Realtime Narratives

Realtime Narratives

During the Realtime Narratives course, second-year students had to create a real-time narrative experience using Unreal Engine software.
Based on the theme of "Chrysalis", the students developed the scenario, the graphic assets and the interactions.

The aim of the project was to raise students awareness of the use of 3D realtime engines and the various links with other software specific to each stage of development.

Studio project (2023) with Valerio Meschi

Théo Déchanez, Odran Jobin, Isaïa Delaplace, Viktor Gagné, Sasha Iatsenia, Jérémie Kursner, Gary Sandoz, Marius Parisod, Charlotte Pralong, Julie Turin, Emma Grosu, Ayten Gönel, Mélanie Martin
3D Graphics, Game, Realtime



In this immersive adventure, the user is plunged into the dreamlike world of a flower. When it falls asleep, it escapes through the doors of its room, revealing its dreams and nightmares. The game offers a poetic exploration of the flower's imagination, revealing unexpected situations.


By Julie Turin


"Phisus" is an interactive narrative experience in which the user embodies a water bubble bringing a fallen world back to life. In the universe of Phisus, humans have destroyed the Earth through wars and ecological crises. We retrace his history in the temple of a future religion that worships a vanished nature.


By Théo Déchanez, Odran Jobin




"Congruence is a puzzle-based escape game. Players must solve a variety of puzzles to progress towards the ultimate goal: a golden trophy that challenges the notions of reward and victory in games.


By Marius Parisod

wish i was here

"I wish I was here" is an interactive experience about grief. In this game, the player takes on the role of a little girl's ghost. She travels through different eras in the house where she failed to grow up, and watches her family mourn.


By Isaïa Delaplace, Viktor Gagné



shame of me

As the protagonist embarks on a fascinating psychological journey through an environment dotted with mirrors, he moves and confronts himself. The experience prompts reflection on self-acceptance and the will to overcome inner obstacles.


By Gary Sandoz, Jérémie Kursner


This VR interactive game explores girlhood through the vices of mother-daughter relationships, insecurities and the journey to find oneself. This unsettling experience allows for multiple different endings according to the choices made by the player.


Par Mélanie Martin

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_0002_Generative Layer 4.jpg


In this project, the user evolves in the heart of a city saturated with hijacked advertising. As the player explores, he or she is led to question the mechanisms of consumer society.


By Charlotte Pralong

The persistence of notification

We live our lives bombarded by notifications and distraction. What if we could escape and run away from all of them? That’s what this experience explores - escaping the mundane and indulging in serenity. Or does it?


By Sasha Iatsenia




fading away

Through this project, the user explores the concept of mourning the loss of a place. The experience takes the user on an emotional journey, from the housewarming party to the move, culminating in an abstract world evoking nostalgia for the old home.


By Ayten Gönel


"Light" is a mini game based on electricity. After a curse in the village, the player seeks a cure to regain the light. He takes on the role of a character who travels through various darker and darker places, accompanied by his own light: his light-bulb-headed companion.


By Emma Grosu