Swissnex in Japan, in collaboration with ECAL, presents Folklore Fusion, a visual communication project exploring Swiss and Japanese folklore through a cutting-edge CGI character project.
Swissnex in Japan, in collaboration with ECAL, presents Folklore Fusion, a visual communication project exploring Swiss and Japanese folklore through a cutting-edge CGI character project.
Inspired by field research in Tokyo, ECAL Media & Interaction Design students created Swijūs, a unique set of characters blending elements from both cultures to create new tales with a contemporary twist. Through prints, augmented reality, an interactive platform, a book and a collection of trading card games, the exhibition offers fresh perspectives on folklore and cross-cultural dialogue.
Supported by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), Folklore Fusion invites visitors to experience tradition through cutting-edge innovation.
March 10 to April 3, 2025
Osaka, Japan
Elodie Anglade, Théo Déchanez, Isaïa Delaplace, Viktor Gagné, Alexandre Gambarini, Ayten Gönel, Emma Grosu, Odran Jobin, Jérémie Kursner, Mélanie Martin, Marius Parisod, Charlotte Pralong, Gary Sandoz, Julie Turin
Sébastien Matos , Julien Gurtner , Jamy Herrmann , Louis Roh