

Can They Dance ?


Can They Dance ?

with Cyril Diagne

CAN THEY DANCE? is the result of a week-long workshop centered around the concept of Large Action Models (LAM). By repurposing existing platforms, the students leveraged the reasoning capabilities of these artificial intelligence models (LLM).

What’s The Prompt?


What’s The Prompt?

with Cyril Diagne

During a week workshop given by Cyril Diagne, second year students explored the integration of machine learning tools in their creative process. By limiting the coding step in favour of using the concept of Prompt they experimented with Diffusion Models such as GPT3, Clip or DALL-E to create texts, images and videos. Comparing the way our brain seems to make our dreams and the way some AI models work, Elina Crespi used some Diffusion Model to represent her dreams.

Extra 2020


Extra 2020

with Cyril Diagne

A one week workshop with Cyril Diagne where students were asked to question the browser and its use, to change the experience of the web thanks to chrome extensions.

Fake it until you make it


Fake it until you make it

with Cyril Diagne

Photorealistic renderings of interactive installations imagined by 1st year Bachelor students in Media & Interaction Design as part of a week-long workshop given by Cyril Diagne.

Extra 2019


Extra 2019

with Cyril Diagne

A one week workshop with Cyril Diagne where students were asked to question the browser and its use, to change the experience of the web thanks to chrome extensions.

Point & Shoot


Point & Shoot

with Cyril Diagne, Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard

This project is the result of a collaboration between students in Bachelor Industrial Design and in Bachelor Media & Interaction Design following a workshop led by Map Project Office. “Double action” is part of the exhibition “Ligne de Mire” presented at mudac in Lausanne, from 14 March to 26 August 2018.

Timeline 125


Timeline 125

with Angelo Benedetto, Cyril Diagne, Vincent Jacquier

Timeline 125 is an interactive timeline for the 125th anniversary of Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne. The project is developed in collaboration with 1st year students in BA Media & Interaction Design.

Invisible Narratives - KIKK Festival


Invisible Narratives - KIKK Festival

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne

Two interactive installations created by third-year Media & Interaction Design students were exhibited in two different venues of the KIKK festival in Namur (Belgium) this year. Commissioned by the festival, the installations address the festival’s theme of “Invisible Narrative” through two iconic items: drones and surveillance cameras.

Hélène Portier – 20°C


Hélène Portier – 20°C

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Send a message: 140 milliseconds. Download a news: 1.4 seconds. Take a picture: 370 milliseconds. Information is accessible anywhere and anytime. Through our daily actions, we solicit the network without limits and without constraints. For most people, the internet is elusive and invisible. For GAFA, the network shall consist of data centers, submarine cables and coal mines. 20°C is a series of three objects that questions this physical reality and proposes a tangible interaction with our data.

Elise Migraine – Twins objects


Elise Migraine – Twins objects

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Twins Objects are three pairs of connected devices: Tits Me, Pianoze, and Dual Drums. Nowadays instant messaging is an unmissable actor of our long-distance relationship. However, if we discuss on these platforms with either a very old friend or someone we barely know, result to the same sensory experience. Twins Objects is a quest for new tools of communication, to reassert the worth of human connexions, using the possibilities of the IoT.

Pietro Alberti – Beyond Fields


Pietro Alberti – Beyond Fields

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Beyond Fields is a plateform independent puzzle game composed of three chapters each inspired by the fundamental interactions of nature. Throughout the game the player pass through different levels during which he has the opportunity to interact with various graphical elements that will allow him to rebalance the force fields and to solve the level. Thanks to a system of filters, it is possible to travel through different representations of the game - graphical, analytical or mathematical - thus allowing the player to have a global vision of the forces that are exerted between the graphical elements. Play online

Thomas Faucheux – Sockciety


Thomas Faucheux – Sockciety

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Uncovering an online socks store, “Sockciety” offers a way of consuming in which personal data issued from social networks are converted into rights or inhibitions to purchase. It is also a reflection on the consequences of the “datatification” of the world, mingled with a system of perverse gamification where all quantified actions become criteria for evaluation, necessary to the obtention of a uniform.

Salomé Chatriot – Distal Extension


Salomé Chatriot – Distal Extension

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

The global context of personal and intimate data diffusion and the associated challenges enabled me to open a discussion on the contemporary medical sector and on the cognitive evolutions linked to the development of new technologies. This Rube Goldberg machine shows a chain reaction similar to the breath’s journey within the human body, thanks to the combination of electronic devices and a person’s sensory input. The spectator corporally extends himself spatially thanks to the real time interaction of his main vital functions with a physical and digital environment.

Erika Marthins – Déguster l'augmenté


Erika Marthins – Déguster l'augmenté

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

What if we could augment our food? Would it be possible to experience a new dimension of a meal? This project is a desire to explore the potential of integrating data and storytelling in food. A proposition of expanding three desserts in a poetic way. A wedding of sound and chocolate, poetry and lollipop and animation and dessert. In collaboration with Chef Fabien Pairon Ecole hôtelière de lausanne, RayForm (Rayform light shaping technology), Jun Shintake Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (EPFL). Special thanks to: Michel Ferla (EHL), Dario Floreano Director of Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (EPFL).

Stella Speziali – Tangibles Worlds


Stella Speziali – Tangibles Worlds

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Tangible worlds is a project combining virtual reality and tactile sensations, allowing us to feel as close as possible to the virtual elements present in the installation. My research aims to make sure that the user doesn’t limit himself by simply observing the virtual universe, but interacts with the material within and become attentive of the feedback through his sensations and feelings that come by touching these textures. The installation is composed of three different boxes. Each box contains an IR distance sensor, which detects when a hand is inserted and display the virtual world attributed to the box. This new virtual world surrounds the user. A sensor is placed on each wall within the boxes, this sensor recognizes the hand and activates an animation inside the virtual world. I tried to map the sensors in the virtual universe so that a little clue is given to the user and will lead him to trigger the animations.

Error is Human


Error is Human

with Cyril Diagne, Alain Bellet

“Error is human and to blame it on a robot is even more so” Mixed media installation with Thymio robots (EPFL/Mobsya), commissioned by Vitra Design Museum. Presented until 14 May in the exhibition “Hello, Robot” at the Vitra Design Museum.

Semester projects


Semester projects

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard

Series of projects created during the 1st semester project of 3rd year Media & Interaction Design.

Swiss Data


Swiss Data

with Cyril Diagne, Vincent Jacquier

A series of interactive data-visualizations around swiss culture and the swissnex activity. Designed by Bachelor Media & Interaction Design students of ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, the projects were initiated during a one-week trip to San Francisco in March 2016. They present a novel and entertaining way to display various data. Commissioned by swissnex San Francisco.

Lara Défayes – FOMO Survival Kit


Lara Défayes – FOMO Survival Kit

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Cédric Duchêne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

The FOMO is a new word in our dictionnary. But what does it mean ? FOMO stands for “Fear Of Missing Out”. It is a compulsive concern that one might miss an opportunity or satisfying event for example, often aroused by our close relationship with social media websites. Imagine yourself alone in the wild city, going through a well deserved digital detox but yet hungry for new social interactions. Is there any way to find your path to the next event planned in your calendar ? FOMO Survival Kit offer you an urban survival kit that will take you to all the events you intend to go. Through a unique set of three connected object, you will be able to know the essential parameters of any social event, who, when and where.

Mylène Dreyer – Scribb


Mylène Dreyer – Scribb

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Cédric Duchêne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Scribb is a computer game in which the physical area scanned by the mouse is an integral part of the interaction. The player must draw some black areas, detected by the mouse, to be able to evolve in the game. So, in the same time, he has to manage the position of the mouse and the surface on which it is placed. This double reading questions our way of switching from digital to analog. The mouse, diverted from its usual role, is not only used as an extension of the hand, but as a physical object influenced by its environment.

Mirko Stanchieri – Pyrite


Mirko Stanchieri – Pyrite

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Cédric Duchêne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Pyrite is a puzzle game available on a tablet. The goal is simple: the player must reach a target randomly positioned in space by building a path and this in a limited number of shots. The view is an isometric projection which makes in particularly complicated and singles it out. In addition, the player’s levels and used paths freeze, creating new obstacles and increasing the game’s complexity. This project and its minimal universe is a continuation of the aesthetics that I have experienced at ECAL since the beginning of my studies.

Lina Vozniuk-Berzhaner – The Ptolemy Mission


Lina Vozniuk-Berzhaner – The Ptolemy Mission

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Cédric Duchêne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

The Ptolemy Mission is an interactive installation that encourages to experience the excitement of exploration by taking a look at everyday things from a different perspective. The project originated from my passion for the Space Exploration and my admiration of the beauty of the Universe. I wanted to show that ordinary objects we hold in our hands and think of them as simple and familiar can, in reality, be far from our understanding, like remote planets observed through a telescope. Exploring such ordinary objects can be as fascinating and surprising as exploring faraway planets.

Pablo Perez – AudioSight


Pablo Perez – AudioSight

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Cédric Duchêne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

AudioSight is a musical game on smartphone that has  the specific feature of not using the screen. The game’s principle is based solely on the sound the user hears using headphones. The only interaction between the game and the player is the latter’s head movements. The theme of sound in space, both real and virtual, is a topic that fascinates me - especially in the current context of democratisation of virtual reality, where our sensory perception switches between the virtual world and reality.

Alexia Léchot – Deltu


Alexia Léchot – Deltu

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Cédric Duchêne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Deltu is a delta robot with a personality that interacts with humans via two iPads. Depending on its mood, it plays with the user who is faced with an artificial intelligence simulation, who appreciates the small pleasures of life, sometimes too much. The relationship we have with robots/AI that have been created to enhance our performance, but have become a source of learning, is unique and exciting. The android’s place in society has not yet been de ned and remains to be determined; for me it is the best source of inspiration.

When Objects Dream


When Objects Dream

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Vincent Jacquier, Florian Pittet (Sigmasix), Pauline Saglio, Eric Morzier (Sigmasix)

Do objects sometimes dream about themselves? What if we could enter their dreams? Virtual reality? Connected objects? On the occasion of the Milan International Furniture Fair 2016, the ECAL students of the Bachelor Media and Interaction Design present a collection of interactive experiments.

Romain Cazier – Rec All


Romain Cazier – Rec All

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

This project is a personal interpretation of the geometrical puzzle game, widely popular on mobile. Taking some of this genre’s features, I also wanted to stand out and propose a singular universe, where strange creatures with a cyclic behaviour are generated from a simple gesture. It is composed of two parts: an “arcade” mode with different levels the player must resolve, and a “sandbox” mode where he can generate creatures at will. Rec All is the continuation of playful and technical experimentations I initiated at ECAL.

Bastien Girschig – Wimbi


Bastien Girschig – Wimbi

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Wimbi is a riddle game based on a peculiar interaction: Instead of touching the screen as usual, the player uses the table as an input to create the waves he needs to unlock the targets. As the levels rise, he will have to be more and more precise, and make good use of chain reactions, bounding, and clipping of the waves. This project gave me the opportunity to work on a combination of real and virtual spaces, allowing the game to extend beyond the simple screen, to create richer interactions.

Caroline Buttet – World Wide Gaming


Caroline Buttet – World Wide Gaming

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

World Wide Gaming is a geolocation-based skill game. This internet platform allows different teams to represent their cities in a virtual tournament. Each team plays with a mobile, and has to aim at cities as accurately as possible, by moving their phone in space. Working on that project gave me the opportunity to develop playful and surprising concepts about the perception of space and distances. Oh, and now, I know where Riga is.

Tom Zambaz – It’s not quite the Hilton


Tom Zambaz – It’s not quite the Hilton

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

It’s not quite the Hilton is a fashion film created for fashion designer Jonathan Ageneau’s diploma collection in which he imagined the hacker community’s changing room. The film refers to the “whistleblower” figure, presenting characters trapped in a blank space experiencing paranoia and boredom at the same time. Through its webcam, the user can interact with the film all along. This prolific collaboration was a great opportunity to design two distinct projects feeding off our exchanges throughout the project.

Martin Hertig – Sensible Data


Martin Hertig – Sensible Data

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Sensible Data is an interactive installation consisting of three machines that invite to create a passport from your personal data. Take a picture of yourself and a machine will draw your portrait. Send an email and an algorithm will judge your age, gender and beauty. By pressing a dubious button, you can get a nice confirmation stamp. Thank you for your contribution! This project allowed me to question the confidence that we have in the data collection systems that surround us: fun in exchange for personal data.

Nicolas Nahornyj – Lazy Pen


Nicolas Nahornyj – Lazy Pen

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

After receiving a dozen handwritten letters from my grandmother, I finally decided to answer them. I wanted to combine the practical side of computer-based word processing and the emotional aspect of one's handwriting. This tool allows the user to distort the typeface as they write, using the moving palettes placed beneath their palms. The goal is to be able to produce one's own typography in real time, thus offering a more personal touch.

Maxime Castelli – Nelson


Maxime Castelli – Nelson

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Nelson is a tiny connected module designed to to bring everyday objects to life remotely. It’s based on a very simple forwards and backwards movement as we do in our everyday life, like pushing a switch. Connected to the internet it triggers setups previously defined by the user. Designed and built with the help of designer Arthur Didier, this project is the completion of my studies, working in most of the fields of interaction design and industrial design to mix both towards an innovative creation.

Sebastian Vargas – Postgram


Sebastian Vargas – Postgram

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Postgram is my personal automated online bot dedicated to the practice of “fair hacking”. Using an @post.gram instagram account, each time a photo is published, the bot uses geolocalisation data to seek someone living close by, using a public directory. Once someone has been found, he/she is automatically added as a new contact in my phone and is sent a printed postcard of the image. New contacts are notified of the postcard with a suggestion to meet and film the encounter. Postgram counterposes public data and image making, using a process of “fair hacking” of public services.

Guillaume Cerdeira – Moon River


Guillaume Cerdeira – Moon River

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Moon River is a 2D top-down view game. The player is locked in the screenplay: when he crosses the boundaries, he finds himself teleported to the opposite screen side. Three levels challenge the player, leading him to use the abilities of the character to solve a series of puzzles becoming more and more complex along the game. This project was an opportunity for me to create a coherent universe, but also to offer an entertaining and challenging experience.

Edoardo Parini – GET


Edoardo Parini – GET

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

GET is a project that connects your senses, usage and behaviours with your everyday tools and mobile apps. GET is a bracelet which allows you to gain access and control over such tools through an invisible and intuitive interface which is so smart that it can recognize your gestures, thus interpreting your intentions. I have always found human–computer interaction fascinating. Thanks to this project I had the chance to test new kinds of interaction which do not require any physical connection with the object and to imagine a hypothetical future where the perfect interface becomes the body itself.

Victor Férier – SkyRod


Victor Férier – SkyRod

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

SkyRod is a family of three games that transform tiny physical objects into video game heroes. Suspended with a rod fixed on the screen, the objects become integrated into the virtual environment of the screen. Moving in front of the webcam, the user make the objects interact with the content of the screen. I combined simple visual effects with advanced technologies to create intuitive interactions playing with space and perception, which are main subjects in my work.

Pierre-Xavier Puissant – EURI - LOW RES AWAY


Pierre-Xavier Puissant – EURI - LOW RES AWAY

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

LOW RES AWAY is a modular telepresence system of which EURI is the first module. The goal of this work was to extend one of the reflexions of my Bachelor Thesis: the idea that the instantaneity of the Net “makes geography obsolete”. I decided to work on the sound representation of weather data based on simple idiophonic objects. For this first module, I worked on rain data. An app allows the user to define a point to retrieve weather data from. The EURI then create an abstract sound composition, replicating a distant reality.

Hugo Simon – #OneMinute


Hugo Simon – #OneMinute

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

#OneMinute tends to propose a new way to create an image. Users are invited to enter a Hashtag of their choice, then – connected to the famous Instagram network – the machine records every picture uploaded with that similar hashtag during the last minute prior to execution of the programme. By gathering this information, each time the machine is able to produce a new singular image mapping the flow according to the popularity of the hashtag. This project is a follow-up of a reflection on the relationship between digital and print.