Dialogue Wetter
Rooted in the heart of Aargau, Wetter Metallbau invited 1st year Bachelor Industrial Design students to discover the metalwork and how to challenge its know-how by designing a range of metal made furniture and accessories for home that were produced by Wetter’s LUN apprentice workers. Photos by ECAL/Younès Klouche assisted by ECAL/Giulia Chehab
Studio project
Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard
- Assistants
Giulia Amélie Chéhab
- Students
Jérémy Aberlé,
Clara Alberti,
Sonja Allenspach,
Cosima Antoine-Schumann,
Nathan Baraness,
Manfred-Gordon Baud,
Lisa Bernasconi,
Jonas Béguin,
Julia Caron,
Dylan Casasnovas,
Jasmina Celikovic,
Julien Chaintreau,
Marie Cornil,
Marina Daguet,
Amélie Demay,
Lucas Dorpe,
Loris Gomboso,
Nathan Gramage,
Laurie Greco,
Marie-Hélène Greusing,
Iskander Guetta,
Géraldine Guillaume,
Victoria Mac Sweeney,
Manon Membrez,
Myriam Meyer,
François Ménès,
Dimitri Nassisi,
Nora Ottenwaelder,
Ferdinand Pezin,
Hanieh Rashid,
Yohanna Rieckhoff,
Célia Steinmetz,
Manon Vernier,
Marin de Saint-Exupéry
- Know-how
soft goods / accessories,