




2006 2024
ECAL X HORGENGLARUS The Future is... Older


ECAL X HORGENGLARUS The Future is... Older

by Youssef Bassil, Meri Hozumi, Altamirano Castro Eduardo, Sofia Biondi, Gabriella Duck Garnham, Louis Ferraz, Justus Hilfenhaus, Clémentine Merhebi, Fanny Marrot, Lilian Onstenk, Aurelia Pleyer, Antonio Severi, Loïs Weber, Yichen Wu, Tom Jacquérioz

Who will we be? What will we need? How will we live? What will design offer? “Between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s population over 60 years will nearly double from 12% to 22%.” — World Health Organization Led by Tutor Sam Hecht and completed by first-year students of ECAL Master Product Design with input from the senior-lab, this project presents a range of objects designed for Horgenglarus that cater to the growing population of elderly users. The aim of these objects is to challenge the stereotypes associated with this frequently medicalised category, while leveraging Horgenglarus’s extensive expertise in wood-based craftsmanship.

ECAL x On 2040


ECAL x On 2040

with Christophe Guberan

Master Product Design students from ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne have created, in collaboration with Swiss brand On Running, shoe soles of the future. Under the guidance of Christophe Guberan, guest designer of MA Product Design and support of Thilo Alex Brunner, head of design at On, students explored within the context of the year 2040, concept shoe soles. The outcomes range from exploring the use of new materials and processes, to reinterpreting and re-contextualising common place aspects of todays world, all with a focus on future performance. A select number of the designs were developed into elaborate prototypes and exhibited at On’s new headquarters in Zurich in collaboration with works from other ECAL MA’s photography and Type Design.

Ecal×Yamaha Sound Machines


Ecal×Yamaha Sound Machines

with Camille Blin

Master Product Design students from ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne have created, in collaboration with Japanese brand Yamaha and its Design Laboratory, new types of music players in order to meet new requirements related to listening to music. Under the guidance of Camille Blin, Head of the project, the students first investigated and documented different contemporary processes and ways of listening to music, specifically through photographs and videos. The aim was to create a cartography of these practises. In a second step, they transcribed and applied these findings to new music playback devices – relevance and innovation being essential in this phase of the project. Finally, with the help of specialists from the Yamaha Design Laboratory based in Hamamatsu (Japan) and Los Angeles (USA), they developed the formal and technical qualities of their initial concepts into prototypes. Six projects were finalised, with great attention to details and materials, which are now presented thanks to a scenography by Anthony Guex. Hence, the exhibition features a music player that offers musicians a new way to practise their instruments using artificial intelligence; an installation that responds to the growing demand for live concerts at home by using a combination of sound and light to mimic a real concert environment; ASMR instruments that offer listeners a soothing moment by playing the sounds of relaxing movements; a home speaker that allows for a smoother transition between the different music players commonly used in the home; a player that offers an unexpected experience by displaying the rotation of a vinyl record vertically on a pedestal, and a speaker that allows people to listen to their music using their favourite objects as a trigger.

Excerpts from Master Product Design theses


Excerpts from Master Product Design theses

with Anniina Koivu

AUTHOR: Adam Huxley-Khng TITLE: ON in the absence of OFF On and off – at the flick of a switch, or the touch of a button. We are able to switch between the states of being of an object without thought, rarely questioning what makes an object ‘on’. Is it the presence of electric power? A sense of agency, or animism? What if on-ness is a state of being reflected by the cultural, rather than technological, capacity of an object – the embodiment of a moment of possibility? ----- AUTHOR: Alessandro Simone TITLE: What is next? SUBTITLE: The evolution of mountaineering and human limits This research examines the mountain landscape in the context of the evolution of mountaineering. Starting from the activity’s origin, the research investigates the shifts in technology, mindset, and limits that enabled the transformation of a destination for challenging expeditions into a place for second homes and weekend enthusiasts. How were humans able to overcome their limits, and what were the motivations for this drive? Products and objects played an essential role in guiding the story of mountaineering from the old ages to nowadays, making the user and his/her experience safer, but subsequently opening this terrain to mass tourism. This research retraces historical events and technical innovations to better understand mountaineering’s evolution, imagining a possible approach to this form of high-altitude tourism for the future. ----- AUTHOR: Alexander Schul TITLE: Visual language of sustainable design Different “sustainable” design proposals have been made in the past decades: from (literally) green looking objects, to normal looking ones, to objects whose visual language speaks to sustainability in their own individual way. In this research, I analyse a few examples in regards to the way the visual language of sustainable products has been approached in the past, what sustainable design looks like today, as well as what it will look like in the near future. The essay is led by the question “How does a sustainable approach to an object influence its visual language?” ----- AUTHOR: Charlotta Åman TITLE: Waste matters SUBTITLE: Valorising secondary products for a resourceful future Throughout history, humans have been expert in utilising every element of a given re­source. The heritage of husbandry has been car­ried from generation to generation – until today. Now, we are more disconnected than ever from original assets. In present manufacturing processes, secondary matter from production is often considered as waste rather than as a resource – an unfortunate conclusion as we are running out of raw materials and landfills grow. What does it entail to fully utilise a resource by valorising its secondary products, and how does it relate to the practice of a designer? The loose connections in manufacturing chains provide an opportunity to re-think: by considering the source, the scale and the system, design can be used as a tool for transition. ----- AUTHOR: Grace, Ka Yin Cheung TITLE: Japanese miniature culture: netsuke and gachapon SUBTITLE: Why are we so fascinated with small things? Miniatures are smaller than a normal objects, and include small replicas or models. Miniatures are present in different cultures all over the world and throughout time. The miniaturisation of mundane objects is recurrent, and has been an integral part of the memory of a culture. Among the different international miniature cultures, Japan has one of the most distinctive and apparent spirits of miniaturisation. To understand why people are so fascinated with miniatures, this research looks for the answers by delving into the miniature culture of netsuke and gachapon in Japan. ----- AUTHOR: Hsin Hung Chou TITLE: Unpack flat-pack SUBTITLE: The value of ready-to-assemble furniture This research studies flat-packing from its origins in the mid-19th century to its contemporary form as one of the prevailing typologies of the global furniture industry. Guiding questions have been: If the objective is to design and produce products from a logistical and sustainable point of view, is there any other solution to knock-down furniture? Does furniture lose its aesthetic and value in the process of being flat-packed? If the future is flat, could we make it better? ----- AUTHOR: Jimin Jeon TITLE: Soft, small and far, far away SUBTITLE: Our understanding of software Fire is the first profound tool in human history that cannot be grasped with the naked hand. Fire was considered a mysterious or religious thing – a gift from God, or punishment. But it was also an essential tool for human evolution. Today, we have found another tool surrounded by mystery and misunderstandings: software. It doesn’t smell, make noise, or come in any fixed form. It just occasionally flickers through a screen. This new tool takes us to another world, beyond physical limitations, that no caveman could have imagined. But, first, we need to understand the nature of software in relation to hardware – that is, the tools we are already familiar with. ----- AUTHOR: Jisan Chung TITLE: Assemblage in design Assemblage is mainly considered an artistic technique. However, by reviewing works of various designers, we can see that the same technique has been used in the field of design, too. This study aims to examine the characteristics and the meaning of “assemblage design” and its potential. Assemblage can trigger innovate manufacturing processes and create its very own aesthetic. ----- AUTHOR: Jonas Villiger TITLE: About repairability SUBTITLE: Rules, incentives and approaches to keeping things in circulation We want our products to be durable. And, if they break or become outdated, they should be repairable and upgradeable, too. It can be a very satisfying feeling to make something work again, or to make it work even better than it did before. Unfortunately, the industry does not make this easy for consumers. Not being able to intervene when something goes wrong with an object, consumers end up simply buying new things. However, giving a device an extended lifespan keeps us from wasting valuable resources. Starting from recent legislation and public movements that call for the right to repair, this research questions the role of designers within these changing circumstances. ----- AUTHOR: Julian Ribler TITLE: The Factory SUBTITLE: An investigation into modern design principles The Modernist movement promoted the appreciation of the advancements of industry. Modernism went on to integrate industrial advancement as part of the fundamentals of the movement as a whole. The principle of applying an engineer’s perspective was thought to inform the practice of designers and architects. Exploring modern factory environments and investigating the advancements in manufacturing technology today can help us revise these principles and examine the changing factory context. ----- AUTHOR: Kwan Ming Sum TITLE: Stagnation and innovation in the wheelchair industry A wheelchair is an essential tool for people with mobility issues to perform everyday tasks and achieve social participation. Unfortunately, modern manual wheelchairs hardly satisfy the emerging need of a well-resolved wheelchair design. A fundamental shift in understanding of today’s needs and innovation in this field are urgently required. Given the growth of the aging population, a rethink of wheelchair design is critical. Through conducting several interviews with different stakeholders, including wheelchair users, producers, and designers, this research aims to investigate the underlying reasons behind the stagnation in the wheelchair industry, and looks at how that might change. ----- AUTHOR: Maxwell Ashford TITLE: Fractions SUBTITLE: Cost-effective recycling A fraction is the result of any recycling process. It refers to the amount of materials from an object that can be recycled cost effectively, and is used broadly across the recycling industry. Objects are by standard practises designed independently from any end-of-life system and inevitably, the result is that objects cannot be effectively recycled. Historically, there has been little incentive for producers, and thus designers, to deal with the death or disposal of objects. But this is due to change, as incoming legislation from the EU will force producers to use recycled materials and create more recyclable objects. In turn, this demand will affect designers. So how can we work to create more sustainable goods? ----- AUTHOR: Nadav Goldenberg TITLE: Empire State of Play SUBTITLE: Playground design in the urban environment How did the design of playgrounds evolve throughout history? And how does the urban environment play a part in their evolution? To answer these questions, I look at New York City. Here, we see a dense urban space for play development, with a long history of constant shifts in play ideals, safety regulations and the pioneering of playground design. ----- AUTHOR: Oscar Kwong TITLE: Comfort and the curve The curve exists in all ranges of expression, from the flamboyant to the modest. In the past decade there have been multiple studies that have set out to confirm our instinctual desires for the curvaceous shape, proving in every measurable scenario that humans prefer the round compared to the rectilinear. This intuitive response to the curve has been hard-wired as part of our evolutionary bias. The relationship that connects comfort and the curve will be the premise of this essay: from the buildings of Sanaa that employs the familiar curve, as a reminder of our connection with nature; to trace the postures supported by the comfy lounge and its intimate bond with the human body; to the conforming contours of everyday objects. ----- AUTHOR: Silvio Rebholz TITLE: TV studio sets SUBTITLE: A space for reality and fiction TV studio sets are spatial constructions in which TV formats such as news, talk shows or game shows are produced. On these sets, hosts interact with guests, newsreaders broadcast informa­tion and hosts entertain – always with the intention of reproducing the scene on screens. Focusing on the designs of TV studio sets, it is striking how unusually shaped they are. Elaborately sweeping curves of sofas; LEDs highlighting the edges of a desk. Remarkably, these and other exceptional elements aren’t isolated cases, but repeat across shows, broadcast genres and national borders. Their similarities suggest that it’s about more than free formal expression. What are the parameters for consideration in a “good” TV studio set? How did this unique style develop? ----- AUTHOR: Thomas Manil TITLE: The typology of coins This research project explores the history, production and formal language of coins. They are part of our lives and accompany our daily gestures. We give them, we receive them, we pocket them, or we place them carefully in a wallet. We have the impression that we know them very well, and yet, we have a hard time describing them with precision. It is an integral part of the country’s identity and embodies the link between art, design and technology. In a society that is gradually seeking to dematerialise money, the coin deserves special attention. ----- AUTHOR: Till Ronacher TITLE: The robotic arm Industrial robots have been involved in the manufacturing of products since the 1960s. But over the last decades, industrial robots have been moving out of the factories into new contexts such as architecture and design. Now, in some experimental contexts, digital fabrication is explored with the help of industrial robots. In such laboratories, the cooperation between humans and industrial robots is being investigated and applied in a design context, within which new forms and transformative design processes emerge. In this thesis, I examine some of these developments with regards to the possibilities of their integration into the design process. ----- AUTHOR: Trolle Rudebeck TITLE: A writing and drawing instrument In the age of typing, scrolling and audio-recording, cursive writing might seem endangered, particularly among younger generations. As handwriting has become more and more obsolete, it has come to be considered as a poetic or romantic act rather than a fundamental tool. Looking back to ancient civilizations and their instruments for drawing and writing, the pen’s stick-like shape has remained surprisingly constant. By looking to the past, could we predict the future of the pen?

ECAL x RBM by Flokk: The Future of School Seating


ECAL x RBM by Flokk: The Future of School Seating

with Camille Blin

Innovative architecture, technology and design are shaping the future of education, challenging the norms for those creating learning spaces more than ever before. Danish furniture manufacturers RBM by Flokk have embarked on a semester-long design project with students from ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne (Switzerland). “What a great challenge for the students to collaborate with an important brand in order to create future experiences based on their experiences from the past! Back to school and to the future!” says Alexis Georgacopoulos, Director of ECAL. Based around the title, The Future of School Seating, the 1st year Master Product Design students worked with course leader and designer Camille Blin, assisted by Margo Clavier, to explore alternatives to today’s traditional school chair, specifically for children aged 6–12. “We tasked the students at ECAL to reimagine traditional school chairs and to design a product that fits seamlessly into the operating culture of future learning environments. We know that ways of teaching and learning are more diverse than ever before and we are excited to show off some great concepts from the ECAL 1st year Master Product Design students – the next generation of super talented designers,” explains .ystein Austad, Design Manager, RBM by Flokk. Located inside Konstnärshuset, a stunning and historical art gallery based in Central Stockholm,Education Reimagined invites visitors to experience an interactive exhibition of inspiring concepts presented by the students themselves. Visitors to Stockholm Design week can enjoy a fascinating glimpse into how young designers envision education spaces of the future.




with Augustin Scott de Martinville

The first year students of the Master Product Design faced the stakes of the job of designer, from idea to manufacture and sale. The products created, everyday objects made in Switzerland with the help of local craftsmen, are the happy result.

ECAL + Foscarini


ECAL + Foscarini

with Augustin Scott de Martinville

In partnership with the Italian lighting company Foscarini, ECAL Master Product Design students worked on new lamp projects developed around the concept of portable light. ECAL and Foscarini, an Italian company of reference in the field of decorative design lighting, present an exhibition of projects by students of the second year of the Master Product Design programme at Palazzo Litta. This selection of works was developed at ECAL on the basis of a brief provided by Foscarini, with the aim of stimulating creativity and design thinking. The students were asked to work on new ideas for lamps, starting from concepts of portable light and mobility, imagining how light can accompany our movements through space. Foscarini has supported the ECAL students throughout the design process: from the understanding of the brief to intermediate reviews, all the way to interventions to address problematic issues and stimulate alternative solutions. Nine lamps creating nine different moods were finally selected, each with its own features related to its shape and aesthetics as well as to the use of distinctive materials, ranging from cast aluminum to silk, including wood or ripstop nylon.

USM Foundation x ECAL


USM Foundation x ECAL

with Camille Blin

On the occasion of the Design Days 2018 taking place in the framework of Habitat-Jardin in Lausanne (March 3 to 11), ECAL MA Product Design students present an exhibition on the theme of "The Lamp of Tomorrow ". This project is part of the USM Design Grant Scholarship Program launched by the USM Foundation, which promotes innovation.




with Christian Paul Kaegi

A joint project between Swiss bag brand QWSTION and ECAL students of the Master Product Design programme, exploring ways of carrying and using the new sustainable and lightweight material CottonShell®. In the project led by Christian Paul Kaegi, Swiss Designer and Creative Director at QWSTION, the sustainably produced CottonShell® was the starting point for an extensive research. CottonShell® has so far been used for clothing only and its unique construction makes it wa-ter-resistant without the use of any coating. Questioning the norm, using straightforward materials and integrating functionality in effortless ways are the core brand values of QWSTION which completed the brief. «A good answer is the result of the right question. I think it’s a really important part of studying to keep questioning the status quo, of society, technology and their relation.» mentions Christian Paul Kaegi. The student’s engagement with both the QWSTION brand as well as the new material resulted in interesting new ideas and concepts going beyond the ordinary: a scarf with hidden pockets aims to challenge airline staff, a new method of protecting contents inspired by bubblewrap makes for minimal carry, and a backpack with integrated rain coat tackles unpleasant weather surprises.




with Camille Blin

Marking the twentieth anniversary of modern design classic BACKENZAHN™, e15 invited Master Product Design students of ECAL to develop own interpretations for furniture and accessories utilising the same materials available to the company’s co-founder Philipp Mainzer when he conceived the iconic stool. With a focus on sustainability, the BACKENZAHN™ stool was created using wood offcuts from the production of celebrated table BIGFOOT™. For its signature form and detail, seasoned heartwood is used, resulting in characteristic cracks, which make every stool unique. Under the guidance of designer Camille Blin, the students produced a series of 14 objects that reflect everyday functions, such as book shelves, children’s toys or paperweights. HD Images Brochure with explanations Photo ECAL/Maxime Guyon




with Augustin Scott de Martinville

We are more dependent than ever on electronic devices. There’s the fancy phone, watch or tablet, constantly vibrating and begging for attention; but let’s not forget the simple tools of everyday life. Those basic objects that help in your daily routines: waking up in the morning, connecting the power plug, or talking to someone with a good old-fashioned landline. How can we make these better, more intuitive, or get rid of any unnecessary functions and simplify both their use and formal language? Thilo Alex Brunner, head of the Master Product Design programme, provides some possible answers to theses questions: “To cooperate with both Petter Neby (Punkt founder/president) and the Jasper Morrison Office for Design (Punkt. art director) means a great deal for us, since we share many ‘Swiss’ design values such as efficiency and simplicity – but always with an element of surprise.” Under the guidance of designer Augustin Scott de Martinville, the students product ideas are diverse and range from weather stations to wall printers, and torches to projectors. HD Images Brochure with explanations Photo ECAL/Younès Klouche




with Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard, Philippe-Albert Lefebvre

In collaboration with Swiss bike manufacturer SCOTT the 1st year Master in Product Design students have developed new concepts for urban commuter bicycles. Urabn commuting by bicycle has increased steadily during the last years and has become a major part of nowadays urban traffic. The students focused on the needs of these daily cyclists, who use their bikes to go to and from work, to run errands or simply to get around town, in any weather condition. The students' designs address everyday luggage transport, blending components and frame as a whole, modularity, easy adjustment, anti-theft devices and other innovative new solutions for a better ride. Image: ECAL/Axel Crettenand

Appartement 50 Cité Radieuse


Appartement 50 Cité Radieuse

with Thilo Alex Brunner, Augustin Scott de Martinville

Apartment 50 was restored by two enthusiasts, Jean-Marc Drut and Patrick Blauwart, as close as possible to its original condition. Listed as a historical monument, the venue occasionally hosts exhibition projects. World-renowned designers have already exhibited there, such as Jasper Morrison, Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec, Konstantin Grcic and Pierre Charpin. Thus, under the direction of Thilo Alex Brunner, head  of the Master Product Design at ECAL, and of ECAL professor Augustin Scott de Martinville, a series of objects was produced over one semester by the Product Design Master students. The project began in September 2014 with a three-day workshop in the Cité Radieuse, allowing students to experience life in the building. Based on their various observations, they created objects to “inhabit” Apartment 50, focusing particularly on the following features: The specific climate of the apartments: the fan creates an air flow on the mezzanine and the cushions are designed to fit both on the living room’s indoor parapets and on the loggias’ tables. The flexibility of interior spaces: the large rotating lamp serves to light either the dining room or the living room in turn, while the small model can be used either on a desk or a bedside table. Tours of Apartment 50 which take place regularly: the carpet, crafted with the support of the Ruckstuhl AG manufacture in Langenthal, displays a map showing how the Cité Radieuse blended in with its environment at the time of construction, while the “unit” metre provides a simple tool to explain the Modulor system. Life in the communal areas, especially the roof terrace which serves as a meeting place: the chair and folding table are designed to facilitate migration from the living room of the apartment, while the  picnic box allows to comfortably carry everything you for an aperitif. In addition to the projects around the above-mentioned specificities, half a dozen other objects can be discovered on the spot or in the related publication. In March 2015, the students of the ECAL Master Art Direction were invited to attend a four-day workshop to experience and document everyday life in the building with a view to editing a publication. Through the architectural spectrum across 52 pages, this editorial project includes portraits of residents or fictional characters inspired by the Modulor system, as well as still lifes and original typefaces echoing the building’s proportions.




with Camille Blin, Nicolas Haeni, Vincent Jacquier

The ECAL students of the Bachelor Photography and Master Product Design present a series of interactive installations showing how mobile phone cameras and the selfie phenomenon changed the way we look at ourselves. How can one create objects and installations around the portrait theme in this digital age? What means are available to disseminate these? How can one make visitors interact with the exhibits and turn viewers into the main actors in the exhibition? Over a semester, 1st year Master Product Design students and 2nd year Bachelor Photography students from ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne worked on these issues with the aim to present their findings as part of an exhibition. Under the watchful eye of Vincent Jacquier, Head of the Visual Communication Department, of designer Camille Blin and photographer Nicolas Haeni, the students were able to understand, using various approaches, how current – material or virtual – technology alters our traditional relationship with portraits, be they selfies or pictures of others. Using modern media as well as more run-of-the-mill devices, exhibition visitors are invited to directly experiment the processes imagined by the students, allowing them to discover new interactive and fun ways of having their picture taken 3.0 style. Based on this principle, the exhibition stages an installation playing with the visitor’s shadow; the combination of a mirror and scanner to create realistic or distorted self-portraits; an image which is altered through song; a tribute to famous departed designers through a system of filters placed in front of a smartphone; analogically merged faces; a 180° portrait produced by a range of reflective surfaces; a trompe-l’œil projection on a mask; a family of objects able to hijack the smartphone camera function to create original images; a poetic reinterpretation Instagram; and finally, self-portraits captured by the photo itself. Video Images: ECAL/Nicolas Haeni

In Wool We Trust


In Wool We Trust

with Camille Blin, Ronan Bouroullec

With the kind support of The Woolmark Company and Mover Sportswear. Workshop led by Ronan Bouroullec and Camille Blin, assisted by Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard. Result of a one week workshop with the students of the Master in Product design, these installations are celebrating the numerous qualities of Merino wool in an unconventional way. Wool is a material that is part of our everyday lives. It has a particular meaning to everybody without having any specific shape or colour. Our goal during this workshop week was to give shape to those references we all have towards this product. It started without any preconceived idea on what the end result would look like. By experimenting and playing around with the different states of this material, the students designed some unexpected installations. Each one of them acts like a little story, using movement as a way to express itself. Information The Woolmark Company Information Mover Images: ECAL/Axel Crettenand

SIGG Lunch Boxes


SIGG Lunch Boxes

with Michel Charlot

Founded over 100 years ago, the Swiss manufacturing company SIGG is mostly famous for its iconic recyclable aluminum drinking bottles. Following recent trend surveys showing that more and more people bring food to their workplace, students from the Master in Product Design were asked to develop lunch boxes, food containers and accessories in relation to European, Asian and American cultures whilst considering SIGG’s identity. Information SIGG Images scenario: ECAL/Emille Barret & Ana Varela Other: ECAL/Nicolas Genta




with Augustin Scott de Martinville

Work from 1st year students of the Master in Product Design in collaboration with local producers and craftsmen.

Lights of Harcourt


Lights of Harcourt

with Camille Blin

In the wake of a collaboration initiated in 2011, Baccarat and ECAL are pursuing their joint reflection in 2013 around the iconic Harcourt range. Under the supervision of designer Camille Blin, five pairs of students in the Product Design Master and Master of Advanced Studies in Design for Luxury and Craftsmanship designed the “Lights of Harcourt” collection for Baccarat — a panorama of intriguing, contemporary lamps. “From molten matter to the end-product, via crystal cutting, we sought to light up — in the literal and figurative sense — the qualities of this material rife with a unique historical past”, Camille Blin explains. Questioning all aspects of the glassmakers’ know-how and reinterpreting the 6-facet motif of the famous Harcourt glass, each project diverts the Baccarat emblem from its original function to delve into the magical mysteries of crystal. You discover a tribute to the sculptures of Ettore Sottsass with a modular lamp with multi-faceted effects. In the subtly playful dance-hall spirit, a traditional light bulb is robed in facets, mounted as a garland or magnified on a lamp stand. Hinting at the surrealist universe of Salvador Dali, a project diverts the crystal’s properties to turn it into a coat with a bevelled lining which wraps around a metal structure. Enshrined in a crystal goblet, a spotlight allows you to freely position the light. Available in an infinite variety of colours, another concept focuses on the refraction phenomena displayed by crystal. Boasting the obvious look of a child’s masterpiece, a lamp makes the traditional Harcourt hexagon at its heart beat with emotion.




with Tomas Kral

LEDs, steel and aluminium are the materials of the lights designed by the ECAL Master’s in Product Design students during the project in collaboration with ewo, based in the Alto Adige in Italy. This was a real industrial project around the desire to present new ideas public lighting, a field ECAL had yet to work on. It was also a quick project that lasted only about 3 months. A project made by 1st year students of the Master in Product design, overseen by Alexis Georgacopoulos and Tomas Kral.




with Tomas Kral

Bathroom accessories in collaboration with AXOR-Hansgrohe.

Torch Light


Torch Light

with Adrien Rovero

Semester project with Adrien Rovero.
