Création d'image

Création d'image

During the image creation course with Guy Meldem, the students had to develop an editorial project around the faux. Each student chose an artist trying to reproduce his or her style through the creation of a 16-page booklet.

Studio project (2023) with Guy Meldem

Diego Steiner, Cyprien Valenza, Dorian Pangallo, Candice Aepli, Arnaud Wenger, Léa Corin, Sébastien Follet, Matteo Cortesi, Alfredo Venti, Emilie Müller, Amélie Bertholet, Mathilde Driebold, Eliot Dubi, Hugo Scholl, Marc Facchinetti, Coraline Beyeler, Paul Paturel, Delphine Brantschen, Adam Saragoussi
Imagemaking, Editorial, Painting