Amen Break

Amen Break

Creation of a poster on a piece of music of one' s choice, using the Amen Break sample. The poster is composed of two layers: a typographic layer and an abstract layer explaining the rhythm. In a second step, the posters of each student were reduced to A5 format and the layers exchanged. The result was silkscreen printed.

Workshop (2020) with Vincent Devaud

Samuel Bregnard, Morgane Cachin, Raphaël Carruzzo, Marine Dang, Vera Gonzalez Ponce, Aurore Huberty, Benjamin Huerta, Anaelle Iglesias Carballo, Hugo Le Corre, Leoni Limbach, Marion Marquet, Alice Monguzzi, Julie Pavia, Tania Praz, Marjolaine Rey, Antonin Ricou, Mathilde Rietsch, Nina Treichler, Samantha Trinkler, Aurélien Uberti, Fiona Valais, Charlotte Viglino, Alice Villars, Manon Vouga, Loris Wahler, Mara Wohlfahrt, Lara Zettl

Creation of a poster on a piece of music of one' s choice, using the Amen Break sample. The poster is composed of two layers: a typographic layer and an abstract layer explaining the rhythm.

In a second step, the posters of each student were reduced to A5 format and the layers exchanged. The result was silkscreen printed.


Léo Pizzera × Antonin Ricou
Mara Wohlfahrt × Marion Marquet
Marjolaine Rey × Charlotte Viglino
Charlotte Viglino × Marine Dang
Charlotte Viglino × Samantha Trinkler
Mathilde Rietsch × Aurore Huberty
Benjamin Huerta × Léo Pizzera
Benjamin Huerta × Alice Monguzzi
Mathilde Rietsch × Aurore Huberty
Tania Praz × Marion Marquet
Tania Praz × Manon Vouga
Marjolaine Rey × Marine Dang
Julie Pavia × Ella Paleni
Julie Pavia × Hugo Le Corre
Julie Pavia × Vera Gonzalez Ponce
Vera Gonzalez Ponce × Julie Pavia
Vera Gonzalez Ponce × Ella Paleni


Samuel Bregnard × Julie Pavia
Anaëlle Iglesias Carballo × Alice Villars
Marine Dang × Samantha Trinkler
Marine Dang × Marjolaine Rey
Aurore Huberty × Mathilde Rietsch
Mathilde Rietsch × Aurélien Uberti
Aurore Huberty × Aurélien Uberti
Morgane Cachin × Léo Pizzera
Morgane Cachin × Alice Monguzzi
Alice Monguzzi × Morgane Cachin
Ella Paleni × Hugo Le Corre
Anaëlle Iglesias Carballo × Charlotte Viglino
Ella Paleni × Samuel Bregnard
Ella Paleni × Vera Gonzalez Ponce
Marion Marquet × Manon Vouga
Raphaël Carruzzo × Tania Praz
Raphaël Carruzzo × Mara Wohlfahrt
Marion Marquet × Nina Treichler
Samuel Bregnard × Ella Paleni
Marion Marquet × Tania Praz
Marion Marquet × Mara Wohlfahrt


Antonin Ricou × Benjamin Huerta
Aurélien Uberti × Mathilde Rietsch
Alice Villars × Anaëlle Iglesias Carballo
Manon Vouga × Marion Marquet
Samantha Trinkler × Charlotte Viglino
Aurélien Uberti × Aurore Huberty
Antonin Ricou × Léo Pizzera
Alice Villars × Marine Dang
Nina Treichler × Raphaël Carruzzo
Nina Treichler × Mara Wohlfahrt
Nina Treichler × Manon Vouga
Hugo Le Corre × Julie Pavia
Hugo Le Corre × Vera Gonzalez Ponce
Manon Vouga × Tania Praz
Manon Vouga × Raphaël Carruzzo
Samantha Trinkler × Alice Villars
