




2006 2024



with Nicolas Poillot

The "Commission & Photography" course aims to conceptualize and produce visual content for an editorial series, emphasizing applied photography and collaboration with an Art Director. It allows students to explore various photographic territories such as editorial, documentary, fashion, still life, and fiction. Objectives include understanding editorial commissions, conceptualizing and presenting ideas, as well as effectively collaborating with an Art Director. Students are required to produce a series of images while adhering to the given theme and constraints, while also developing preliminary research, a structured methodology, series architecture, and finding solutions to creative problems encountered. The theme involves each student selecting and photographing three personal objects that are particularly meaningful to them.

Photographic revelation


Photographic revelation

with Laurence Bonvin

Endurance In this course, the objectives are to allow students to experiment with new approaches or techniques regarding past, ongoing, or diploma projects. They also have the opportunity to revisit and refine subjects that have not met their satisfaction in terms of concept, form, technique, or execution. This experience aims to expand ideas, refine techniques, continue unfinished work while improving it, or build a more comprehensive body of images. Endurance lies at the heart of this process, whether it's persevering in completing a project, revisiting an idea until it's exhausted, or overcoming obstacles such as lack of time, self-confidence, or courage. This semester thus offers students the opportunity to confront their limits, surpass them, and achieve their best in their endeavors.

Fine Art Photography


Fine Art Photography

with Natacha Lesueur

Seduce, they said Based on projects developed around the theme of seduction, students develop a personal, in-depth project over the whole semester.

Workshop Photographic chamber


Workshop Photographic chamber

with Matthieu Gafsou

The workshop week 4x5 is both an introduction to the 4x5 technical camera and a way to kickstart a photographic project. Students experience the process of analog shooting, from development to large format printing. This intense week is highly technical, but also focused on developing a photographic language, allowing for a better understanding of the fundamental workings of photography.

Fine Art Photography


Fine Art Photography

with Natacha Lesueur

Seduce, they said Based on projects developed around the theme of seduction, students develop a personal, in-depth project over the whole semester.




with Orsola Valenti

Image, sound and politics: how to raise the image The main aim of the course is to stimulate reflection on the audiovisual gesture. By confronting students with the complexity of audiovisual creation and its compositional dimension (image and sound, space and time, frame and rhythm, body and set), they are encouraged to grasp its richness and potential.

Staged Photography


Staged Photography

with Charlotte Krieger

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the creation and management of a complex photographic project involving sets, characters and lighting. The theme is free.

Images and movement


Images and movement

with Olivia Schenker

During one semester, the students made a very short film on the theme of Simulations. They acquired fundamental notions in the narrative, visual, and conceptual development of a video production.

Workshop Photographic chamber


Workshop Photographic chamber

with Matthieu Gafsou

The workshop week 4x5 is both an introduction to the 4x5 technical camera and a way to kickstart a photographic project. Students experience the process of analog shooting, from development to large format printing. This intense week is highly technical, but also focused on developing a photographic language, allowing for a better understanding of the fundamental workings of photography.

Photographic Essays


Photographic Essays

with Matthieu Gafsou

In the second year, the course Photographic Essays course enables students to exercise a documentary photographic practice –one based on a relationship with reality, with something anchored in the here and now. This year, students worked on a theme related to ecology in the broadest sense: a very specific, concrete starting point (a permaculture garden, Extinction Rebellion activists, documentation of polluted sites, encounters with people working with more-than-human animals), a broader, multiple or personal approach.

Photographic Hanging


Photographic Hanging

with Laurence Bonvin

For two semesters, second-year students developped projects related to the thematic Reclaiming Water. They were invited to question and procuce images in relation to the countless political, social, economic, human and environmental issues linked to water. Who owns it? Is it a common good or a marketable resource? How can we visually address these issues?

Photographic Editions


Photographic Editions

with RVB Books/Matthieu Charon & Rémi Faucheux

Using pre-produced images, the students created one or more book models. How do you transform a series of photographs into a book? The Photographic Editions course introduces students to the selection of images, their order, format, graphics, ink, paper and binding. It addresses the specificities of the book as a medium and as a market.

Révélation Photographique


Révélation Photographique

with Laurence Bonvin

During the first semester of the third year, this course enables students to take up a project they have already started, which could be continued in the second semester for the diploma. Students are encouraged to take risks in form, technique, production or subject matter.




with Nicolas Poillot

By conceptualizing and producing the visual content for a magazine, themed - RESISTANCE - the students approached the notion of applied photography in a practical, creative and professional way in close collaboration with an Art Director.

Création photographique


Création photographique

with Natacha Lesueur

Over the course of a semester, the students develop a project that examines the challenges of auteur photography and develops their personal expression. The project may be continued as a diploma project in the second semester.




with Maxime Guyon

"Sculpture" is an intentionally broad theme to give this semester project in order to stimulate experimentation and freedom of realization. Sculpture is an artistic medium that allows for the realization of volume forms forms in volume thanks to innumerable techniques that have been used since the Paleolithic era to our contemporary society. This is an ambitious project where each student will have to complete a series of images highlighting their creations through advanced techniques of composition and light in the studio. Creating a sculpture is for some artists, for others it is a spontaneous way to elaborate a body of spontaneous way to develop a body of work.

Photographie et arts plastiques


Photographie et arts plastiques

with Natacha Lesueur

Based on projects developed around the theme "Trompe L'oeil and Simulacra", the students developed a personal and in-depth work over an entire semester.

Essais photographique


Essais photographique

with Matthieu Gafsou

The mere mention of the term animal already raises questions; the most general of all is the following: do we, as humans, belong to this kingdom, or have we become totally alien to it ? The aim here is not to answer such a question, but to understand that the divide between humans and non-humans is extremely strong in our society - the only one in human history that has forged such a boundary. Yet the animal is everywhere in our daily lives. There is the animal we eat, or refuse to eat, the one we domesticate, the one that lives in our - its? - environment, the one we hunt, the one we cage in zoos, the one we study, the one we protect, etc... There is now talk of the sixth mass extinction of biodiversity. This context, which is ours today, complicates our relationship with living beings and with animals in particular. We are forced to rethink our relationship with others and become aware that life is a complex network in which we do not have all the space. Moreover, recent scientific research has exploded the Cartesian theory of the animal-machine and demonstrated that we are not the only ones to have developed an interiority. During this year-long project, students were asked to produce a series that addresses one or more of the themes associated with the animal world, in the form of their choice but using reality as raw material.

Accrochage Photographique


Accrochage Photographique

with Laurence Bonvin

How can we move from the two-dimensionality of the image to the multi-dimensionality of the experience ? How can we introduce notions of space, volume, tactility and sensuality into images and the way they are presented ? If images can allow us to create new links with the world, how can we possibly move away from an essentially technically based vision, a perspectivist and anthropocentric vision ? How can we imagine and represent what a representation detached from our human point of view would be ? In our culture a separation has been established between culture and nature. This dichotomy has determined the way we see, understand and represent the world around us. How can we create images of the living, of "nature" that go beyond this distinction and this point of view ? Images that contribute to recreating a link with what is nonhuman: the plant, the mineral, the animal, the cosmic. What does an animal, a plant, an object, a tree, the earth feel and perceive ?

Staged photography


Staged photography

with Milo Keller

Photographie et arts plastiques


Photographie et arts plastiques

with Natacha Lesueur

Reference to the masters of the past (even if irreverent) is a recurrent com- posant of modern and contemporary artistic approaches. (Postmodernism; Situationism, Appropriationism) Quotation, homage, parody, remake, pastiche, remix, détournement, recycling, mashup, appropriation, re-enactment, simulationism, found footage, sample, palimpsest - appropriations are numerous and touch all fields.

Création cinématographique


Création cinématographique

with Clément Lambelet

Pratique photographique


Pratique photographique

with Milo Keller

Séquence photographique


Séquence photographique

with Olivia Schenker

Pratique Photographique


Pratique Photographique

with Milo Keller

Pratique Cinématographique


Pratique Cinématographique

with Orsola Valenti

Atelier Photographique


Atelier Photographique

with Kalev Erickson (AMC), Luce Lebart

Accrochage Photographique


Accrochage Photographique

with Clément Lambelet

Pratique photographique


Pratique photographique

with Natacha Lesueur

Pratique photographique


Pratique photographique

with Matthieu Gafsou

Pratique photographique


Pratique photographique

with Sebastian Vargas

Pratique photographique


Pratique photographique

with Natacha Lesueur

Pratique photographique


Pratique photographique

with Milo Keller

Essais photographique


Essais photographique

with Matthieu Gafsou




with Matthieu Gafsou

The aim of the Centre intercantonal d’information sur les croyances (CIC) is to map the religious diversity of our regions and to explain in a neutral way how the cantonal communities function. The director, Brigitte Knobel, contacted the ECAL to create a visual cartography of the communities. Second-year students were asked to photograph the project. They worked throughout the year on an assigned religious community, selected beforehand according to geographical and diversity criteria.

"Corps-concept" Exhibition


"Corps-concept" Exhibition

with Natacha Lesueur

“Corps-concept” is an exhibition that reflects on contemporary conceptions of the body that underpin numerous ideological movements, including transhumanism. Issues regarding the body-object, the body-draft, body-commodity and the anthropological consequences of these different “conceptional reductions” will be examined. The aim of the exhibition is to offer an unprecedented insight into our current utopias and on the technoscientific driving force that irrigates these. From 21 My to 19 November at the Maison d'Ailleurs in Yverdon-les-Bains. Opening reception 21 May from 5pm. At the invitation of Marc Atallah, director and curator of the Maison d’Ailleurs, first-year Bachelor degree Photography students at the ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne tackled the very contemporary issue of transhumanism. For two semesters, they confronted this school of thought which advocates the advent of a new human being and contends that the progress of science and technology makes it possible to transcend human nature. The project was led by Natacha Lesueur, a French artist-photographer and teacher at the ECAL. This exhibition presents a selection of photographic and filmic works, reflecting the transdisciplinary training programme offered by the ECAL. By contrasting different visions on ways of shaping the humanity of tomorrow, these projects express the numerous controversies and debates regarding transhumanism, as well as its accompanying ideologies. Exhibition opens from 21 May to 19 November 2017 Tu-Sun 11am-6pm 50% discount for ECAL students upon presentation of their legitimation card. Maison d’Ailleurs Place Pestalozzi 14 Case postale 945 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains T. : + 41 24 425 64 38 www.ailleurs.ch
