Fine Art Photography

Fine Art Photography

Last minute risk

As the students enter their final year of training at the ECAL, and their interests and methods take shape, it's time to take advantage of this last project to question our own rules, achievements and influences, not to be satisfied with them, and to take risks. 

Studio project (2024) by Albane Durand-Viel, Anna von Allmen, Barnabé Masson, Léa Bevilacqua, Carla Corminboeuf, Cyriane Rawyler, Gilian Cardaci, Jennica Folkesson, Johanna Bommer, Laure Brandford Griffith, Léo Paschoud, Lorane Hochstätter, Mathilde Lesueur, Matilde Croxatto, Seraphine Sallin-Mason, Antoine Woeffray, Hector Codazzi, Noé Vercaemst, Yan Miranda, Yves Möhrle

Angèle Marignac-Serra
1st year program
2nd semester
Documentary, Fiction
Carla Corminboeuf - ECAL


Barnabé Masson - ECAL
