For My Girl and My World, Love From Jamie XXX

Simone Nicola Filippo – For My Girl and My World, Love From Jamie XXX

My work visually explores themes of loneliness, para-social relationships and emotional frustration. These near-monochromes in oil evoke images of distant memories, similar to the stains one might find on the inside of a pillow after years of sleep and cold sweat, memories of online interactions, visual summaries from a mass of digital images that leave us numb until the next morning in an aseptic mental void. References to video games, social media influencers, and ASMR role-plays blend into a cloudy mass, similar in its lack of clarity to sketches that try to illustrate paranormal events or sleep paralysis.

Diploma project (2021) by Simone Nicola Filippo

ECAL Award
For My Girl and My World, Love From Jamie XXX
For My Girl and My World, Love From Jamie XXX
For My Girl and My World, Love From Jamie XXX