




2008 2025
Sven Odermatt – ColorBath


Sven Odermatt – ColorBath

with Stephane Halmai-Voisard, Christian Spiess, Carolien Niebling

My project is the fruit of my questioning of the growing automation and robotisation of industry. Do human beings still have a place in this industrialised process or are there stages where their contribution might compete with that of the machines? My project consists of faceted modules made of aluminium sheet. Each of them has been manually dipped in colour baths. The result is surfaces with varying hues, drips and other defects that produce unpredictable, highly expressive results.

Collaboration with L’Epée 1839


Collaboration with L’Epée 1839

with Fiona Krüger

Regatta Very few sports, or indeed very few human activities, merit the term ‘graceful’ as much as does sculling. Long, streamlined craft cutting the water like a stiletto and leaving barely a ripple are among the most elegant forms of human displacement on earth. And that sense of grace conceals both the incredible power of the oarsman and the arrow-like precision of their craft. L’Epée 1839 harnesses and pays homage to the grace of sculling with La Regatta, a sleek vertical clock invoking the shape of the long thin scull, with both the power (8-day power reserve) and precision of the most elegant of watch sports. Our modern lives are often busy and, at times, even chaotic, La Regatta invokes a sense of peace and calm.

Lucie Herter – R2Home


Lucie Herter – R2Home

with Stephane Halmai-Voisard, Maddalena Casadei

Every day, 1800 radiosondes are sent into the atmosphere to collect data and make weather forecasts. However, only 20% of the instruments are recovered worldwide. R2Home is a solution developed by Yohan Hadjil, EPFL student, to address this problem. It features a fully autonomous paragliding robot that navigates to a precise landing spot determined by the user. More information on www.r2ho.me. My project focuses on the development of the shell that protects the mechanism from the cold, the rain and shocks. It is mainly made of expanded polypropylene. The shell consists of two parts that can be assembled using PET pieces. All materials can be easily recycled. Intuitive design, easily replaceable parts, environmentally friendly and reusable, R2Home is the next generation of radiosondes.

Fantastic Smartphones


Fantastic Smartphones

with Pauline Saglio, Vincent Jacquier

Fantastic Smartphones – a series of interactive installations developed by students in Bachelor Media & Interaction Design at ECAL, investigating in a critical and offbeat way our relationship with smartphones and the way they influence our daily behavior. See the press room

Sébastien Galera Larios – Data Riot


Sébastien Galera Larios – Data Riot

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Once upon a time, a few Homo Sapiens allowed humanity to escape the endless cycle of life and death. Together, leaving behind their individuality, they merged into a new form of existence, beyond humanity – as if in this second genesis man had created God in his own image. Data Riot questions the foundations of human individuality through a social science fiction halfway between a video game and a music video. Enter a futuristic world and experience your transplantation into a collective intelligence to the rhythm of the electronic sounds of the collective Curl. Based on your personal data and your decisions, the experience adapts to you and offers a disturbing experience of your own identity.

Living Room


Living Room

with Alain Bellet

Living Room is a collection of three “add-on” augmented objects that bring your home to life. It is based on digital interactions and surrounds you with movement. Living Room reconnects you with your physical world and gives a sense of presence to your digital life with a simple and sensitive approach.

From Screen to Paper Abecedarium


From Screen to Paper Abecedarium

with Jessica In

A one week workshop with Jessica In where 1st year Media & Interaction Design and Graphic Design students worked together on the link between screen and print content. During this week, the students did formal research in Processing in order to create an alphabet book, which was then printed using an Axidraw plotter.




with Marcelo Coelho, Gaël Hugo, Pauline Saglio

A new educational model for a post-pandemic world

Drawing Machines


Drawing Machines

with Daniël Maarleveld

Drawing Machines - Projects centered around the design of machines capable of producing generative drawings. Workshop given to the 2nd year class in Media & Interaction Design by Daniël Maarleveld. Workshop assisted by Callum Ross et Pietro Alberti.

Diane Bécheras – The Sound of the Links


Diane Bécheras – The Sound of the Links

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Pauline Saglio

Inspired by the text The Camille Stories written by Donna Haraway, somewhere in the future, groups of people are organizing themselves into micro societies. The installation The Sound of the Links is a fragment of this civilization about how humans experience communication with plants in an attempt to rebuild a way of living in communion with the species that surround them. I would like to raise awareness about these imperceptible phenomena discovered by biologists, so that we can imagine a different relationship to the world than that of exploitation.

Teaching the Machine


Teaching the Machine

with Gene Kogan

This workshop was a hands-on introduction to machine learning with a focus on creating artistic and interactive applications. Machine learning is a field dedicated to teaching computers how to perform tasks given examples and human oversight and has been used by artists, musicians, and designers to add a dimension of machine intelligence and interaction to their work. The students focused on the core algorithms used for discovering patterns in complex multimedia data, including images, sounds, and text. They learned how to use neural networks to create real-time, cross-modal interactions for use in video, installation, live music performance, and physical computing. They were provided a suite of tools and code for clustering, visualizing, and searching through large collections of multimedia.

André Andrade – 300 000 km/s


André Andrade – 300 000 km/s

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

The probable future expansion of the territory of Man towards Mars will bring us to communicate through an interplanetary Internet. The distance between the two planets will not physically allow the immediacy of the Internet as we know it on Earth. My project highlights the limit of the communication speed through a simplified visualization of a permanent ping (round-trip time) between Earth and Mars. In a world where everything is accelerating, 300’000 km/s symbolically illustrates the limits of physics and evokes a patience that we are not used to anymore.

The Center for Counter-Productive Robotics


The Center for Counter-Productive Robotics

with Thibault Brevet, Marc Dubois

In this day and age, robots are presented as the embodiment of precision, speed and efficiency. And they are: working relentlessly, day and night on factory floors around the world, churning out goods faster than ever. As a consequence their practical use is mostly limited to capitalistic logics expecting return on investment, or academic logics expecting research publications. The Center for Counter-Productive Robotics is an island where these concerns are thrown out of the window, and robots are deliberately approached with failure, laziness and clumsiness in mind. In this way the center develops a more human-centric approach to robotics.

Invisible Narratives - KIKK Festival


Invisible Narratives - KIKK Festival

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne

Two interactive installations created by third-year Media & Interaction Design students were exhibited in two different venues of the KIKK festival in Namur (Belgium) this year. Commissioned by the festival, the installations address the festival’s theme of “Invisible Narrative” through two iconic items: drones and surveillance cameras.

Erika Marthins – Déguster l'augmenté


Erika Marthins – Déguster l'augmenté

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

What if we could augment our food? Would it be possible to experience a new dimension of a meal? This project is a desire to explore the potential of integrating data and storytelling in food. A proposition of expanding three desserts in a poetic way. A wedding of sound and chocolate, poetry and lollipop and animation and dessert. In collaboration with Chef Fabien Pairon Ecole hôtelière de lausanne, RayForm (Rayform light shaping technology), Jun Shintake Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (EPFL). Special thanks to: Michel Ferla (EHL), Dario Floreano Director of Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (EPFL).

Error is Human


Error is Human

with Cyril Diagne, Alain Bellet

“Error is human and to blame it on a robot is even more so” Mixed media installation with Thymio robots (EPFL/Mobsya), commissioned by Vitra Design Museum. Presented until 14 May in the exhibition “Hello, Robot” at the Vitra Design Museum. design-museum.com

Alexia Léchot – Deltu


Alexia Léchot – Deltu

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Cédric Duchêne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Deltu is a delta robot with a personality that interacts with humans via two iPads. Depending on its mood, it plays with the user who is faced with an artificial intelligence simulation, who appreciates the small pleasures of life, sometimes too much. The relationship we have with robots/AI that have been created to enhance our performance, but have become a source of learning, is unique and exciting. The android’s place in society has not yet been de ned and remains to be determined; for me it is the best source of inspiration.

Martin Hertig – Sensible Data


Martin Hertig – Sensible Data

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Sensible Data is an interactive installation consisting of three machines that invite to create a passport from your personal data. Take a picture of yourself and a machine will draw your portrait. Send an email and an algorithm will judge your age, gender and beauty. By pressing a dubious button, you can get a nice confirmation stamp. Thank you for your contribution! This project allowed me to question the confidence that we have in the data collection systems that surround us: fun in exchange for personal data.

Maxime Castelli – Nelson


Maxime Castelli – Nelson

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Nelson is a tiny connected module designed to to bring everyday objects to life remotely. It’s based on a very simple forwards and backwards movement as we do in our everyday life, like pushing a switch. Connected to the internet it triggers setups previously defined by the user. Designed and built with the help of designer Arthur Didier, this project is the completion of my studies, working in most of the fields of interaction design and industrial design to mix both towards an innovative creation.

Pierre-Xavier Puissant – EURI - LOW RES AWAY


Pierre-Xavier Puissant – EURI - LOW RES AWAY

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

LOW RES AWAY is a modular telepresence system of which EURI is the first module. The goal of this work was to extend one of the reflexions of my Bachelor Thesis: the idea that the instantaneity of the Net “makes geography obsolete”. I decided to work on the sound representation of weather data based on simple idiophonic objects. For this first module, I worked on rain data. An app allows the user to define a point to retrieve weather data from. The EURI then create an abstract sound composition, replicating a distant reality.

Thymio meets ECAL


Thymio meets ECAL

with Alain Bellet

During a one week workshop students were asked to develop projects using the Thymio robot. 50 Robots were available. The week began with an introduction to Thymio and its secrets by Prof. Francesco Mondada from EPFL. Students worked then in group with the task to make Thymio(s) write a word, all those words was then put together to form a sentences that you can discover in this movie. Thymio is an affordable educational robot. It provides three main features: a large number of sensors and actuators, an educative interactivity based on light and touch and a programming environment featuring graphical and text programming. Thymio Robot has been developed in a collaboration between the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Ecole Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne (ECAL).

David Colombini – Attachment


David Colombini – Attachment

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Attachment, a poetic machine connected to a website, allows you to send messages, images, or videos into the air through a biodegradable balloon. The basic idea was to take a stand against the current use of “smart” technologies by creating a poetic concept, using current technology that allows us to communicate differently and rediscover expectation, random and the unexpected. The site allows you, by entering your name and e-mail, to send a message and attach a picture, sound, or video. Once your content is validated, the machine prints the message and a code on an  sheet, slips it into a biopolymer cylinder attached to a balloon, which is released into the air. The balloon then travels haphazardly to a potential recipient.
