with Ludovic Balland
with Ludovic Balland
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet
As part of an attempt to unify Bosnia, NATO decided in 1998 to change the licence plates indicating the region into an anonymous combination of letters and numbers. The system was undermined by drivers proud of their ethnicity, who found ways of accessorising their cars with stickers and other insignia. On our journey through Bosnia we collected videos, photography and archive material to document the development of the different identities. This book is a documentation and research into how people responded to the western attempt to unify the diversity within Bosnia.
with Ludovic Balland, Nicole Udry
My diploma project is a theater’s seasonal programme. Each play is represented as a trailer, printed on newspaper. This gives the audience a first visual reading of the plays. I made the pictures in a single handmade stage to give a unity to the space and the set. I represent the plays by evoking elements such as narration, dramaturgy and theme to give the reader an insight to each play.
with Ludovic Balland, Nicole Udry
My diploma project is a digital poster for Kinetica, an optical and kinetic art exhibition. In order to announce the events spread throughout the exhibition, I submit models of static optical art to development on an animated media. I therefore propose a visual language disturbing and playing with the viewers’ perception as well as allowing them to read information. In this project, I enjoyed using a mathematical organisation in order to create unexpected moments and give the illusion of random.
with Ludovic Balland, Diego Bontognali
The Strangers in my Body is an interpretation of the story of Eve, a woman who discovered her multiple personalities with the help of two psychologists. The first case of Multiple Identity Disorder, 1950. Besides the psychological discovery of her disease, the book also shows how she lived with and discovered new personalities over a period of four years. Interviews under hypnosis, case studies about her disease, diary entries as well as a series of portraits with minimal changes complement the story behind the twenty-two different faces of Eve.
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet
The absurd articles that give me my inspiration for this publication come from the newspaper Blick am Abend . A visual odyssey through the world’s perpetual absurdity. At the same time, an image of our modern society emerges. Newspapers no longer serve solely to convey information, but also to give the reader a certain type of entertainment. And so it comes about that we are confronted with a load of rubbish every day. The diary helps me to digest and process this trash. As with the daily news, I had to produce on a daily basis. This is also about the working process, and work experience. Fun factor 100%.
with Ludovic Balland, Nicole Udry
In this project, I dealt with lottery games. My main fascination: the players’ fantasies, their obsessions, the way they pick numbers, and the rituals used to influence the implacable logic of numbers and call for luck, day after day. In order to reveal the dream, I used the grid and the numbers to generate visual layers built around three characters. By developing images, I was able to recreate this whole atmosphere of euphoria and imagination. Also, the player uses a set of rules to make up the grid, as does the graphic designer.
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet
This project is a research and documentation project on the extreme geographical points of Switzerland. In an experimental and scientific tone, the reader discovers these places from one extreme point to the other. The layouts are adapted to each of these points depending on their geographical coordinates. As for the images, they mix different types of views (aerial, on the front) making the reader discover the places from many angles.
with Ludovic Balland
Transcribe an architectural space as a poster.
with Gilles Gavillet, Ludovic Balland, Angelo Benedetto
Réalisation d’une édition à partir du Marathon de New York.
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet, Angelo Benedetto
Réalisation d’une édition à partir de l'affaire Snowden.
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet
Stereo My project is called Stereo. It’s a publishing that regroups all kinds of musical samples used by hip-hop artists, from styles such as : blues, r’n’b, soul, funk, rock, old school hip-hop. Stereo proposes a reading experience that highlights the sampled artists in hip-hop, while the not so often sampled artists are also presented on a graduated list. To keep this idea of « sampling », the images, often used for iconic and information purposes, illustrate the lists of samples and are composed with the artists’s vinyl covers, cut and rearranged to create new images. The publishing also includes a part explaining the meaning of sampling, its rules and misuse (court cases, plagiarism, etc).
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet
Warming by the Devil’s Fire recounts the life of Robert Johnson. Considered today as one of the fathers of early Blues Music, he died in fact anonymously in 1938 at the age of 27 and fell into oblivion. It was only during the 60’s that white folk and rock musicians rediscovered his 2 albums and started being interested in his life. In 30 years though, his story had been told so many times and in so many different ways that it had turned into a tale. Theories, white fascination and romantic visions completed the myth, to which – as a European fan – I decided to contribute by telling my own version.
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet
Have You Ever Had an Acoustic Dream ? My book is based on the studies of R. Murray Schafer, who invented the notion of soundscape in the seventies. I started by doing some of his listening exercises in different environments and then decided to use binary possibilities to create a form of concrete visual soundscape. A website is dedicated to the project, where we can listen these landscapes www.haveyoueverhadanacousticdream.com
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet
Moondog We’ve Never Seen Before is a biography as a tribute. The book revolves around the life of a multi-talented artist : Moondog. Visual products run the diversity of his works such as poems, lyrics and instruments. Beyond the formal aspect of the biography, this project allowed me to question the limits of this genre. How far may an author revise and/or interpret the life of his subject ? For the sake of transcription, it was interesting to me to confront my universe with this singular artist’s. www.hervethomas.com
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet, Jonas Vögeli
Reenactment of the Tinner case featuring the main characters, places and actions
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet, Jonas Vögeli
Book on the archive of the Tinner case.
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet, Jonas Vögeli
The Tinner case through various archives, such as newspapers, television and documents of the Swiss Confederation
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet, Jonas Vögeli
The Tinner family, Swiss engineers from father to son, is suspected for participating in nuclear proliferation. Several sensitive documents relating to the case were destroyed. The Federal Council has instructed order to avoid any danger to global security. Despite an apparent group cohesion, the seven councilors have very different personal versions.
with Ludovic Balland, Gilles Gavillet, Jonas Vögeli
The DSK case seen as a result of a chain of consecutive actions. All actions are initiated by decisions. This book contains the same decisions and allows the reader to make his own path and explore alternative scenarios and consequences.