Documentary film workshop with Alessandro Comodin

Documentary film workshop with Alessandro Comodin

The 2024 documentary film workshop for 2nd year students was lead by french italian director Alessandro Comodin.

Studio project (2024) by Victor Cateau, Aurélie Chételat, Antonin Dutoit, David Gonseth, Lanna Melissa Nebie, Louis Richalet, Camille Surdez, Serhii Tykhoniuk


Head of workshop: Alessandro Comodin

"To make a film, you have to take into account so many variables that it may seem impossible. If we accept this ontological impossibility and the imperfection it entails, the greatest variable to be confronted in filming becomes the self.

How, then, to film the Other? How do we portray them? How do we accept that the film will also be a portrait of ourselves?

How do you strike a balance between the Other and yourself?

How, finally, can we work on our own style, our own unconscious inclinations, our own tastes and desires, without letting ourselves be influenced by forms and images we've already seen?

We worked in the simplest, most artisanal way possible, going back to the very basics of cinematic grammar. We desacralized mise-en-scène, reducing it as much as possible to a question of light, frame, out-of-frame, sound...
In this way, we were able to touch the heart of our craft with our own hands: the most important thing when we make a film is the people we're filming, the bond that binds us, the desire and pleasure of immortalizing them...and this in the same way, whether we're making documentaries or fiction."

Alessandro Comodin, director

• Victor Cateau , En surface, 23'

• Aurélie Chételat , Your face that still eludes me, 33'

Antonin Dutoit , A paradise, 36'

David Gonseth , Family photos, 26'

• Lanna Melissa NebieLoop, 15'

• Louis Richalet , Worthwhile wait followed by great joy, 19'

• Camille SurdezSunflower, 23'

Serhii Tykhoniuk , Limbo, 40'


Aurélie Chételat - Your face that still eludes me
Antonin Dutoit - A paradise
David Gonseth - Family photos
Lanna Melissa Nebie - Loop
Louis Richalet - Worthwhile wait followed by great joy
Camille Surdez - Sunflower
Serhii Tykhoniuk - Limbo
