

Generated memories


Generated memories

with Guy Meldem

During the Image Creation course with Guy Meldem, students explored the benefits of AI. Feeding the machine with their own illustrative style, they were able to generate a certain quantity of images, enabling them to produce a graphic novel, a collection of images or other types of illustrated editorial work.

Image Creation


Image Creation

with Guy Meldem

In the course of the Image Creation course taught by Guy Meldem, third year students choose the subject they wish to work on. They develop their own technique and approach to image-making in preparation for their diploma project and their future professional practice.

Image creation


Image creation

with Guy Meldem

During the Image Creation course with Guy Meldem, the students had to develop a two-color teaching manual, with the aim of teaching a particular skill. Each project takes the form of a 16-page booklet with two different types of printing.

Alice Moor – Baraonda


Alice Moor – Baraonda

with Aurèle Sack, Guy Meldem

Baraonda is a playful system designed to help run creative activities. The workshop is based on a wheel of fortune made up of several circles that determine the characteristics and rules that will be put in place. Nine stages have been devised, starting with the widest circle and working down to the narrowest. A working theme is determined, followed by a technique, different materials, colours, and so on. In addition to the series of circles, I developed various materials to support the workshops: wooden stencils, a collection of images and self-adhesive letters. The development of the project and the results of the activities carried out in primary school classes in Lausanne have been brought together in a printed edition. The whole package comes in a cloth-covered cardboard box.

Louis Roh – Les chemins perdus


Louis Roh – Les chemins perdus

with Guy Meldem, Diego Bontognali

Millennia ago, humankind discovered electricity and never stopped exploiting and reinventing it, unconcerned, considering this resource to be infinite. This book, Les Chemins Perdus, opens up new horizons, between dream and fiction, through realistic and poetic notions. What if all the lights went out? It stimulates the imagination and offers readers light, childlike speculation. Interest in illustration, storytelling and printing techniques brings this graphic tale to life. This journey of colours and images appeals to a multi-generational audience, tapping into the potential of children’s books in these tense and confusing times.

Pablo Felley – 606


Pablo Felley – 606

with Gilles Gavillet, Guy Meldem

606 is a travelling and modular art space, built from shipping containers. Every three months, the space changes location and layout. 606 invites local artists to create new universes at the intersection of technology and reality. 606 comes to life at night and showcases its identity through constantly evolving 360-degree projections, which cover and transform the structure of the containers. 606 also exists throughout the city through animated posters that offer a new interpretation of the projected visuals. The communication of 606 is simultaneously developed in 3D, 2D and in rhythm.

Vera Gonzalez Ponce – Starlight


Vera Gonzalez Ponce – Starlight

with Guy Meldem, Nicole Udry

Starlight is a magazine that celebrates inclusion, socio-cultural diversity and sexuality through reggaeton. It is a tool that is designed to give a voice to people who are often marginalised, in order to highlight the invisibilities of our society. This issue offers keys to understanding and food for thought for a more equitable society. Desire manifests itself through images and these always have a primary intention. They are mainly dominated by the male gaze, but by taking things into our own hands this can change. It is possible to reverse perspectives and power dynamics. Be the protagonists of your own desires. Be proud of your own bodies. Be the stars of your own fantasies and of your lives.

Aude Gunzinger – Les Résidences nomades


Aude Gunzinger – Les Résidences nomades

with Guy Meldem, Nicole Udry

When the usual limits of publishing are pushed back, our senses are confused. We are confronted with new perspectives. Les Résidences Nomades engages the reader in a narrative through movement and body in a 9-meter pictorial language. It depicts a particular place and the customs of those who frequent it. Step by step, we discover a subtle reflection on fantasy, variations in perception and the limits of language.

Ella Paleni – Trait de caractère


Ella Paleni – Trait de caractère

with Guy Meldem, Gilles Gavillet

The place of the graphic designer in the age of technological advances: today’s world is in constant technological evolution, which raises questions about the place and role of the graphic designer. In this graduation project, I set out to explore this issue by adopting a resolutely manual and artisanal approach. I created a book from A to Z, using traditional manufacturing techniques, from the elaboration of the paper to the final binding. By moving away from the omnipresent process of digitalisation, I sought to express a need to return to the very essence of the graphic design profession. This project highlights the advantages of an artisanal approach in an increasingly digital world. It encourages reflection on the specific skills that graphic designers can bring to the table.

Aude Meyer de Stadelhofen – Pearly skin, Summer hit, Vanished by the wind


Aude Meyer de Stadelhofen – Pearly skin, Summer hit, Vanished by the wind

with Diego Bontognali, Guy Meldem

The beach is a conflicting space. At once romantic and ridiculous, timeless and urgent, a fantasised empty space and a crowded shore, a place of freedom and a border. Pearly Skin, Summer Hit, Vanished by the Wind is a trace, a metaphor for the representations of the beach in the collective imagination today, before its disappearance. The newspaper, divided into three themes – anthropology, climate and migration – juxtaposes dreamlike images, factual news, necessary texts and meaningless advertisings. These different languages emphasise the paradoxical complexity of the place. Using cyanotype, the sheet becomes skin, and the print becomes a tan. The back and forth of the waves marks the pages, strewn with grains of sand and sun cream.

Tessa Roy – Digital Feminist Manifesto


Tessa Roy – Digital Feminist Manifesto

with Guy Meldem, Tessa Roy

The Digital Feminist Manifesto website aims to present a set of principles for envisioning the body and its limitless nature in digital spaces, thus taking into account concepts such as inclusivity, the gender spectrum and intersectionality. The site consists of a textual section (the manifesto and its stakes) and avatars that represent one of the many possible interpretations of the body. These avatars are neither linear nor hierarchical; therefore they are organised in an evolving and branching way. Upon entering the site, we find ourselves at the central point of the page, allowing us to explore the site in all directions and discover its possibilities.

Laeticia Jakob – Sabina?


Laeticia Jakob – Sabina?

with Nicole Udry, Guy Meldem

The “Neovertebra” population continues to decline, decimated by high temperatures and food shortages. Nothing grows outside the greenhouses. To remedy the attacks that threaten the plantations, Sabina and Greg develop a dandelion-based fertiliser. Sabina? is a graphic novel in response to the possible collapse of civilisation. Faced with a certain sense of helplessness and passivity, the technique of hand collage appears as a palimpsest through which history can assume new perspectives. Collected images and personal creations accumulate and decay over the course of this dystopia, encouraging the reader to project and assimilate this information.

Lott of Prints


Lott of Prints

with Guy Meldem

During this week, students organized a lottery. Printed in offset, the modular posters that turned into cards enabled the first lottery at ECAL.

Création d'image


Création d'image

with Guy Meldem

During the image creation course with Guy Meldem, the students had to develop an editorial project around the faux. Each student chose an artist trying to reproduce his or her style through the creation of a 16-page booklet.

Image Creation


Image Creation

with Guy Meldem

In the course of the Image Creation course taught by Guy Meldem, third year students choose the subject they wish to work on. They develop their own technique and approach to image-making in preparation for their diploma project and their future professional practice.




with Angelo Benedetto, Guy Meldem, Sébastian Strappazzon

Workshop with Strappazzon With the aim of broadening the horizons of graphic design students beyond the media traditionally explored during their training, Sebastian Stappazzon, co-founder of AVNIER – one of today's hottest streetwear brands launched in collaboration with French rapper OrelSan – runs a week-long workshop at ECAL. From the proposals imagined by the students, a capsule collection was born, produced in a limited edition. The entire collection will be presented and on sale at an exclusive event on 15 December 2023 at La Rasude in Lausanne.

Image creation


Image creation

with Guy Meldem

Reinterpretation of an existing book.

Munch Porn World


Munch Porn World

with Guy Meldem

From adoration to contempt, the packaging is captured between its status as a tempting product, driving people to buy it, and as waste. The object contains a selection of used packaging from the food retail industry. The eye-catching advertising landscapes follow one another, accumulating visual signs: colour combinations, typography, photographs, illustrations, mascots, etc. Diving into this sea of abundance, so familiar, questions the consumer's relationship with these consumer goods. Why do we know so many brands? Do we buy a product? Or the image of it?

Image Creation


Image Creation

with Guy Meldem

Image Creation


Image Creation

with Guy Meldem




with Guy Meldem

Projet de création


Projet de création

with Guy Meldem

Elise Connor – Searching for Kummo


Elise Connor – Searching for Kummo

with Jonathan Hares, Guy Meldem

A family. The starting point is the colonisation of India. The only records we have are of the English men who settled there. The Indian women, their culture and identity were lost, erased. The only one we have left is called Kummo. When my grandfather Lionel arrived in London, he moved to Southall. This suburb is now known as “Little India”. The streets and signs are a testament to its cultural mix. This book aims to tell the suspended stories of my family and the visual forms they have taken, and sheds light on the women that have been erased by history.

Loïc Dupasquier – Blackout


Loïc Dupasquier – Blackout

with Guy Meldem, Aurèle Sack

Blackest Ever Black, a British record label, announced it was shutting down in 2019. This project pays tribute to the label through a post-mortem cassette reissue of its ten most outstanding musical releases. These feature two levels of information, a listing of how the tracks make the listeners feel and the barely visible metadata of the releases. The font used is my revival of a typographic drawing by Peter Behrens, which, just like the label did, enables me to take things from the past and make them contemporary.

Astrid Durand – Visite Maciet


Astrid Durand – Visite Maciet

with Guy Meldem, Nicole Udry

The aim of this project is to question our perception of museums and the artefacts within them. The issue here pertains to the museum’s impact on the obsolescence or enhancement of the material exhibited. With the Maciet collection, I sought to create a hybrid, flowing exhibition. The carpet, the main medium of this project, enhances our relationship with handicrafts and artefacts while providing visitors with a new museum experience and overcoming traditional hierarchies.

Leah Hardy – Paper Diary


Leah Hardy – Paper Diary

with Jonathan Hares, Guy Meldem

This artisanal project is an ongoing experimentation in papermaking. The successes, failures and overall evolution of techniques are documented to form a personal journal of an ancient craft. The project addresses the source and status of fibres; it addresses the opportunity to bring back to life old, used and unwanted paper that would have lost all trace of its past life through industrial recycling. The project is about accepting chance and the deficiencies of handicrafts for what they offer instead of eliminating them for what they do not.

Basile Fournier – Read only Memory


Basile Fournier – Read only Memory

with Diego Bontognali, Guy Meldem

“Read only Memory” is a speculative and fictitious design project that describes the concept of mind uploading through photographic images of landscapes taken by my grandfather, that symbolise his memories. It takes the form of a short film, with the aim of imagining how the transfer of a memory could be created and transformed into digital data that one could re-experience endlessly.

Noé Proton – Riondaz Colours


Noé Proton – Riondaz Colours

with Guy Meldem, Aurèle Sack

“Riondaz Colours” is a range of inks made from natural and local products for screen printing. The inks are created in a laboratory located west of Veyras in the district of Sierre in central Valais. Some of the products used in these inks come from the garden next door. The others are available locally, which means within a radius of fifty kilometres.

Aurore Péry – Passerines


Aurore Péry – Passerines

with Guy Meldem, Nicole Udry

“Passerines” is a short animated film that addresses the notion of cycle in the environment, through the theme of bird migration and its deterioration in relation to various aspects of human activity. Inspired by educational films and wildlife documentaries, this project aims to raise awareness of our impact on our environment through a loop that our actions influence and which deteriorates with time. Between contemplative scenes and explanations, this short film is an invitation to question our relationship to our environment. Prix BG Ingénieurs Conseils




with Guy Meldem

Realization of a pamphlet on a subject of your choice, with the following constraints: - use of 2 colours only, in 2 passages, with 2 different printing techniques - 16 pages - 3 copies

Fanélie Muselier – Whodat


Fanélie Muselier – Whodat

with Guy Meldem, Nicole Udry

Whodat is a music video for the group Nola is Calling, which took shape in New  Orleans. The album was produced locally and is inspired by the musical culture of the city. The group is made up of six artists from three different countries; they have created a sound mix that comes from every corner of the world and from a time somewhere between the past and the present of the instruments they play. The song I worked on is characteristic of the city and was inspired by its colourful atmosphere. The video proposes a stroll through its most emblematic districts. I used a felt-tip pen cartoon technique.

David Massara – Ripley


David Massara – Ripley

with Guy Meldem, Aurèle Sack

Ripley considers how to optimize legibility in an on-screen environment; the idea  is to transpose the legibility rules of body text from print to new media. This typeface is a toolbox that combines a multitude of axes to provide the reader  with ideal reading comfort. Furthermore, the font itself is programmed to respond to light sources. It adapts to ambient surrounding light changes throughout the day, increasing readability, in order to protect the reader from eye strain. This project confirmed my ambition to continue my career in the fi eld of typography.

Mathilde Avogadro – It's OK


Mathilde Avogadro – It's OK

with Guy Meldem, Nicole Udry

How do social media have an impact on individuals? How can this constant flow  of information nourish me, shape and influence my own personality and feelings? How can it have an impact on self-esteem and be self-empowering at the same time? There is a gap between the constant feed of images and texts and my own loneliness.  I stop the clock to draw attention to a global mode of communication that also produces inner communication as the result of every single feed echoing within us.

Federico Barbon – Alessandro Calabrese — The Long Thing


Federico Barbon – Alessandro Calabrese — The Long Thing

with Jonathan Hares, Guy Meldem

I had the opportunity to collaborate with the Italian artist Alessandro Calabrese on a monograph of his latest work. In this work the artist used a flatbed scanner to create all the works that are part of this project. Initially I was faced with this gap between photographic production and manual photographic composition. I was spontaneously inspired to take over the artist's production codes to design the book. In fact the entire book is composed through the use a scanner by hand.

Clara Aboulker – Babel, Bαβέλ, لباب ,לבב


Clara Aboulker – Babel, Bαβέλ, لباب ,לבב

with Gilles Gavillet, Guy Meldem

In Genesis 11 , it says: “The whole Earth was of one language, and of one speech.”  People decided to build a tower that would reach the heavens. To punish their pride, God destroyed the tower and confused their language. Babel is a multilingual book (four languages: Greek, English, Arabic, Hebrew) that  relates this biblical episode as well as the unfinished search for a unique and perfect language. This book considers translation as a solution to a universal language and proposes  to visualize the text in an architectural way.

Projet de création


Projet de création

with Guy Meldem

Image creation


Image creation

with Guy Meldem

Olivia Wünsche – Anima Mundi


Olivia Wünsche – Anima Mundi

with Vincent Jacquier, Jonathan Hares, Guy Meldem

Anima Mundi is a transmedia platform designed to revive some of the most fundamental philosophical virtues. The project carries out both theoretical and visual research about the «Deep Ecology» movement, which promotes the development of a physical, intellectual and, above all, emotional bond with nature. Different facets of the same content evolve across three mediums:the video-collage unveils an immersive and sensory experience while the book offers a personal study of conceptual matter. Both the book and video are published on a website.

Projet de création


Projet de création

with Guy Meldem




with Guy Meldem

Creation of a manual about a theme chosen by the student.

Giacomo Bastianelli – Next Eleven Paper


Giacomo Bastianelli – Next Eleven Paper

with Jonathan Hares, Guy Meldem

The next wave of renewal for music scenes comes from the developing world of the “Next Eleven” countries. Their over-driven economic metabolisms generate all manner of social tensions and cultural rifts, which generates some 21st Century musical form. That non-Western folk forms, colliding with digital technology, will spawn some avant-garde new sound. A form where sound is fully meshed with visual imagery. Next Eleven Paper redefines the way we promote music and fills the gap between physical object and digital media. The first number is set in Mexico City.

Sabrina Vega – May Jailer – Sirens


Sabrina Vega – May Jailer – Sirens

with Guy Meldem, Aurèle Sack

«I believe in the country America used to be. I believe in the person I want to become, I believe in the freedom of the open road. Who are you? Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies? Have you created a life for yourself where you’re free to experience them? I have. I am fucking crazy.»  My project is a bootleg of the album Sirens, by May Jailer, an american folk singer.

Ariane Delahaye – Misophonia


Ariane Delahaye – Misophonia

with Aurèle Sack, Guy Meldem

Misophonia is an hypersensitivity to a certain type of trigger sounds. The rage and the distress that it provokes are extremely violent and sudden. It is hard for somebody who doesn't have the condition to understand this suffering. «Misophonia» carries the reader into nine concrete situations of crisis, mixing both the narrative aspect and the expression of the extreme sensations experienced by the misophones. This graphic novel hopes to allow their surroundings to have a better understanding of the disorder as well as to invite the Misophones to identify themselves in the illustrated cases.

Sebastian Davila – Purple Country


Sebastian Davila – Purple Country

with Jonathan Hares, Guy Meldem

The phrase "Purple America" challenges the preconception that the United States is neatly divided between conservative "red " states and liberal "blue" states. Likewise, "Purple Country" aims to add nuance to the political jargon we so often accept at face value. In this political lexicon, words are (defined) not by their conventional definitions, but by articles, poems, political memorabilia. Their meanings warp over time and depending on who they are said and heard by. In these times of incomprehension, "Purple Country" serves as a primer for the linguistic chasm that has divided a nation.

Summer University Hong Kong


Summer University Hong Kong

with Angelo Benedetto, Guy Meldem, Harry Bloch




with Guy Meldem




with Guy Meldem

Realization of a machine to create images.

Imitation of Life


Imitation of Life

with Guy Meldem

Option design graphique


Option design graphique

« Composition » Composition libre à l'aide de formes dessinées au préalable. « a » Création d'un « a » de type linéal uniquement à l'aide d'outils manuels. « Fonte » Création d'une police de caractère à l'aide d'une bibliothèque de modules donnés. « Carte de voeux » Création d'une carte de voeux à la photocopieuse et avec une police de caractère donnée.

Dessin sous contrainte


Dessin sous contrainte

with Guy Meldem

Développement d’une contrainte physique qui influence la manière de dessiner.

Wrapping Paper


Wrapping Paper

with Angelo Benedetto, Guy Meldem

Silk printed wrapping papers.

Option typographie


Option typographie

"Maximage" création de lettres de 150 cm de hauteur de X, technique libre, travail par groupes.




with Guy Meldem

Calendrier réalisé en offset basé sur les techniques et effets du logiciel photoshop