For the member municipalities of GEDERIVIERA, the waste management perimeter of the Vaudois Riviera, students in the BA Industrial Design are envisioning a new public trash can.


Collaboration (2023) with Adrien Rovero

Emma Casella
Bruno Pauli Caldas, Inès Aznar, Alicia Berclaz, Jessy Bueno, Mattia Cook, Julie Meyer, Leo Crespin, Charlotte Dubois, Sacha Dufour, Hugo Duport, Jade Eymann, Antony Gallay, Nicolas Honegger, Sam Lombardo, Robin Luginbühl, Aleksandra Nazarova, Sven Odermatt, Annick Persechini, Marco Renna, Aramis Rüdisühli, Léonie Sammons, Shania Soares, Noah Watzlawick, Massimo Scheidegger


GEDERIVIERA is the waste management authority for the Swiss Riviera. Its principal mission is to study and propose projects to harmonise waste management in the member municipalities. In 2021, GEDERIVIERA initiated the creation of a brand new public trash can in collaboration with ECAL to bring harmony and freshness to the streets of the Riviera.

Présentation de prototypes

Présentation de prototypes

Présentation de prototypes

Présentation de prototypes

Présentation de prototypes

Présentation de prototypes


The students pooled their creative skills to imagine a distinctive trash can that would exhibit character while meeting standards of functionality and quality. After several months of fruitful exchanges with GEDERIVIERA, ECAL presented three innovative trash can projects, boasting a harmonious design specially crafted to seamlessly integrate into public spaces and thus meet the expectations of citizens.

Jade Eymann , Julie Meyer - MODULA
Jade Eymann , Julie Meyer - MODULA
Jade Eymann , Julie Meyer - MODULA
Jade Eymann , Julie Meyer - MODULA
Jade Eymann , Julie Meyer - MODULA



by Julie Meyer, Jade Eyman

Modula is a waste bin with a flexible design. Its ingenious perforations allow various modules to be attached, such as an ashtray, a notice board, a container for doggy bags and a lid. These modules can be easily moved, added to or removed from the bin. In addition, several Modula bins can be connected to increase their capacity or facilitate selective sorting. This modular approach leaves plenty of space for creativity and new, innovative modular designs from the Riviera.


par Aleksandra NazarovaMattia Cook 

Gyre is an elegant and functional waste bin, thanks to its design with a double sided opening that gives it a discreet yet striking shape. Equipped with an easy-to-handle hoop, removable ashtrays and a 180° opening, the ergonomics of this litter bin have been designed to simplify its use by public service employees.

Mattia Cook , Aleksandra Nazarova - GYRE
Mattia Cook , Aleksandra Nazarova - GYRE
Mattia Cook , Aleksandra Nazarova - GYRE
Mattia Cook , Aleksandra Nazarova - GYRE
Mattia Cook , Aleksandra Nazarova - GYRE
Mattia Cook , Aleksandra Nazarova - GYRE


Léo Crespin , Aramis Rüdisühli - CASQUETTE
Léo Crespin , Aramis Rüdisühli - CASQUETTE
Léo Crespin , Aramis Rüdisühli - CASQUETTE
Léo Crespin , Aramis Rüdisühli - CASQUETTE
Léo Crespin , Aramis Rüdisühli - CASQUETTE



par Aramis Rüdisühli, Léo Crespin

The "Casquette" bin, as its name suggests, is a nod to the fashion accessory, and adds a touch of elegance to a rubbish bin. This gives it its own distinctive identity and visibility in the Riviera landscape. Casquette has been developed using simple production methods to minimise costs and simplify the manufacturing process.