VR Sequences 2022

VR Sequences 2022

VR Music Video projects created by second-year students in the Bachelor of Media & Interaction Design program.

Transversal project (2022) by Adryan Barrilliet, Julien Caulet, Paul Nouvelhomme, Elina Crespi, Martino De Grandis

Virtual Reality (VR)

La page blanche

Taking inspiration from a 1970s building, a virtual architecture has been created, emphasizing the drawing experience. The viewer becomes immersed in this house where the lines come to life, reimagining an original space. The sketch extends beyond its paper, allowing a hybrid drawing to envelop the viewer.


By Elina Crespi and Martino De Grandis


"Incident" is an immersive VR project exploring 3D worlds. Inspired by the "Max Headroom incident," where a broadcast was hijacked, the artists aim to recreate the unsettling sensation of losing control over screens.


By Paul Dorsaz and Julien Caulet


The sequence introduces VRonique, the main character and guide, in 'Le Salon'. This project marks an early exploration of VR sequences and motion capture, evident in the character's intentional jittery movements and the non-finalized render quality. Created in collaboration with Graphic Designer Thomas Neyroud and Photographer Louis Michel, VRonique offers a glimpse into a future that blurs reality and the virtual world.


By Adryan Barilliet