Photographic Editions

Photographic Editions

Using pre-produced images, the students created one or more book models. How do you transform a series of photographs into a book?

The Photographic Editions course introduces students to the selection of images, their order, format, graphics, ink, paper and binding. It addresses the specificities of the book as a medium and as a market.

Studio project (2024) by Albane Durand-Viel, Anna von Allmen, Barnabé Masson, Léa Bevilacqua, Carla Corminboeuf, Cyriane Rawyler, Gilian Cardaci, Jennica Folkesson, Johanna Bommer, Laure Brandford Griffith, Léo Paschoud, Lorane Hochstätter, Mathilde Lesueur, Matilde Croxatto, Seraphine Sallin-Mason, Antoine Woeffray, Hector Codazzi, Noé Vercaemst, Yves Möhrle

Angèle Marignac-Serra
3rd year program
1st semester