Alter Ego

Alter Ego

Realized in collaboration with Musée de la Main UNIL-CHUV, Lausanne for the exhibition « Intelligence Artificielle. Nos reflets dans la machine ». By revisiting the shape of the mirror, “Alter Ego” questions the notion of digital reflection. It highlights, in a playful way, image analysis by artificial intelligence.

Project lead: Pauline Saglio, Gaël Hugo
Development and finalization of projects: Sébastien Matos, Paul Lëon

Studio project, Collaboration (2022) with Gaël Hugo, Pauline Saglio

Sébastien Matos, Paul Lëon
Elodie Anglade, Soraya Camina, Samuel Dumez, Mélanie Fontaine, Jamy Herrmann, Iris Moine, Nathanaël Vianin
Machine learning (ML, AI)


Elodie Anglade , Soraya Camina - PlayZone
Samuel Dumez - You & You
Sébastien Matos - Mesh
Mélanie Fontaine - Bubble Pool
Jamy Herrmann - Oui % Non
