




2021 2021
César Axel Aguilar Rodríguez – Mains hum


César Axel Aguilar Rodríguez – Mains hum

by César Axel Aguilar Rodríguez

“The newsfeed reads: ‘Tu n’as jamais été ici’ And I wholeheartedly concur.”

Ange-Frédéric Koffi – La maison est notre coin du monde


Ange-Frédéric Koffi – La maison est notre coin du monde

by Ange-Frédéric Koffi

According to Gaston Bachelard, the house is the physical space that reflects our internal world. We learn to inhabit the house with its traditional inhabitants: the bed, the kitchen table, the doors and windows, the fences, etc. My graduation project, La maison est notre coin du monde (“The House is our Corner of the World”), focuses on one of the oldest pieces of furniture in the world: the folding screen. I question the relationship we have with this domestic object in our home, which is defined as a “shield of beauty”.

Ines Maestre – I Know How Soft Your Body Is I Scratched My Hands With It


Ines Maestre – I Know How Soft Your Body Is I Scratched My Hands With It

by Ines Maestre

Mention Très bien Desire is the engine that drives human life. Desire takes us out of ourselves, makes us dream, makes us excessive, leads us astray. It makes us live in improvisation, disorder and craving, which are the highest expressions of freedom taken to their paroxysm. Desire vindicates life, pleasure, self-realisation and freedom. The work highlights a duality of what is considered good or bad in parallel with the idea of love and desire, since both can coexist but do not seek the same thing. By playing with oppositions between different materials and forms that function as metaphors, the work highlights the price we must pay when the object we desire may not be the best for us, even if it satisfies our appetite.

La festa degli innocenti


La festa degli innocenti

by Andrea Vescovi (Colletivo Silencio, in collaboration with Stefano Baldini)

The Feast of the Innocents is a show born from research we carried out between Savona and Renens, the former city being where we grew up, the latter where we now live. The path that led us to establish a parallel was based on the collection of stories and testimonies of those who lived in these two provinces, which although distant, are linked by strong yet silent similarities. The stories of retirees, immigrants and workers challenged our position in this flow. We therefore tried, by unravelling the relationships with the past, to weave one with the present, paving the way for a concrete search for a community. These stories are interwoven with our experience in the form of projections, music and verbal narration.

Vanessa Udriot – Tidá nehés oyendau


Vanessa Udriot – Tidá nehés oyendau

by Vanessa Udriot

Coming from the field of architecture, I have developed a particular interest in the representations and perceptions of the spaces and materiality that surround us. I also seek to understand how things are linked to memories and histories, how objects and subjects evolve in their environment. My practice aims to question memory in a broad sense, often in relation to culture, from its different understandings to its many relationships. By associating borders and emotions, the question of identity is increasingly present in my work. I approach these subjects through a mix of personal experiences and a lot of research.

Jodie Rudaz – Same Landscape of Heaven And Hell


Jodie Rudaz – Same Landscape of Heaven And Hell

by Jodie Rudaz

“I remember an abandoned house, on the edge of the river. The river seems, at times, to want to cross the parapet. It has lost its mind, there’s too much light for it. From here on, we should forget its name; but no more than we humans, rivers can’t get rid of the first opinion that they have provoked in the collective mind. You will want to capture it, looking for the oval of a mirror to enclose it, but already the river is flowing towards other moments, always eager for new landscapes. A scent of honey will incite it to confidence: I am the face of everyone, the caress of the gaze that survives the gaze.” Valais de coeur, Pierrette Micheloud

Ana Marija Adomaityté – Suite


Ana Marija Adomaityté – Suite

by Ana Marija Adomaityté

“The pas de deux is a dance sequence built around a theme, often symbolic of a love story or the partnership inherent in love, with the dancers portraying expressions of affectionate feelings.” On a deep blue floor, a man and a woman perform the gestures of a couple: a contemporary pas de deux about the violence of the norm. If a classical pas de deux is meant as a celebration of love, I believe it is also necessarily the celebration of suffering in love. It is, par  excellence, the performative structure in which the representation of heteronormative romanticism flourishes. Suite – a performance for two people – is a danced resistance to the norms of heterosexual love. Through the exhaustion of gestures, Suite challenges all-powerful romanticism.

Natalia Mimran – Misfits


Natalia Mimran – Misfits

by Natalia Mimran

Misfits is a tribute to unrealised ideas and failed attempts and to round pegs in square holes. Discarded works and experimentations collected at ECAL during the last two years have been reworked to make this monolith. While the visual identity of the gathered material has been erased and the evidence of their physical existence fossilised, reframing their position reveals a hidden potential, as if energy was released during changes in the state of matter. The static presence does not drown out the voices, which are transformed instead into a new hybrid identity.

Mathilde Imesch – Reclaim Set: (re)construire son pouvoir


Mathilde Imesch – Reclaim Set: (re)construire son pouvoir

by Mathilde Imesch

Reclaim Set is a ceramic set that manifests ecofeminist ideas drawn from the history of witch hunts. The clay used consists of a mixture of mineral and organic materials, thus bringing together the mineral, plant and animal realms. This process also conjures up the four elements during the different phases of modelling, drying and firing. Witch hunts, which began in the 14th century, contributed greatly to the alienation of our connection with nature. The destruction of this heritage has resulted in declining autonomy and loss of power as a community in the face of institutional authority. Building your own Reclaim Set is a first step towards legitimising your power. When we use our experience to change everyday life, we transform reality and fight against cultures of oppression.

Simone Nicola Filippo – For My Girl and My World, Love From Jamie XXX


Simone Nicola Filippo – For My Girl and My World, Love From Jamie XXX

by Simone Nicola Filippo

My work visually explores themes of loneliness, para-social relationships and emotional frustration. These near-monochromes in oil evoke images of distant memories, similar to the stains one might find on the inside of a pillow after years of sleep and cold sweat, memories of online interactions, visual summaries from a mass of digital images that leave us numb until the next morning in an aseptic mental void. References to video games, social media influencers, and ASMR role-plays blend into a cloudy mass, similar in its lack of clarity to sketches that try to illustrate paranormal events or sleep paralysis.

La festa degli innocenti


La festa degli innocenti

by Stefano Baldini (Collettivo Silencio, in collaboration with Andrea Vescovi)

The Feast of the Innocents is a show born from research we carried out between Savona and Renens, the former city being where we grew up, the latter where we now live. The path that led us to establish a parallel was based on the collection of stories and testimonies of those who lived in these two provinces, which although distant, are linked by strong yet silent similarities. The stories of retirees, immigrants and workers challenged our position in this flow. We therefore tried, by unravelling the relationships with the past, to weave one with the present, paving the way for a concrete search for a community. These stories are interwoven with our experience in the form of projections, music and verbal narration.




Jury Giovanni Carmine Tiphanie Mall David Douard Stéphanie Moisdon Promotion Ange Frederic Koffi Cesar Axel Aguilar Ines Maestre Mathilde Imesh Natalia Mimran Jodie Rudaz Simone Filippo Stefano&Andrea Vanessa Udriot

Présentation semestrielle


Présentation semestrielle




with Matthew Lutz Kinoy, Natsuko Uchino




with Neil Beloufa




with Neil Beloufa

Fine Arts semestrial Presentation


Fine Arts semestrial Presentation

with MAAV

Selected works from Fine Arts master students from the first semester presentations
