Max, a 23-year-young man, works in his father's fish shop. In this family business, the days are long and repeat themselves. The arrival of Zoe, an enthusiastic and full of life trainee, disturbs the routine of Max and leads him to rethink his future with seemed to him to be a foregone conclusion.
Diploma project (2019) by Colombe Rubini
Fiction / 18 min
Open the fish shop, clean the shop, cut and prepare the fish, talk to the costumers... Max is 23 years old and works in his father's fish shop. The days are long and are always the same. Max lives his daily routine without asking any questions. Apart from his activity at the shop, he helps his fishing friends to retrieve the nets on the lake.
When Zoe, a 24 year-old cook arrives for an internship in the fish shop, she disturbs the habits of the young man. With her energy and freshness, she is a ray of sunshine in the boy's gray daily routine.
She tries to give him another way to perceive his everyday life. Thanks to Zoe, Max is stepping out of his comfort zone, and reconsidering his future that seemed to be pre-determined.