From Screen to Paper Abecedarium

From Screen to Paper Abecedarium

A one week workshop with Jessica In where 1st year Media & Interaction Design and Graphic Design students worked together on the link between screen and print content. During this week, the students did formal research in Processing in order to create an alphabet book, which was then printed using an Axidraw plotter.

Workshop (2021) with Jessica In

Clio Hadjigeorgiou, Paul Lëon
Tickie Bindner, Ekaterina Bliznyuk, Agathe Bourrée, Julien Caulet, Ilaria Citti, Elina Crespi, Paul Nouvelhomme, Pablo Felley, Juliana Ferreira, Aude Gunzinger, Sasha Iatsenia, Hugo Jauffret, Jérémie Kursner, Arthur Lucchesi, Thomas Neyroud, Tessa Roy, Caroline Ryser, Laeticia Schwendi, Simon Schönmann, Alexandra Sensi, Jeanne Weber, Niki Zaal, Michelle Zadio Villarroel
Robotics, Creative coding, Type design, Electronics
