Semestre 1 2 3 4

Modules communs ECAL-EDHEA-HEAD
  • Séminaire de Master I (3 ECTS)
Module d'approfondissement
  • Pratiques et recherches II
    Préparation à la Master Thesis
    (12 ECTS)
Module d'orientation (CCC-EAE-MAPS-TRANS-WORKMASTER)
  • Collectif I
    (6 ECTS)

Modules communs ECAL-EDHEA-HEAD
  • Symposium (6 ECTS)
  • Séminaire de Master II (3 ECTS)
Module d'approfondissement
  • Pratiques et recherches I
    Préparation à la Master Thesis
    (9 ECTS)
Module d'orientation (CCC-EAE-MAPS-TRANS-WORKMASTER)
  • Projections I
    (12 ECTS)

Modules communs ECAL-EDHEA-HEAD
  • Séminaire de Master III (3 ECTS)
Module d'approfondissement
  • Master Thesis I
    (15 ECTS)
Module d'orientation (CCC-EAE-MAPS-TRANS-WORKMASTER)
  • Projections I
    (12 ECTS)

Module d'approfondissement
  • Master Thesis II
    Mémoire (9 ECTS)
  • Master Thesis II
    Projet artistique (15 ECTS)
Module d'orientation (CCC-EAE-MAPS-TRANS-WORKMASTER)
  • Collectif II
    (6 ECTS)


Contemporary art is a richly varied field in which professions and specialisations are constantly being redefined. This program is for holders of a Bachelor’s degree who are passionate about various aspects of this discipline – be it as an artistic practice or through a more theoretical, curatorial approach. This Master offers a unique opportunity to gain insider understanding of the contemporary art scene by experiencing its mechanisms as one of its fully-fledged actors.

In particular, students are invited to temporarily join an institution of their choice so as to study the latter’s procedures and people who gravitate around them. The results of this research may be presented in the form of an artwork, exhibition project or publication. In the framework of courses provided at ECAL's premises by renowned practitioners and theoreticians, students are involved in workshops, research work and exhibition development. They also have the benefit of ECAL's multidisciplinary course of lectures.

From pure artistic practice to exhibition curatorship, via writing, teaching or research, the range of opportunities is all the wider by creating an exceptional portfolio.



Qualification issued

Master of Arts HES-SO in Fine Arts, major in Contemporary Art Ensemble (CAE)

Yearly fees (materials included)

Fees detail


4 semesters


120 ECTS

Useful links

Admissions Contact

Equipments & infrastructures

Open Space MA Visual Arts Printing, Lithography & Silk-screen Workshop

Learning Objectives

First year
Conference of Camille Henrot
Masterclass with Juergen Teller


  • Write a Master’s thesis over the entire academic year, in line with the professional field: artistic production, critical reflection, dissemination and outreach.
  • Learn about technical workshops and produce works in the different workshops (wood, steel, lithography, etc.).
  • Immerse yourself in group trips in various international contemporary art exhibition contexts.
  • Immerse yourself in collective situations of exhibition and experimentation of the different formats of creation and dissemination of contemporary art.  
  • Take part in weeks of workshops and studio visits supervised by practitioners from all over the world with the aim of carrying out collective or personal projects.
  • Benefit from interdisciplinary teaching in the form of workshops (HES-SO Pool) developed by the three schools of the MA Fine Arts, open to all students of ECAL, EDHEA and HEAD.
  • Structure your thinking in transdisciplinary seminars (History of Contemporary Ideas, led by major figures of thought in the fields of art, philosophy and social sciences).
  • Integrate the Master’s Symposium around a theme centred on the research programme which encourages exchanges between students from the five majors of the MA in Fine Arts at HES-SO.
  • Attend end-of-year feedback and evaluation sessions with teachers and art professionals.
Second year
Diploma exhibition
Diploma exhibition


  • Write a Master’s thesis over the entire academic year, in line with the professional field: artistic production, critical reflection, dissemination and outreach.
  • Get familiar with technical workshops and produce works in the different workshops (wood, steel, lithography, etc.).
  • Immerse yourself in group trips in various international contemporary art exhibition contexts.
  • Immerse yourself in collective situations of exhibition and experimentation of the different formats of creation and diffusion of contemporary art.  
  • Take part in weeks of workshops and studio visits supervised by practitioners from all over the world with the aim of carrying out collective or personal projects.
  • Take a study and research trip linked to the Master’s thesis project in collaboration with different organisations or institutions in the art world.
  • Benefit from interdisciplinary teaching in the form of workshops (Pool HES-SO) developed by the three schools of the MA Fine Arts, open to all students from ECAL, EDHEA and HEAD.
  • Structure your thinking in transdisciplinary seminars (History of Contemporary Ideas, led by major figures of thought in the fields of art, philosophy and social sciences).
  • Integrate the Master’s Symposium around a theme centred on the research programme which encourages exchanges between students from the five majors of the MA in Fine Arts at HES-SO.
  • Defend your thesis.
  • Put into practice the know-how acquired in a graduation work and a portfolio, which will serve as a business card to integrate into the labour market quickly.


This section contains a selection of emblematic or recent projects related to the disciplines taught in the Master's degree.
See all projects

Events linked




with Ricca

In his essay,  Theory of Metamorphosis , philosopher Emanuele Coccia celebrates the “power of caterpillars” allowing them to transition from one existence to another without having to die first nor being born again. The caterpillar thus in its full autonomy shakes up the natural order of things. This in-between state materializes in the cocoon, an intermediate yet complete stage, totalizing more than the sum of two halves. The cocoon is a circumscribed territory which has no limits, not completely life, not totally death. This solipsistic space is plural, it is host to the liquid form, embracing simultaneity and different realities. The artworks presented here echo the principle of transition which govern this exhibition. Through their relationship to space or how they question the function of an art object, through the staging of intimacy, these works identify a limit and almost mechanically, ask what lies beyond. Usefulless  is a quality specific to useful objects that are nowhere to be found when needed. Opening a middle way through the binary definition  useful/useless , the term  usefulless  defines a transitional state of utility. Here inside the exhibition, the influence of context reveals the intrinsic ambivalence of objects, useful only based on a need, at a given time, for something or to someone.  Usefulless  opens a dialogue between the works of the students of the Master Fine Arts at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne and pieces from artists whose respective practices explore similar avenues.

Symposium KILL Yr IDOLS


Symposium KILL Yr IDOLS

KILL Yr IDOLS The 20th century invented youth. It has inspired the century in all matters, it has become its horizon. We move forward according to its tastes. Until the end of the World War II, youth was thus only rarely considered, as if in a transitory state, stuck in an awkward age. Then, all of a sudden, with the rise of pop culture, the market economy started to seduce it. A phenomenon that was long regarded as an embarrassing growth spurt ended up dominating the world. The 21th century is nineteen, twenty years old. And youth still remains a mystery. One relishes to conceptualize and historicize it. One also knows that youth never stops to toss and turn. It exists in order to produce moments, ideas (immediately subjected to aging), new gestures, or which youth believes to be new? Amnesiacs are the content ones. One must see how the history of youth has been sketched in the last century, as a straight line, or maybe in successive layers, strata, sedimentations. Less than a century has produced a tome of attitudes that describe each and every generation, the way they took possession of the cultural field, of trends, languages, postures and all theses signs that aim to destroy the next generation (in order to provide new space for the possible). Invariants stand in the midst of all this nonetheless: the same doubts, rage, opposition, unease, fake arrogance, discoveries and the same gold. Politicized, or at least concerned, youth 2.0 is soaked in a yet to be analyzed opposition between the speed rate of its exchanges that it constantly develops further and a desire to tame late capitalism's irrevocable damages: the disintegration of the planet and its climate. Outpacing capitalist realism might well have become the new horizon of a youth that was formed by its very capabilities of speed. In this setup, what are the new postures, ideas, excesses and transformations that are – again and again – capable of inventing youth? How will the new emerge if we remain at the core of an exhausting recommencement ? Philippe Azoury

Exposition 'Ending Explained'


Exposition 'Ending Explained'

with MAAV

Symposium 'Eco-monde: horizons nouveaux'


Symposium 'Eco-monde: horizons nouveaux'

Can we move from one world to another, from one period of human history to another, and still create forms, produce meaning, sell art, as if nothing had happened? To slip into a new era without taking it into account? Between the countdown of the ecological catastrophe and the new environmental conscience, we are in the process of changing paradigm, and of entering, without always knowing it, often backwards, in an unknown universe, where the political, social, scientific, artistic questions are no longer posed in the same terms. Where was the man ("ecce homo") is imposed today the interdependence of the forms of life ("to like the echo?"). Where Prometheus was unleashed, with his myth of progress and his dogma of development, a new concern arises, still badly understood, that of lasting, of letting live, of abstaining. Where substance reigns, that of products, resources, certainties, a new question now insinuates itself: the atmosphere, a matter of ambiance and resonance, of airy spirits and the bewitchment of things. And where anthropocentrism triumphed for a long time, as an imperial posture, the ground is cracking under the feet of Man, who loses his capital letter, his arrogance, his solitude too. Of this obliged ecological turn of the late modernity, the art and the culture cannot not take account. They must find a new tone, in tune with the perils, the urgencies, but also the humility and the breadth of vision required by these new times. They must explore new themes, which frenetic capitalism and the dramas of history had relegated to the background. Above all, they need to think together things that have been separated for centuries: objects and lives, air and meaning, micro and macro, time and space. It is these vast problems that the symposium will address. It is in this spirit that it will shake up our habits. It is with as much joy as questioning, with freedom as with open dialogue, that it will tackle head on the revolution in progress, and its crucial stakes for the art world - and for the simple fact of creating. We will talk about the Anthropocene, green finance, vital decay, militant slush, the relationship between the environment and the extremities, and many other things. Keeping in mind, in order not to disarm, that it is not a question of defending nature, but rather, today more than ever, of being the nature that defends itself.

Symposium with Tristan Garcia


Symposium with Tristan Garcia

A l’occasion du Symposium Master Arts Visuels à l’ECAL, Tristan Garcia a réalisé une conférence sur son livre  Nous. Né en 1981 à Toulouse, Tristan Garcia est un philosophe et écrivain français, qui s’impose parmi les plus intéressants de sa génération. Il co-dirige avec Vincent Normand le laboratoire de recherche Théâtre, jardin, bestiaire : une histoire matérialiste de l’exposition, soutenu par l’ECAL et la HES-SO. Ses romans comprennent La Meilleure Part des hommes (2008) qui a obtenu le Prix de Flore en 2008 et qui fut adapté au théâtre en 2012, Mémoires de la jungle (2010), En l’absence de classement final (2012), Les Cordelettes de Browser (2012), Faber. Le Destructeur (2013) et 7 récompensé par le prix du Livre Inter 2016. Ses travaux philosophiques incluent L’Image (2007), Nous, Animaux et Humains. Actualité de Jeremy Bentham (2011), Forme et objet. Un Traité des choses (2011), Six Feet Under. Nos vies sans destin (2012), La Vie intense. Une obsession moderne (2016) et Nous (2016). Depuis 2015, il est professeur associé à l’Université Lyon-3.

Evaluation first semestre 2017


Evaluation first semestre 2017

Master Class with Pierre Bismuth


Master Class with Pierre Bismuth

Pierre Bismuth a présenté à l’ECAL son premier long métrage en tant que réalisateur Where is Rocky II ? Né à Neuilly-sur-Seine en 1963, Pierre Bismuth est un artiste contemporain qui s’intéresse à la règle comme manifestation essentielle de l’activité humaine. Son travail, qui couvre des champs de connaissance très divers, se nourrit des lois inhérentes de chaque système auquel il s’intéresse, dans le but de trouver leur point de rupture. En 2005, il remporte avec Michel Gondry et Charlie Kaufman l’Oscar du meilleur scénario original pour son synopsis de  Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind . Where is Rocky II ? (93') 2016 Un détective privé et un duo de scénaristes hollywoodiens sont engagés dans un défi autour de l’existence d’un mystérieux objet créé et caché dans le désert, il y a 40 ans, par l’artiste américain Ed Ruscha. En traitant la matière documentaire comme s’il s’agissait d’une fiction, Pierre Bismuth réalise ce qu’il appelle une fausse-fiction.

SOMA – Residency to Mexico


SOMA – Residency to Mexico

Lors de la cérémonie des diplômes Bachelor et Master qui a eu lieu fin juin, l'ECAL/Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne a remis à trois étudiants de 1re et 2e années du Master Arts Visuels – Gabriele Garavaglia, Vinzenz Meyner et Catarina Bota Lea – les «clés» d'une résidence d'artistes à Mexico City. SOMA est un espace d'art contemporain qui vise à s'imposer comme un contrepoint dynamique aux écoles, musées et galeries du Mexique. Il est né à l'initiative d'un groupe d'artistes mexicains qui, en s'appuyant sur les expériences des précédentes espaces d'art, comme La Panadería et Temístoclés 44, ont uni leurs forces pour créer une plateforme unique au sein de la scène culturelle. La mission de SOMA est d'encourager le dialogue, la collaboration et même la confrontation entre artistes et producteurs culturels de différents horizons et générations.

1st semester evaluations


1st semester evaluations

Conference Dominique Gonzales Foerster


Conference Dominique Gonzales Foerster




Jérôme Wilfredo Baccaglio ,  Logos for Drones and Such... I created a catalogue for drone logos. It gathers a heterogenous iconography (invented, drawn, found) whose every motif is available for purchase as a canvas, a tattoo, a drawing or a sticker. This is an oblique strategy adopted to talk about the interpretation of an image (as the spectator, or as the artist, to assign it a meaning, a name); the versus created by hand-made work and a digital image; mercantilism; the matter of copyright and its role in an information-infested era. Tina Braegger,   Fasanenstrasse 30 I made an architectural model of white cardboard, placed on four white metal legs. I decorated the model with white curtains that flow over the model down to the floor. Inside the model, I put old toys of mine, objects that originally belong to a doll’s house. By attaching the legs directly to the model, it looks like a table. I wanted to create something surreal, like a dream; the objects inside the model are slightly too big, and the model bleeds off as the curtains overflow. Arthur Fouray ,  Andy IV, #aaafff Studio Modernes, Helio noir cendré 2011: Enters 2nd year ECAL. Dia: Beacon visit. 2012: First artist exchange with Frédéric Gabioud. 2013: Begins the notes website " » Fine Arts Bachelor's degree. Obtains a studio funded by the city of Lausanne. Assistant to Pierre Huyghe . Co-founding of a + o - ( ). 2013 - 2014: The Lauren bedspring-painting inaugurates the objects-canvases series. #aaafff first painting for Philippe Decrauzat. 2015: Co-founding of Silicon Malley ( ), artist-run space in Prilly. Julien Gremaud ,  The Big Picture Two wallpapers face each other. They are very white, their black lines are basic. The templates have been done. It was questioned whether the surfaces should be solid or empty, filled with monochromy or blocks of primary colour. One can always enlarge them if necessary. These are ai files. One no longer needs a Hasselblad camera. There is not a whole lot left of the source image. By the way: photography wants to appropriate space. But we are still unable to do so. Eventually, the finishings, very weighty. I promise you Johanne, I will take some pictures for our collaboration’s archives. Emanuele Marcuccio ,  Untitled (Serve the Servants) This is a partial truth, a fragment of my understanding, my sense of things. Being alone in the office, being alone in the library, being alone in the studio is still about a certain notion of improving. I have this impulse that pushes me right in the situation that makes me improve. Well then, I feel specially special. Photo credit : ECAL/Axel Crettenand.

Paris and Centre Pompidou-Metz


Paris and Centre Pompidou-Metz

Photo credit : ECAL/ Julien Gremaud .


Macula Workshop avec David Douard


Macula Workshop avec David Douard

with David Douard

Questionner l’économie des images et l’idée d’authorship à travers un exercice de manipulations d’images digitales vers un objet physique. Remettre en question le rapport d’une génération artistique « Google » qui se servait volontiers dans un gouffre d’image internet pour les manipuler à foison. Aujourd’hui ce rapport est contesté par de nouvelles technologies servant et à donner une valeur et une authenticité au détournement ( NFT ) David Douard propose ainsi un workshop de sérigraphie sur 3 jours comme un moment de jouissance productive où les enjeux seraient l’appropriation par la superposition. C’est une réflexion sur l’image à capturer et sur la potentialité subjective d’une image à travers le rapport au texte, la poésie ou le langage.




with Matthew Lutz Kinoy, Natsuko Uchino




with Neil Beloufa




with Neil Beloufa

Talk given by Camille Henrot


Talk given by Camille Henrot

Camille Henrot, Plasticienne, New York Née en 1978, Camille Henrot vit et travaille à New York. L’artiste française développe une pratique variée qui mêle film, dessin, sculpture et installation. En puisant ses inspirations et ses sujets dans la vie quotidienne et dans la littérature, la mythologie, le cinéma et l’anthropologie, l’oeuvre de Camille Henrot reconsidère avec acuité les typologies d’objets et les systèmes de pensées établis. En 2013, dans le cadre de la Smithsonian résidence à Washington DC, elle réalise le film  Grosse Fatigue , avec lequel elle remporte le Lion d’argent à la Biennale de Venise. Lauréate du Prix Nam June Paik 2014 et du Edvard Munch Art Award 2015, Camille Henrot a également participé aux Biennales de Lyon, Berlin et Sydney et a bénéficié d’expositions personnelles dans des lieux prestigieux tels que le Schinkel Pavillon à Berlin, la Kunsthalle de Vienne, le New Museum à New York ou encore au Palais de Tokyo à Paris pour une carte blanche en 2017. Ses prochaines expositions majeures auront lieu à Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery (2019) et à la National Gallery of Victoria de Melbourne (2020).

Symposium with Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster


Symposium with Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster

Avec ce workshop, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster prolonge sa réflexion sur les apparitions et les transfomations qu’elle pratique depuis 2012 (M.2062 et QM.15) autour du cinema, de l’opéra et de la littérature avec des personnages réels ou fictionnels qui représentent chacun un point de vue sur l’art, la représentation et l’existence. Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (born in 1965) is a French artist and an in influential figure in international contemporary art. She is known for her great variety of work in video projection, photography, and spatial installations. Recent solo exhibitions include “1887–2058” at Centre Pompidou, Paris and K.20 in Dusseldorf (2015/2016), “Temporama” at Mam, Rio de Janeiro (2015), “Splendide Hotel” at the Palacio de Cristal/Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid (2014), “Chronotopes and Dioramas” at the Dia Art Foundation, New York (2009); “TH.2058” in the Turbine Hall, Tate Modern, London (2008). She also participated in Skulptur Projekte Münster (2007) and Documenta XI, Kassel (2002). Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster has also staged “M.2062” in London, Amsterdam, Dublin, Kyoto and Paris between 2012 and 2014, and QM.16 in Paris in 2016. Her most recent films are “Otello 1887”, “Vera and Mr Hyde” and “Lola Montez in Berlin”.

Workshop with Georgia Sagri


Workshop with Georgia Sagri

Georgia Sagri

Workshop with Matthew Lutz-Kinoy


Workshop with Matthew Lutz-Kinoy


Oriane Emery – Every stain carries a memory


Oriane Emery – Every stain carries a memory

by Oriane Emery

My project Every stain carries a memory represents a laundry room featuring a passport photo of my biological father (with whom I did not grow up) and a fabric embroidered with carnation stitches, also known as Algerian Eye. This installation represents my interbreeding with Algerian culture, to which I was not invited. I sublimate it through dreams, memories, spiritual heritage and the laundry room as a popular place of transformation, purification and socially perceived as feminine. Capturing a suspended time, the fabric is eternally bathed in water that retains its memory, as opposed to washing it. The passport format of a photograph symbolizes identity. Here, it's frozen, the only link I share with him.

Léonard Vazquez Vila – Whispering remains


Léonard Vazquez Vila – Whispering remains

by Léonard Vazquez Vila

Possibilité, potentiel, virtualité : séquençage, virement, rupture ; linéarité, hiatus d'intensité, intervalle impassible ; le prévisible, l’imprévisible, l’insensé ; seulement la pensée, le pensable, l'impensable ; le déjà ressenti, le ressenti, l'insensé; le possible, le possible, l'impossible réel ; le possible, le « pratiquement impossible », l'impossible en principe ; l'instrumental, l'opérationnel et le contingent ; Pareil, changement, hasard.

Felice Berny-Tarente – I CRAVE


Felice Berny-Tarente – I CRAVE

by Felice Berny-Tarente

This installation combines video performance, a poem, a sound piece in collaboration with Max Klunge and images generated by artificial intelligence. The looping video is as tragic as it is comic, it is this inner tension that my piece is dedicated to. The mantra I CRAVE structures the text in passages of deep desire and fearful prostration. Although nothing much seems to be happening, the undercurrents are imbued with deep emotion. Or rather, they capture an inability to cope or break out of mental loops, as in this vacant act of running and undergoing this performance. It's hard to understand exactly what the purpose of this temporal journey is, except perhaps a brief tale of solitude and endurance.

Sherif Sherif – Lines to See and Not to Cross


Sherif Sherif – Lines to See and Not to Cross

by Sherif Sherif

My diploma project is an installation consisting of two sculptures and a video that explores physical, psychological, and societal boundaries through imaginative narratives. Lines to See and Not to Cross is a sculpture with three arrows connected to a sphere, projecting laser lines that create illusory, yet crossable boundaries, addressing psychological limits and power structures. "Hand Games" is a 3-minute video on a loop projected on a screen made of plexiglass, a red gel light filter, and tracing paper. The video explores physical boundaries through children's games. "Forbidden Fruit" is a 3D-printed sculpture of two power sockets locked with padlocks, preventing access to the power source.

Gabriele Ferrarini – Measures


Gabriele Ferrarini – Measures

by Gabriele Ferrarini

The work on display stages an attempt to inhabit a psychological space characterized by new intentions and antagonistic ideas. A lucid dream in which the tools for measuring architecture reappear as nailed shadows, black silhouettes. Physical and atmospheric alterations accompany a misuse of the mentioned objects, making them apparently unrecognizable. The union of each element articulates an improbable metaphor that, in a poetic and ironic key, seeks to emphasize the doubts that drive us to observe reality and the criticality of the measures that control it.

Max Klunge – Sounds like..


Max Klunge – Sounds like..

by Max Klunge

My project is to create a small event at the ECAL. Around a sound system, the aim is to offer students and anyone at the school, whether ECAL members or not, the chance to spend a pleasant moment, discover music, eat, drink and bring this place to life by encouraging people to meet and enjoy the moment. The approach is based on several points, the political and militant aspect of music and in this context with a sound system, the aspect of homemade and collective practice, promoting inclusive and ethical consumption through vegan food. Musically, it's a proposal that's the fruit of experimentation with compositions, selections and productions of music and the dissemination of music.

Eva Ayache-Vanderhorst – Il y a un ciel dès lors qu’il y a une terre ou se repose les corps lourds.


Eva Ayache-Vanderhorst – Il y a un ciel dès lors qu’il y a une terre ou se repose les corps lourds.

by Eva Ayache-Vanderhorst

This immersive installation, consists of delicate, dreamlike paintings stretched over metal frames, suspended in space like windows into inner worlds. These paintings, on second-hand linen sheets as a medium, evoke evanescent landscapes, blurred figures, and fragmented scenes, appearing to float in a dimension between dream and reality, much like memories float in our minds. This space has the embodiment of the intangible barrier between the past and the present, between what we remember and what we forget, highlighting the ephemeral and sometimes deceptive nature of our recollections and its subjective fragmentation. The dagger-like pendulum, a divinatory tool, hangs above the ceiling. It refers to the tension emanating from such subjectivity.

Ana Francesca Bălan – Studiu de mansardă (Attic study)


Ana Francesca Bălan – Studiu de mansardă (Attic study)

by Ana Francesca Bălan

Studiu de mansardă (Attic study) is a collection of family artifacts reassembled into frames carrying questions of value, heritage, haunting, and the archive as a speculative tool.

Angèle Challier Fontaine – My eyes ache to clos


Angèle Challier Fontaine – My eyes ache to clos

by Angèle Challier Fontaine

My eyes ache to close is an installation that questions the dynamic between public space and the invisible traditions of the private sphere. The notion of “care” is symbolized by the time and attention invested in the meticulous wrapping of thread around each structure. The work is composed of six objects extracted from the urban environment, each of these elements, typically encountered in the street, is reimagined through repetitive gestures. The abstraction of use of the six selected objects reveals their aesthetic aspect and intrinsic similarities. Stripped of their original function, they become enigmatic sculptures, suspended between their utilitarian past and their new identity.

Lorenzo De Bellis – I furnished the den and it seems to have turned out well


Lorenzo De Bellis – I furnished the den and it seems to have turned out well

by Lorenzo De Bellis

The fox serves a dual role: a trickster and a symbol of guidance and protection. Initially introduced through a documentary S. watches on TV, the fox is featured in a fox hunting documentary where it is hunted and ultimately is killed. Images from this documentary are taken and projected on panels, forming a sort of theatrical scenography. The realm is the one of the horror. The tryptic is composed of three images representing the hunting scene and developed on the wooden panels using a photosensitive emulsion. The killing of the fox represents the prelude which is simultaneously a foreshadowing. The starting point of the project is a script, which is then used as a score to compose and create the work.

Lucas Aulagnier – Creer Algo


Lucas Aulagnier – Creer Algo

by Lucas Aulagnier

In the Mediterranean regions of europe, niches in building facades contain votive statuettes, testimony to a religious past in the public space. They are closed by glass panes of the same format, delimiting the sacred space of the niche and the secular space of the street. I'm fascinated by the idea that something of the statuettes on one side and the passers-by on the other has been fixed by the glass, in a quasi-photographic way. It's the sum total of the exchanged glances that has been captured: the gaze of those who looked up at the saint in the hope that he or she would return their gaze. The extracted glass panes, marked by minute traces of paint and time, are non-signifying images, silent and bearing uncertainty.

Flavio Visalli – Whirlpool


Flavio Visalli – Whirlpool

by Flavio Visalli

Please me, make me happy Breather, sleeper Make me happy Misty, crystal Blister, eternal Soft and liquid in the light Secret otherworldly sight Passing time in black and white If only I could dream tonight On my own Teenage lessons set me right Taught me how to dream tonight Love me warm in cold daylight Soft as skin and safe inside Smother silky sin so fine Make believe that you are mine On my own Tears and sorrow set me right Taught me how to dream tonight


This section lists the detailed modules and courses for each semester of the programme.

Semester 1 2 3 4

Common Modules ECAL-EDHEA-HEAD
  • Master Seminary I (3 ECTS)
Further development module
  • Practice and research I
    Preparation to the Master Thesis
    (9 ECTS)
  • Projections I
    (12 ECTS)

Common Modules ECAL-EDHEA-HEAD
  • Symposium (6 ECTS)
  • Master Seminary II (3 ECTS)
Further development module
  • Pratiques et recherches II
    Préparation à la Master Thesis
    (12 ECTS)
  • Projections II
    (9 ECTS)

Common Modules ECAL-EDHEA-HEAD
  • Master Seminary III (3 ECTS)
Further development module
  • Master Thesis I
    (15 ECTS)
  • Collectif I
    (6 ECTS)

Further development module
  • Master Thesis II
    Thesis (9 ECTS)
  • Master Thesis II
    Art Project (15 ECTS)
  • Collective II
    (6 ECTS)

Find all the programme documents below


Tina Braegger
Stefania Carlotti
Giulio Scalisi
Matthias Sohr
Career Opportunities

Visual artist, Art critic, Curator, Art director, Teacher, Cultural mediator, Performer, Stage manager, Exhibition designer, Video artist…

Other alumni

(BA and MA Fine Arts) Alfredo Aceto, Valentin Carron, Claudia Comte, Sylvain Croci-Torti, Stéphane Dafflon, Philippe Decrauzat, Natacha Donzé, Cyprien Gaillard, Frédéric Gabioud, David Hominal, Gilles Furtwängler, Mélodie Mousset, Simon Paccaud, Gina Proenza, Jeanne-Salomé Rochat, Denis Savary, Baker Wardlaw, Shirin Yousefi...



Stéphanie Moisdon


Lucas Erin
Shirin Yousefi

Engraving workshop
François Kohler 

Lithography workshop
Simon Paccaud 

Silk-screen workshop
Sylvain Croci-Torti


Valentin Carron 
Stéphanie Moisdon 
Denis Savary


Philippe Azoury
Neil Beloufa 
Emanuele Coccia 
François Cusset 
Tristan Garcia 
Vincent Normand 
Matthew Lutz Kinoy 
Fabian Marti 
Mélanie Matranga  
Emanuel Rossetti
Bea Schlingelhoff 
Lucie Stahl
Zoé Stillpass
Natsuko Uchino

Visiting lecturers

Marie Angeletti
Daniel Baumann
Alexandra Bachzetsis 
Tenzing Barshee
Cecilia Bengolea
Pierre Bismuth
Willem De Rooij
Claire Fontaine
Dominique Gonzalez­-Foerster 
Camille Henrot
Thomas Hirschhorn
Karl Holmqvist
Michel Houellebecq
Pierre Joseph
Isabel Lewis
Balthazar Lovay
Nathaniel Mellors
Noémi Michel
Shahryar Nashat
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Susanne Pfeffer
Anne Pontégnie
Pamela Rosenkranz 
Gerwald Rockenschaub 
Georgia Sagri
Julia Scher
Slavs and Tatars
Juergen Teller
Eric Troncy
Oscar Tuazon
Xavier Veilhan
Françoise Vergès
Tris Vonna­-Michell