During this one-week workshop led by Thélonious Goupil, edits were made to a ‘drop false ceiling’ in Bar Gala Lausanne. By hacking the system, playing with existing elements such as lighting or ventilators, the outdate ceiling was given new life without the need for full renovation.
Thélonious Goupil
- Assistants
Maxwell Ashford
- Students
James Caruso,
Yeonsu Na,
Brice Tempier,
David Ortiz Quintero,
Min Xiyao,
Natsumi Komoto,
Marco Ciacci,
Alicia Stricker,
Wei Li Chung,
Diego Soria,
Julia Siebert,
Omar Bassil,
Moritz Engel,
Finn Johnson,
Cody Ramseyer,
Motong Yang,
Paul Quentin,
Carolien Janssens