Generated memories

Generated memories

During the Image Creation course with Guy Meldem, students explored the benefits of AI. Feeding the machine with their own illustrative style, they were able to generate a certain quantity of images, enabling them to produce a graphic novel, a collection of images or other types of illustrated editorial work.

Studio project (2024) with Guy Meldem

Louis Roh
Clara Besson, Joe Bionda, Alexandre Carruzzo, Maeva Chanson, Simon Cossy, Carolina Crivelli, Da Silva Romão Caroline, Siméon Dubuis, Clea Dunand, Alice Gillioz, Amélie Matthey, Joanna Metz, Eliott Mouissat, Gabriel Polgar, Korakot Unasit, Léa Verboux, Clara Hoya, Noa Jetzer, Darina Komm, Mattias Koskinen, Nadia Laprés, David Zwicker
Visual identity, Illustration, Editorial, Painting