Hands On

Hands On


The 1st year BA Industrial Design was invited by the Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich to design wooden toys that were exhibited as part of the retrospective exhibition 'Willy Guhl: thinking with your hands'.


Studio project (2022) with Adrien Rovero

Quang Vinh Nguyen
Christophe Ascençao, Basile Avvanzino, Iris Gerbex, Minna Holenweg, Jeanne Reymond
Tangible Interaction, Craftsmanship, Game



For 39 years, Willy Guhl has taught at the Zurich School of Design (ZHdK), focusing on toy design with a highly sensitive and applied experimental approach. It is precisely in this context that the students, 40 years on, have come up with ideas in line with Willy Guhl's approach.

'Hands On', the title of the exhibition and project, defines a particular spirit of hands-on design. How do you think with your hands? How do you develop an object that can be manipulated and provides a particular experience? The students therefore began the project by experimenting, testing, manipulating and demonstrating the simple principles of mechanisms in the form of a scale model.



Minna Holenweg - O - Image by ECAL/Jasmine Deporta
Minna Holenweg - O - Image by ECAL/Jasmine Deporta


Iris Gerbex - Voûte - Image by ECAL/Jasmine Deporta
Iris Gerbex - Voûte - Image by ECAL/Jasmine Deporta


Basile Avvanzino - Asteroid - Image by ECAL/Jasmine Deporta
Basile Avvanzino - Asteroid - Image by ECAL/Jasmine Deporta


Christophe Ascençao - Clac - Image by ECAL/Jasmine Deporta
Christophe Ascençao - Clac - Image by ECAL/Jasmine Deporta


Jeanne Reymond - Drop - Image by ECAL/Jasmine Deporta
