Mapping Workshop - Nature morte

Mapping Workshop - Nature morte

The first year students in Graphic Design and Media & Interaction Design and Photography worked on mapping projects. The structures, which the different groups created with blocks of polystyrene, allowed them to experiment and create video, 2D and 3D content while playing with notions of space, depth and rhythm.

Transversal project (2021) by Gwendoline Albasini, Tony Altermatt, Matteo Angelé, Adryan Barrilliet, Tickie Bindner, Ekaterina Bliznyuk, Stéphane Bonard, Agathe Bourrée, Laure Brandford Griffith, Ruben Campoy Bähler, Bérénice Cauchois, Julien Caulet, Baptiste Chevalier, Noa Chevalley, Ilaria Citti, Elina Crespi, Sara De Brito Faustino, Yann Difford, Paul Nouvelhomme, Pablo Felley, Juliana Ferreira, Alexis Gargaloni, Valerie Geissbühler, Eloïse Genoud, Aude Gunzinger, Sasha Iatsenia, Laeticia Jakob, Hugo Jauffret, Ianka Jean-Marie, Jérémie Kursner, Oliver Kümmerli, Ulises Lozano, Arthur Lucchesi, Antoine Massari, Daria Matveeva, Antonin Maudry, Aude Meyer de Stadelhofen, Louis Victorin Michel, Yan Miranda, Alice Moor, Thomas Neyroud, Romain Oederlin, Ella Paleni, Léo Pizzera, Flurina Ramondetto, Benoît Rochat, Louis Roh, Tessa Roy, Caroline Ryser, Davide Sartori, Lea Sblandano, Laeticia Schwendi, Simon Schönmann, Nita Sejdaj, Alexandra Sensi, Samuel Spreyz, Gaétan Uldry, Jeanne Weber, Antoine Woeffray, Niki Zaal, Michelle Zadio Villarroel

Margot Sparkes, Baptiste Lecanu, Paul Lëon, Kylan Luginbühl
Department Visual Communication
Graphic Design - Photography - Media & Interaction Design
3D Graphics, Photography direction, Visual identity, Web, Editorial, Motion design, Moving images