




2006 2024
Sara Dutch – Mife and Miso go boating (Direction)


Sara Dutch – Mife and Miso go boating (Direction)

with Elene Naveriani

In the near future, Xzir, a woman in her thirties, finds herself faced with an unwanted pregnancy. In the ultra-digital, techno-authoritarian society in which she lives, pregnancies are automatically entered in a national register and monitored by the state, abortions are banned. Xzir is going to take the illegal path of the DarkWeb to end her pregnancy, whatever the cost.

Pablo Guscetti – Those who are no longer here (Direction)


Pablo Guscetti – Those who are no longer here (Direction)

with Elene Naveriani

Two women who have nothing in common must hide in a mountain refuge to escape a zombie attack.

Jonathan Daza Ospina – Silence (Direction)


Jonathan Daza Ospina – Silence (Direction)

with Elene Naveriani

A sound engineer records the sounds of a forgotten past in the jungles of the Colombian Pacific.

Fei Fan – Fenni in Wonderland (Direction)


Fei Fan – Fenni in Wonderland (Direction)

with Elene Naveriani

While wandering around Paris, Fenni, a Chinese girl, drifts between dream and reality.

Theofanis Papadopoulos – Firelight (Direction)


Theofanis Papadopoulos – Firelight (Direction)

with Elene Naveriani

Three siblings must keep two fires alive, to protect themselves from a monster that lives in the dark.

Anna Joos – NIEDERURNEN, GL (Direction)


Anna Joos – NIEDERURNEN, GL (Direction)

with Elene Naveriani

In a forgotten Swiss valley, an evil wind haunts the lives of former asbestos factory workers.

Valentina Parati – Acciaio (Direction)


Valentina Parati – Acciaio (Direction)

with Elene Naveriani

Through a metaphor with mechanical overtones, an unbroken chain of three situations, divergent and yet so connected by a single element: pulsating, living steel. A family car with a mom and her kid, a furious truck, flying cars. An endless lullaby of engines.

Documentary film workshop with Alessandro Comodin


Documentary film workshop with Alessandro Comodin

with Alessandro Comodin

The 2024 documentary film workshop for 2nd year students was lead by french italian director Alessandro Comodin.

Antoine Scalese – Open Countryside (Screenplay)


Antoine Scalese – Open Countryside (Screenplay)

with Anne Brouillet

This is the first draft of a feature film script, written over the two years of the MA programme.

Loïs de Goumoëns – Open Countryside (Screenplay)


Loïs de Goumoëns – Open Countryside (Screenplay)

with Anne Brouillet

This is the first draft of a feature film script, written over the two years of the MA programme.

Loris Ciaburri – Lux Vitae (Screenplay)


Loris Ciaburri – Lux Vitae (Screenplay)

with Anne Brouillet

This is the first draft of a feature film script, written over the two years of the MA programme.

Editorial Design


Editorial Design

with Delphine Brantschen

The semester project consists of two editions with identical content but different formats. Construct content from a news report, to produce two editions.

Type Design


Type Design

with Aurèle Sack

The second-year students had to develop the lower-case letters of two display fonts by hand.




with Adeline Mollard

During the visual identity course with Adeline Mollard, the students had to develop an identity project promoting a collection chosen by them. Each project includes the design of a catalogue contextualising and presenting the collection, together with the design of a poster.

Type Specimen


Type Specimen

with Robert Huber

Type design research and developmen displayed on a specimen.

Camille Anker – Once there was a storm (Direction)


Camille Anker – Once there was a storm (Direction)

with Valentina Novati, Héléna Klotz

In the passenger seat, a young woman waits for the end of the road unfolding beyond the window.

Pol Barrelet – Leave the hive (Direction)


Pol Barrelet – Leave the hive (Direction)

with Valentina Novati, Héléna Klotz

Mila is tired of living in this small town and dreams of elsewhere. But leaving everything behind means even her closest friends.

Mégane Brügger – Mom dances (Direction)


Mégane Brügger – Mom dances (Direction)

with Valentina Novati, Héléna Klotz

What remains of a mother after years of domestic violence? What remains of her body, her dignity and her strength? Surely words, memory and a few dance steps that can still be passed down.

Arsène Fragnière – Cartilage (Direction)


Arsène Fragnière – Cartilage (Direction)

with Valentina Novati, Héléna Klotz

At the end of the night, Gaël will abandon his group of friends. As the evening progresses, however, they realize that something is wrong.

Benjamin Eggenberger – The Stork's Lair (Direction)


Benjamin Eggenberger – The Stork's Lair (Direction)

with Valentina Novati, Héléna Klotz

An alienating love between two beings who wish to have a child but cannot.

Maria Luiza Vaz – Where were you at night? (Direction)


Maria Luiza Vaz – Where were you at night? (Direction)

with Valentina Novati, Héléna Klotz

Clara is a sixteen-year-old girl who lives alone with her mother in a small isolated house in the forest. Clara is full of vitality, but her depressive mother prevents her from breaking free. An encounter with a mysterious boy in the forest leads Clara to transgress her daily life.

Hervé Ossent – The hole (Direction)


Hervé Ossent – The hole (Direction)

with Valentina Novati, Héléna Klotz

Guillaume, a young pig farmer, discovers that his father is indulging in bestiality.

Donika Gashi – La vie de Lucy (Direction)


Donika Gashi – La vie de Lucy (Direction)

with Valentina Novati, Héléna Klotz

Lucy is a young Cro-Magnon woman, a descendant of Lucy the Australopithecus, who lives in a pre-historic, Stone Age, tribe.

Loïc Pidoux – Betelgeuse (Direction)


Loïc Pidoux – Betelgeuse (Direction)

with Valentina Novati, Héléna Klotz

Three young artists search for their place in the world, under the glow of supernova remnants.

Matteo Friberg – Death to the hunchbacks (Direction)


Matteo Friberg – Death to the hunchbacks (Direction)

with Valentina Novati, Héléna Klotz

Knight Borboron is poisoned and wants to apologize to Hildegund before dying.

Naïla Ebinger – Cartilage (Direction)


Naïla Ebinger – Cartilage (Direction)

with Denis Jutzeler

For my diploma project, I did the cinematography for the bachelor film of my classmate Arsène Fragnière: Cartilage.

Léa Favre – Who goes hunting... (Direction)


Léa Favre – Who goes hunting... (Direction)

with Valentina Novati, Héléna Klotz

Today, Lea is going in search of a subject for a documentary film. When she believes she's finally caught her prey, the roles end up being reversed. The hunter becomes the hunted.

So, how can we live better?


So, how can we live better?

with Nicole Udry

Beyond questions of functionality, comfort and individual or collective well-being, the built environment is capable of responding in a stimulating way to societal, energy and environmental challenges. Workplaces, homes, public spaces, interiors and streets are all driven by real statements of intent that motivate their design. The 2nd year Graphic Design students worked on a communication based on one of these principles (or others) and on the architectural creation that refers to it in order to promote it.




with Adeline Mollard

During the visual identity course, the 2nd year Graphic Design bachelors had to produce a communication project based on a translation. They had to define their own translation system and develop a visual language based on these rules.

Information Design


Information Design

with Angelo Benedetto

During the information design course the students of the second year have been asked to design a cartographic poster based on a film in the road movie genre, in a direct or abstract representation.

I as an Island


I as an Island

with Chris Kabel

Like Robinson Crusoe scavenged the wrecked ship for materials to build his home, First Year Master Product Design students, guided by Chris Kabel, were invited to delve into the flotsam of their creative minds for this open workshop. The workshop began with collecting, organizing, and analyzing creative flotsam and jetsam to create a self-portrait as a designer. Unrealized projects, obsessions and fascinations, irritations, vague dreams, (bad) jokes, and ideas too weird to talk about—all these resided within a designer's mind. Beginnings already existed: inspiring photos on phones, inviting materials, first ideas hastily scribbled down, quick sketches on paper, half-baked assemblages, or flimsy maquettes. These fragments and particles were analyzed to discover the kind of designer each participant was, extracting a direction for development during the week. This process of analysis, ideation, and translation, including the ‘end result,’ became visible as an island, shaped and populated by each individual's design process. It featured fragile beginnings, iterations, and the choices made along the way, culminating in a final conclusion shaped by material samples, shape research, 3D sketches, the development of a mechanism, a campaign, a film scenario, or whatever else was distilled from the initial flotsam.

Service Design - 2024




Service Design - 2024

with Angelo Benedetto, Vincent Jacquier, Pauline Saglio, Calypso Mahieu

During the Service Design course, the 3rd year of the Graphic Design, Photography and Media & Interaction Design bachelors had to create multi-media projects. A collaboration of the Visual Communication department which had as subject the SDGs (*Sustainable Development Goals). The theme was called "For a good cause, make the SDGs a reality" and its objective was to allow students to develop a cause that is close to their hearts. Each project consists of at least two different media, one primary and one secondary. These projects could take any form that the students deemed relevant, be it a website, editions, posters, a video sequence or virtual reality.

Generated memories


Generated memories

with Guy Meldem

During the Image Creation course with Guy Meldem, students explored the benefits of AI. Feeding the machine with their own illustrative style, they were able to generate a certain quantity of images, enabling them to produce a graphic novel, a collection of images or other types of illustrated editorial work.




with Julie Richoz

"Nuancier (n.m.): Material for presenting the colors and shades of a product." - French Larousse definition For this project, the students created and developed their own shades, surfaces, assemblies or materials, which they then shaded in several samples and assembled to create their own nuancier.






with Charlotte Krieger, Jean-Vincent Simonet, Florian Pittet (Sigmasix), Vincent Jacquier, Julien Gurtner, Matthieu Minguet, Cédric Duchêne, EPFL+ECAL Lab, Giacomo Bastianelli

For a week, the first-year visual communications students worked on an installation consisting of 15 screens, accompanied by a 360° sound system developed by EPFL+ECAL Lab. This chandelier, five metres in diameter and suspended from a height of three metres, served as a support for their experiments. Using music specially composed and spatialised for the occasion, the students explored the dynamics of sound both visually and in movement.

ECAL X HORGENGLARUS The Future is... Older


ECAL X HORGENGLARUS The Future is... Older

by Youssef Bassil, Meri Hozumi, Altamirano Castro Eduardo, Sofia Biondi, Gabriella Duck Garnham, Louis Ferraz, Justus Hilfenhaus, Clémentine Merhebi, Fanny Marrot, Lilian Onstenk, Aurelia Pleyer, Antonio Severi, Loïs Weber, Yichen Wu, Tom Jacquérioz

Who will we be? What will we need? How will we live? What will design offer? “Between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s population over 60 years will nearly double from 12% to 22%.” — World Health Organization Led by Tutor Sam Hecht and completed by first-year students of ECAL Master Product Design with input from the senior-lab, this project presents a range of objects designed for Horgenglarus that cater to the growing population of elderly users. The aim of these objects is to challenge the stereotypes associated with this frequently medicalised category, while leveraging Horgenglarus’s extensive expertise in wood-based craftsmanship.




with Friederike Daumiller

Even if it seems that digital is taking over analog, there's still an interest and need for us as humans to have a physical connection to our daily tools. So many designers swear by their drawing routine and real-life experimentation still plays a important role in our practices. Under the guidance of Friederike Daumiller students took the challenge to design their own interpretations of hand writing and hand drawing instruments always referring to their hands-on tests and experience.

Figure Libre


Figure Libre

with Elric Petit

Figure libre is an industrial design project that empowers students to explore topics of their choice. This semester, guided by Elric Petit, students developed their personal projects inspired by articles from specialized newspapers or magazines. The objective is to create projects with the potential to seamlessly integrate in our contemporary society and its economy, leveraging their personal affinities and interests to enhance their work.




with Alain Bellet, Mario Von Rickenbach

Using a mixed reality headset, the students used their surroundings as playground. Through creative gestures, each experiment proposes a way of interacting with the environment.




with Geoffrey Cottenceau, Gina Proenza

Whether it’s a parade, a particle accelerator or a dance ball, SLAP invites you to inhabit a space from a gravitational perspective. Positioned on the boundary between two and three dimensions, the works are subject to centrifugal laws and find themselves exchanging with one another to create fortuitous narratives, as if the continuous round of which they were a part of had suddenly come to a halt. The exhibition space becomes the site of a fundamentally social event - in terms of the works it hosts and the exhibition context - and reveals the social perspective that the works hold in rela- tion to each other. Like a boring chat with a friend of a friend, some pieces are overwhelmed by their conversations, while others lend themselves easily to them. You’ll have no hesitation in intercepting some of the phrases exchanged between the works, while having the opportunity to: reply/nego- tiate/argue with the social time-space that SLAP, as a real static meeting point, offers for an evening.

Workshop Jiri Oplatek


Workshop Jiri Oplatek

by Candice Aepli, Amélie Bertholet, Coraline Beyeler, Delphine Brantschen, Léa Corin, Matteo Cortesi, Mathilde Driebold, Eliot Dubi, Marc Facchinetti, Emilie Müller, Dorian Pangallo, Paul Paturel, Hugo Scholl, Diego Steiner, Cyprien Valenza, Alfredo Venti, Arnaud Wenger, Constance Mauler, Flora Hayoz, Lidia Molina González

An Ode to the Poster 80 Attributes 80 Fonts 80 Posters During this week, the second year students had to create 80 posters, i.e. 4 posters per person. Based on a list of defined attributes, they had to create typography and concepts around them.

“The Eskimo in the Mojave Desert”: Herbert Matter, a Designer Across Scenes and Genres

“The Eskimo in the Mojave Desert”: Herbert Matter, a Designer Across Scenes and Genres

with Jonas Berthod, Louise Paradis, Gilles Gavillet

Matter’s career was that of a multidisciplinary, international designer working across commerce and culture. He was not only a graphic artist but also a photographer, type designer, art director, teacher and film-maker. His work in the field of advertising and editorial design, his collaborations with artists, his self-commissioned work, his photography and film outputs and his long-serving position as an educator provide as many entry points to analyse the impact of migration and an international network on a graphic designer’s career. It also provides a case study to analyse the professional model of the designer working as photographer and layout artist simultaneously.

Much Faster / Much Slower


Much Faster / Much Slower

with Alain Bellet

Fictional mobile apps based on the "Much Faster / Much Slower" theme, offering new ways of consulting, communicating, creating, playing, discovering and learning. Students in their 2nd year of Bachelor Media & Interaction Design designed a dedicated experience and graphic interface via interactive prototypes on Figma.

Fiction film workshop with Carmen Jaquier


Fiction film workshop with Carmen Jaquier

with Carmen Jaquier

The 2023 fiction film workshop for 2nd year students was lead by swiss director Carmen Jaquier.

It's About Time


It's About Time

with Angelo Benedetto

Digital clocks with no temporal reference points, simple representations of the passage of time. Developed on the principle of screensavers, these projects are programmed to evolve graphically according to the time of day. Selection of projects created in the first-year Bachelor Media & Interaction Dynamic Display course with Angelo Benedetto, assisted by Sébastien Matos.

From A to B


From A to B

with Kylan Luginbühl

Video sequences realised during the 3D Graphics course led by Kylan Luginbühl. The videos interpret the From A to B theme, a direct exploration of the passage from one state to another. Projects realised during the 1st year Bachelor Media & Interaction Design.




with Nicolas Poillot

The "Commission & Photography" course aims to conceptualize and produce visual content for an editorial series, emphasizing applied photography and collaboration with an Art Director. It allows students to explore various photographic territories such as editorial, documentary, fashion, still life, and fiction. Objectives include understanding editorial commissions, conceptualizing and presenting ideas, as well as effectively collaborating with an Art Director. Students are required to produce a series of images while adhering to the given theme and constraints, while also developing preliminary research, a structured methodology, series architecture, and finding solutions to creative problems encountered. The theme involves each student selecting and photographing three personal objects that are particularly meaningful to them.

Photographic revelation


Photographic revelation

with Laurence Bonvin

Endurance In this course, the objectives are to allow students to experiment with new approaches or techniques regarding past, ongoing, or diploma projects. They also have the opportunity to revisit and refine subjects that have not met their satisfaction in terms of concept, form, technique, or execution. This experience aims to expand ideas, refine techniques, continue unfinished work while improving it, or build a more comprehensive body of images. Endurance lies at the heart of this process, whether it's persevering in completing a project, revisiting an idea until it's exhausted, or overcoming obstacles such as lack of time, self-confidence, or courage. This semester thus offers students the opportunity to confront their limits, surpass them, and achieve their best in their endeavors.

Can They Dance ?


Can They Dance ?

with Cyril Diagne

CAN THEY DANCE? is the result of a week-long workshop centered around the concept of Large Action Models (LAM). By repurposing existing platforms, the students leveraged the reasoning capabilities of these artificial intelligence models (LLM).

Type Design


Type Design

with Aurèle Sack

The second-year students had to develop the lower-case letters of two display fonts by hand.
