




2008 2025
Adryan Barrilliet – Will I Exist Within You?


Adryan Barrilliet – Will I Exist Within You?

by Adryan Barrilliet

Will I Exist Within You? is an immersive exploration of the human duality between the desire for connection and the fear of suffering from it. The existential journey follows a torn individual, exploring how social interactions contribute to shaping their essence. By delving into profound themes such as the search for meaning, loneliness, fear and love, the experience, which is divided into four parts, questions our relationship with others, individuality and self-construction. Will I Exist Within You? is an extension of a reflection that began with my thesis work on the influence of video games on personal development, specifically the para-social bonds that are established between players and their accompanying characters.

Filmmaking workshop


Filmmaking workshop

with Danielle Lessovitz

A 2-weeks filmmaking workshop led by the American director and scriptwriter Danielle Lessovitz with the students of the Master in Film - major direction and scriptwriting.

Victorine Lefebvre – InSitu


Victorine Lefebvre – InSitu

with Maddalena Casadei, Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard, Julie Richoz

Psychologists are sometimes called to work outside their offices: on site in case of traumatic events or in multipurpose offices, i.e. in places that are temporarily transformed into listening spaces. From their professional settings where everything has been carefully thought out, they find themselves in places imposed by circumstances. Having faced this situation myself, I noticed that makeshift environments can be uncomfortable and cann hinder open dialogue. InSitu is a device composed of a screen and a lamp, aimed at creating the appropriate atmosphere for a serene dialogue, which allows great modularity to better address issues of intimacy and security. The development of the project was the result of a dialogue between the reception of patients and the convenience of professionals.

Camille Donias – Chaise de cérémonie


Camille Donias – Chaise de cérémonie

with Stephane Halmai-Voisard, Maddalena Casadei, Julie Richoz

A ceremonial chair, an assembly configuration in front of a lectern. In this range of inexpensive furniture, the chair, often covered with a Lycra cover, offers diversity to adapt to different events. This dialogue between structure and cover, between skeleton and skin appears essential. A stainless steel structure, at least, is required since it will be covered. Lightweight, the chairs are easily stacked and can be hooked together to form a multiple. A cover forms the seat and backrest. The movable armrests give the chair several shapes and uses. This movement contributes to the change of perception of the chair. Rethinking furniture that is sometimes despised, where the banal and ordinary become a defect.

Malou Briand – Dalia (screenplay)


Malou Briand – Dalia (screenplay)

by Malou Briand

From the 2007 presidential elections to the emergence of the #MeToo movement, from the suburbs to the French capital, “Dalia” traces the journey of a young woman in the contemporary world. It is a story of friendship and of upward social mobility. maloubriand@gmail.com

Paper Park


Paper Park

with Emile Barret, Marie Douel

Marie Douel and Emile Barret from Hors Pistes led a workshop with the 2nd year bachelor in industrial design. They asked the students to create a maze made entirely from the paper waste of the ECAL printing centre. Based on the principle of the exquisite corpse, each group created one part of the labyrinth with a strong aesthetic and structural approach, allowing the visitor to get lost in distinct universes.

Anouk Zibaut – Lieux Ordinaires


Anouk Zibaut – Lieux Ordinaires

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Pauline Saglio

Ordinary places are those corners of streets or that deserted bench that you can see from your window… They are spaces that we can reclaim and that narrate our everyday lives. They are neither places nor monuments but have their own stories. The surveillance cameras that increasingly scan our landscapes are opening up a new projection on these common places. From this medium I tell evolutionary stories (from the present) of indefinite duration. Juxtaposed, the camera images are edited live to form a unique narrative sequence. lieuxordinaires.live

Antoine Flahaut – Wasteland


Antoine Flahaut – Wasteland

with Olivier Loustau, Alain Gomis, Emmanuel Salinger

Jérôme has failed his High-School leaving exams. He spend the day with his best friend, David before to go to a party.
