Workshop Heidi News

Workshop Heidi News

Heïdi News asked the Ecal film department to create ten films based on a series of articles on the theme of food. The students had to make very short films of two to three minutes that could be broadcast on the newspaper's website and social networks.

Workshop (2022)

Heïdi News asked the Ecal film department to create ten films based on a series of articles on the theme of food. The students had to make very short films of two to three minutes that could be broadcast on the newspaper's website and social networks. To reach readers/viewers on cell phones, the films had to be made in a vertical format and had to be able to capture attention from the first few seconds. 

The students all proposed an original treatment of the information and a singular form: several animation projects, a dystopian fiction, a purely graphic film, a documentary or a film edited only from archives. Each in their own way, these films experiment with a way of shedding additional light on the journalistic text without seeking to paraphrase it.

Every monday, you can find the students' videos on Heidi News' website !

• Serhii Tykhoniuk , Les Algues / Seaweed

 Louis Richalet , Origines du fromage / Origins of the cheese

David Gonseth , Gaspillage alimentaire / Food waste

Adèle Löffler , Repas dans le passé / Meals in the past

Antonin Dutoit , Le Prix / The Price

Aurélie Chételat , Empreinte carbone / Carbon footprint 

Camille Surdez , Changement climatique / Climate change

Lanna Melissa Nebie , Fermes verticales / Vertical trusses

Nafi Touré , Le Gras / The fat

 Victor Cateau , Pêche au chalut / Trawl fishing

Professor: Benoit Rossel , Arthur Lecoeur