Before ocean (Scriptwriting)

Adrien Beroud – Before ocean (Scriptwriting)

Before being adapted into a short film, "Aire de Jeux" is my Bachelor project: a feature film script, a satirical comedy in the world of contemporary theatre. 

Diploma project (2023) by Adrien Beroud

Fiction / 21 min


Noé, an unemployed actor, passes a theatrical audition without knowing the codes. His performance triggers an argument between the director and his assistant who interrupts him. His hearing is compromised. Noé wanders around the theater and takes care of Kenzaëlle, the director's daughter, in the hope of getting another chance.

Student's comment

Before being adapted into a short film, Aire de jeux is my Bachelor project: a feature film script, a satirical comedy in the world of contemporary theatre. Although the story differs in the short, the two projects maintain a similar tone and directing stakes.

Adrien Beroud