to offer objects to the dead. The video installation explores the relationship between physical and intangible spaces, such as virtual and cultural ones. The work captures the moment where these objects are transformed and translated into something else. By repurposing traditional elements and changing their context, tension between translation and mistranslation is created. When the light switches on, the viewer is challenged with a new space, which calls into question the process of image construction.

Nicolas Ponce – L'action se passe dans une rue, dans un champ, et dans un bois


Nicolas Ponce – L'action se passe dans une rue, dans un champ, et dans un bois

by Nicolas Ponce

Ulysses is hidden behind the fir trees, Raphaël in the tool shed, Timothé in the middle of the corn, and me, under the window.

Eliot Möwes – Flat


Eliot Möwes – Flat

by Eliot Möwes

A cone and a cylinder serving as a structure for the painting.

Ana Francesca Bălan – Songs for the Ceiling


Ana Francesca Bălan – Songs for the Ceiling

by Ana Francesca Bălan

Silk, plush, acrylic, ceramic.

Adèle Anstett – Too Old for the Playground, Where Should We Hang ?


Adèle Anstett – Too Old for the Playground, Where Should We Hang ?

by Adèle Anstett

“Only a few of us, amid the great fabrications of society, hang on to our really childish reactions, still wonder naively what we are doing on the earth and what sort of joke is being played on us. We want to decipher skies and paintings, go behind these starry backgrounds or these painted canvases and, like kids trying to find a gap in a fence, try to look through the cracks in the world.” — Bataille, G. (1949). The Cruel Practice of Art Featuring transverse and hybrid spaces, closed and open, which bear witness to a process of construction of oneself and of the group by the appropriation of these spaces and their transformation, thanks to the childish character of each one. Twisting things, commuting rigid structures through use and escapig determinism with a certain lightness.

Luana Cardinaux – Sans titre


Luana Cardinaux – Sans titre

by Luana Cardinaux

The particular circumstances of the health crisis during the last year-and-a-half of my studies led me to focus my research on concepts of home and the household – the self and the home. An imaginary environment emerged from these notions and through my personal experiences and references with imagery depicting a troubled, childhood-inspired world. The mixing of different techniques allows for both the readability and the loss of messages.

Louis Loup Collet – Heavy Snow


Louis Loup Collet – Heavy Snow

by Louis Loup Collet

Our words are sometimes much better at saying who we are than we are at saying them. Word by word, they open up, and as they open, they silently turn to poetry. Words written with shadows, slowly, the light will erase them. But the poetry will remain.

Sofia Fresey Angelopoulou – Écru Tu Nekru


Sofia Fresey Angelopoulou – Écru Tu Nekru

by Sofia Fresey Angelopoulou

It fits me perfectly It was definitely made for me Nymph of the flow Springs and streams Yet invariably bound to places Distant from humans And close to navigators It is static It does not move for hours or days So sure it will be there forever One day it disappears Until it resurfaces again It arises from thick, fleshy, creeping underwater stems that are buried in the soil

Laetitia Khiara – Projette l’altitude, traduis la pesanteur, répète en corps


Laetitia Khiara – Projette l’altitude, traduis la pesanteur, répète en corps

by Laetitia Khiara

Avance en corps, au-delà et en dehors

Grégoire-Cesare Marcel – Vaudeville à Hertfordshire


Grégoire-Cesare Marcel – Vaudeville à Hertfordshire

by Grégoire-Cesare Marcel

When a news item arises, when it involves very strong impulses, when it reveals something about our society, the media take hold of it. I see information as material to analyse and decipher in order to highlight the different realities it generates. The media flow acts like a machine, an accelerator of stories.

Lydia Liu – No, No... No One's Home (Oh, non. Y'a personne)


Lydia Liu – No, No... No One's Home (Oh, non. Y'a personne)

by Lydia Liu

Sam is the main protagonist of the video game Death Stranding . He is a delivery man in an apocalyptic world. I drove Sam into the snowy mountain and under a shelter, I put him to sleep. Sam occasionally mutters in his sleep. “Just a little longer...”. Sometimes he breathes heavily. Sam is still sleeping, but BB wakes up often. A thunderstorm is rumbling in the distance... Elsewhere, a ladder has begun to deteriorate. Something is happening, but not much, just like in a fishbowl.

Simon Colliard – Bleu Lotus EP


Simon Colliard – Bleu Lotus EP

by Simon Colliard

4 Chiffres - 164 seconds - 134 Bpm - 88 Bars Blue Light - 132 seconds - 98 Bpm - 52 Bars Gris Mauve - 158 seconds - 135 Bpm - 88 Bars Summer Hit - 160 seconds - 160 Bpm - 108 Bars PRNFS - 217 seconds - 84 Bpm - 76 Bars Rêve - 180 seconds - 115 Bpm - 88 Bars Argent - 175 seconds - 85 Bpm - 63 Bars 1 syllable = 1 line is a translation of seven songs into paintings.

Mara Meier – frontiere:ferienort


Mara Meier – frontiere:ferienort

by Mara Meier

Mention Excellent Prix du Risque points of contact which divide traces of steps without drawing lines digging a tunnel through the fog of the night echoing the repeated pulses of a turning light

Clément Pic – That's a Wrap!


Clément Pic – That's a Wrap!

by Clément Pic

Mention Très bien In French, the accountant (comptable) and the story-teller (conteur) share the same etymological root. Through a shift in meaning, the accountant becomes the story-teller. Two sentences strike the time: - “Il est l’heure du bilan” (It’s time to take stock). - “Objectifs non atteints” (Objectives not met).

Lara Marino – Brain Scan


Lara Marino – Brain Scan

by Lara Marino

Mention Bien Prix Ernest Manganel This is a retrospective of my work, a deeper visualisation of my dissertation and an extension of my research. Through the metaphor of a brain forest where several works, characters, spaces and objects take place and coexist. The body is also integrated as a form of landscape. An ecosystem filled with information where the work reveals its creation. Through the fascination of bodily evolution and decay, we discover figurative and chimerical pictorial environments that explore the relationship between the imaginary and maternal bonds. In the words of Romain Gary in his book Promise at Dawn : “With maternal love, life makes you a promise at dawn that it never keeps.”

Diploma 2021


Diploma 2021

Jury 2021 Real Madrid (Bianca Benenti Oriol and Marco Pezzotta) Giovanni Carmine https://www.ecal-diplomes.ch/en/3062/Bachelor-Arts-Visuels

Fanny Mersmann – Le petit bout manquant rencontre le grand O


Fanny Mersmann – Le petit bout manquant rencontre le grand O

by Fanny Mersmann

Film animation, in my artistic work and research, was initiated by my interest in flip-books and children’s books throughout art history. Inspired by stories like El Lissitzky’s “About 2 Squares” and Niele Toroni’s “L’Histoire de Lapin Tur”, I decided to work on how to recount a painting or an artistic approach through children’s stories.

Dac Hanh Nguyen – Fatrasie


Dac Hanh Nguyen – Fatrasie

by Dac Hanh Nguyen

Mention Très bien Prix du Risque Rising as high as possible, hanging on with all your body to reach unexplored areas of an inhabited area.

Romane de Watteville – I Wonder How Many Memories I’m in


Romane de Watteville – I Wonder How Many Memories I’m in

by Romane de Watteville

Mention Excellent Prix Ernest Manganel Between prints, clothes, skins, reflections and images, a certain recurring subject comes up: the portrait. It can be mine or someone else’s. The point of view becomes central, always halfway between the viewer and the viewed. Playing with humour between what is real and fake, painting takes us through its set of images and backgrounds through various pictorial zones, always closely linked to emotional and sensual spaces.

Salomé Félix – Noir vaisseau, Larmes, Aurore aux doigts bouclés, Robe luisante


Salomé Félix – Noir vaisseau, Larmes, Aurore aux doigts bouclés, Robe luisante

by Salomé Félix

For my graduation project, I was inspired by Homer’s “Odyssey”. While reading the text, I extracted words/sentences that inspired me. I then mixed and sorted them randomly, in pairs. I envisioned several pieces from these two elements and translated them in a very literal way. This created intriguingly hybrid forms.

Cyane Findji – Le feu tue les yeux de la nuit


Cyane Findji – Le feu tue les yeux de la nuit

by Cyane Findji

Mention Bien “A man who cannot bring himself to sacrifice his daughter to the gods decides to build them a sanctuary so that they can stop wandering the plains and rest there as in ancient times.” Taking as a starting point a scenario that has fallen into oblivion, this project invites viewers to witness fragments of life in which humans and non-humans live in a dominant nature.

Ernest Gachet – 22


Ernest Gachet – 22

by Ernest Gachet

Mention Bien The wall is an assumption. By removing its position as “boundary”, I turn it into a subject, independent from the architecture of the exhibition space and the habitat. This action enables me to reflect on the unquestionable norm that is the exhibition wall. Turning it into a subject/form enables me to reveal the values it represents as well as its cold and impersonal aesthetic. My approach seeks to open it up in order to depose it; to make it increasingly domestic. It becomes the dog that scratches at the door and once the dog is inside, it settles down and makes its bed.

Laura Laucella – Et la fourche faucha la quatrième patte du chien


Laura Laucella – Et la fourche faucha la quatrième patte du chien

by Laura Laucella

Mention Bien A line of abstraction in its infinity of variations, combining authentic stories with accounts embodied in a polyphony of access. A superimposition of sub-voices and accounts.

Tudor Ciurescu – Still Life


Tudor Ciurescu – Still Life

by Tudor Ciurescu

How fast do your thoughts ride in your mind? Still life as a mirror of our time. In opposition to accelerationism, still life presses the pause button and compels the viewer to reflect upon his times. The still life of the future will have to adjust to the accelerated times it will experience. The mirror facing the world shows continuously changing movement in the strokes of an impressionist painting. And we cannot blame a mirror for its reflective properties.

Mathias De La Torre – 5000, 20000, 2000


Mathias De La Torre – 5000, 20000, 2000

by Mathias De La Torre

Walk through places, creating an experience, a flashback, a recollection, invoking one’s memory. In a passageway two empty wooden modules are placed side by side. From one end to the other, an acrylic plate acts as a crown, unifying the whole to create a portico. Three rollers are installed at its foot. These are bath towels on which banknotes have been printed. Rolled up and placed on the inner and outer edges of the structure, they reveal their amount.

Lise de Martino – Oasis


Lise de Martino – Oasis

by Lise de Martino

Mention Excellent “Oasis” raises the question of indefinite and dreamed spaces, of the articulation of the outside and the inside, of the open and the closed, and the transition from physical to mental.

Peilian Li – The Ghost Town


Peilian Li – The Ghost Town

by Peilian Li

Bourse Casino Barrière Montreux Not far from here, where people were all running around taking care of business in a blurred timeline, there was an awkward child walking with a gang of filthy giant mice in the middle of a desolate town. No one knew how much time was long enough to define the night or if night was dark enough to entertain the crowd.

Christian Schulz – postmodernsandwichwithbacon (A senile animal)


Christian Schulz – postmodernsandwichwithbacon (A senile animal)

by Christian Schulz

Mention Excellent Prix Visarte Vaud, Prix Ernest Manganel both microphone and marijuana start with the letter M just like me

Stefan Tanase – Delivery Trip


Stefan Tanase – Delivery Trip

by Stefan Tanase

In 2017 I started to focus on the contemporary meaning of “delivery” as a daily job in real life. Since then, this concept has become the main subject of my artistic approach. This topic has also become a cultural movement throughout the world. Nowadays, “delivery” acts as a daily reminder about my day-to-day work. Hence, when you see someone in the city making a delivery or when he/she is delivering something to your home, it evokes my work and vice versa. What comes to your mind when you think about delivery? Struggles, illusions of happiness, easy money, the youth, neighbourhood life, the working classes, etc. More than that, the cultural aspect of delivery impacts upon everyone (Amazon, DHL, artwork deliveries, Uber Eats to name but a few…). For my graduation project I address the concept of delivery like a trip (excursion) and a journey under the influence (trip). What next?

Djellza Azemi – Guha


Djellza Azemi – Guha

by Djellza Azemi

Mention Très bien Prix Ernest Manganel Rabbit, rabbit have I told you not to eat my oats? I have a rifle made of tin, I’ll burn your moustache I have a colourful rifle, I’ll scatter your intestines across the field

Tennessee MacDougall – Two Pencils


Tennessee MacDougall – Two Pencils

by Tennessee MacDougall

In an act repeated over several hours, the sharpening debris of the wood that protects the lead of the pencil are distilled and their smell captured in a new form. A trace of a memory, invisible, like lines that no one will ever read.




Jury 2020 Emilie Ding Elena Filipovic Gilles Furtwängler

Diplomas BAAV


Diplomas BAAV

Jury 2019 Marie Angeletti Nicolas Brulhart Anne Dressen

Diploma Bachelor AV


Diploma Bachelor AV
